Tell One Tell All! All are Invited to Join Our Union! Who are Members? Decided By One Thing! That All May Rejoice, Partake, Fully, Freely. Whosoever Will, Let Him Come!



  1. Father, we thank You! With all our hearts. We honor You, loving Your Son, to love one another, is no sacrifice at all! It is the least we can do. And this we have done, do, and will eagerly do, better, more perfect, in humble gratitude for the unimaginable, unfathomable riches, good fortune, abundant Blessing, undeserved Favors, Graces, Tender, Loving, Kindnesses, and Mercies, which You have lavished upon us, beyond words to describe. Let us add to words, the works! And greater works than these! There is Truly None Like You, our Abba! Joshua! our Light and Life! With us now and forevermore. Your just stewards, serving, in this generation.

  2. by I, paul, this Day. "I told the world, the world, a word. I said it all!" Just like You told me! a man after Your own Heart <3


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