The Free Study Manual for the Government; Ministering Abundant Entrance: Thy Word Brings Light! The old; Continued; "New" ~ All Things "New"~ This Gospel "of the" Kingdom on Earth as it is in Heaven.

Nothing New under the sun. But a New Testament was ratified in blood upon the death of the testator. Who made all things "new." A new "One;" Body, Government, world, nation, people, common law.. The New World, the "Fourth Part." 

North, South, East, West. Three; First; Europe, Asia, Africa. Fourth; New; America. (s)

Revolution, revolve, turn, turn, turn.. Independence; of full age.. Responsible, free.

the 4 parts; the One Whole New. Last shall be first..

Who is promoted, drawing men to themselves? Or to the living God of Life, the Truth? What are they telling you? as vital information, to focus upon, dwell on, adhere to? What do they leave out of a broader, Big Picture, One Thing? ie; what do they tell, say? Why? And not say, why?
Do not join, or follow, trusting in man! It is given us to discover our Heritage, and assume our rightful place. All things according to His Will, as in heaven, so on earth. To this we build together with Him.
Truly serving Him, and all others, by so doing.

With all Credit to the Father of Lights, of spirits, which lights we are, to whom His commandment is not burdensome, but salvation, deliverance, translation into His Glorious, Eternal Kingdom.

From I, paul raymond. 


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