
Showing posts from April, 2024

The Gospel; Our Testamentary Trust, is NOT a religion, but a Ratified, in Full Effect, Will. Keeping faith is a Lifestyle of conscience, not subject to laws of men.

Latest installment of Discovering our Provenance(s); Assembly of the Heirs

In Service of Our Common Estate; Presenting the Gospel; Our Foundation is The Rock! "Upon This Rock, I will build My," Our Husbandry Rewarded!

" No foundation can any man lay, than that which is laid.." Our stand, justification, right-ness of our cause, assuming full responsibility for the oversight of Our Estate, government of our selves, sovereignty, independence, freedom, faith (compact; dependence on God), worship, conscience, expression, virtue, salvation, deliverance, Blessings, light of the Gospel, binding ourselves in unity, harmony, peace with affection to one another and God, as Our Creator, Father, Benefactor; Source ~ All Supply, Provider, and the Gospel; His Living Will! the United States in Congress assembled, Declared and Proclaimed ~ by Act and Deed ~ We are NOT ashamed! But Rooted and  grounded ~ in and upon the Truth. Light-bearers of the New Testament, for the nations, states, of the whole earth, the world. This is the Mantle, our forefathers assumed. PART TWO Our Anchor, Peaceful, quiet, safe harbor, shelter, refuge, from All of the Storm. Is Solid, Sur...

We have and Hold These truths are self-evident! There is One Source of Freedom for all; the Gospel ~ Good "New"s! Unto US, a Son is Given!

  Had our first call and a link is at bottom. Significance of earthen vessels? And the and "these" treasures, we are, and have and hold ~ within ~ this living land, composed of and called; earth. He told us there would be a great deception (aka the Great Fraud). Now we see it, are we not blessed?! To see exactly what it is, that we are able to Now overcome?! "Greater is He that is in us, than he that is in the world." We can do all things, through Him who inwardly empowers us! endunameo - dynamite power inside!  The State of Man. Man of the Land. We are buried with Him in baptism, clothed in dirt. Living man, the Land of the Living! The Assembly ~ "Fourth Part" ~  "of the World!"   "New"

The Free Study Manual for the Government; Ministering Abundant Entrance: Thy Word Brings Light! The old; Continued; "New" ~ All Things "New"~ This Gospel "of the" Kingdom on Earth as it is in Heaven.

Nothing New under the sun. But a New Testament was ratified in blood upon the death of the testator. Who made all things "new." A new "One;" Body, Government, world, nation, people, common law.. The New World, the "Fourth Part."  North, South, East, West. Three; First; Europe, Asia, Africa. Fourth; New; America. (s) Revolution, revolve, turn, turn, turn.. Independence; of full age.. Responsible, free. the 4 parts; the One Whole New. Last shall be first.. Who is promoted, drawing men to themselves? Or to the living God of Life, the Truth? What are they telling you? as vital information, to focus upon, dwell on, adhere to? What do they leave out of a broader, Big Picture, One Thing? ie; what do they tell, say? Why? And not say, why? Do not join, or follow, trusting in man! It is given us to discover our Heritage, and assume our rightful place. All things according to His Will, as in heaven, so on earth. To this we build together with Him. Truly serving Him, ...

New Rules; No More Use or Borrowing Our Titles, Stiles, Names! According to Our Rules of Grammar, and Our Native; American English Language.

 Trademark copyright infringement, trespassing, by the entities, instrumentalities, acting as "Governmental Services Providers, GSP, STATE OF STATE, PPP,  INC.s  More examples of Action declaring Total Separation, as dead to us as they are.

Tell One Tell All! All are Invited to Join Our Union! Who are Members? Decided By One Thing! That All May Rejoice, Partake, Fully, Freely. Whosoever Will, Let Him Come!


Morning News. Notice to All, Good News, as usual, Welcome All Our Members! Our Big Table is Turned. Thanksgiving for Peace, and remedy at hand

 The Destroyers Fly-Boys are at it, waging war on us, without cause, or authority, acting with unmitigated violence again, against; a people of, at, owed Peace. Peacefully occupying, inhabiting, not trespassing, on our own land. Little do they know, We are able to recognize, an invisible enemy, and make things for peace, that tend to the Peace, in due time, before things get any worse; under this, our, or that, other, stewardship ministration.. All the proof is in one fact boldly proclaimed for all time; why those in possession of the knowledge of the truth, chose to call themselves "Universal?!" (catholic). and as John told us, the infiltrators were already among us, in the beginning of our Union. The THING they created, was still NEVER the real, living, thing. The truth has always been handed down and carried, held, treasured, shared, among the common, obscure, unheralded, devoted, devout hearts, of ordinary men. In Recognition, Acknowledgment that we said commoners, are at...

Open Public Notice to All Men Everywhere. World Rulers Dethroned, Fall in Line! UN not Welcome Here Anymore! We are at Peace. Take your War With You and Leave, Go Now.

 Who falls Upon this Rock will be shattered to pieces, and Healed, Safe and Whole. Woe upon whom it falls shall be crushed!

Open Notice to Trump, Donald John, DJT.. the man. Accepting our energy, and Independence, UN Finished Business.

 Notice to Agent is Notice to Principal. Notice to Principal is Notice to Agent.   No Need for a New Ruler, Leader, Union, Faith, Way, or Deal! Our Lives, Fortunes, Sacred Honor, are not a Game, Mr. President, Sir!  And, not a thing; that is any of your business. Touch Not, My Anointed.