In Service of Our Common Estate; Presenting the Gospel; Our Foundation is The Rock! "Upon This Rock, I will build My," Our Husbandry Rewarded!

" No foundation can any man lay, than that which is laid.."

Our stand, justification, right-ness of our cause, assuming full responsibility for the oversight of Our Estate, government of our selves, sovereignty, independence, freedom, faith (compact; dependence on God), worship, conscience, expression, virtue, salvation, deliverance, Blessings, light of the Gospel, binding ourselves in unity, harmony, peace with affection to one another and God, as Our Creator, Father, Benefactor; Source ~ All Supply, Provider, and the Gospel; His Living Will!

the United States in Congress assembled, Declared and Proclaimed ~ by Act and Deed ~ We are NOT ashamed! But Rooted and  grounded ~ in and upon the Truth. Light-bearers of the New Testament, for the nations, states, of the whole earth, the world.

This is the Mantle, our forefathers assumed.


Our Anchor, Peaceful, quiet, safe harbor, shelter, refuge, from All of the Storm. Is Solid, Sure, True, Immovable, Incorruptible, Pure.

At the same time the mysteries of the kingdom are revealed, and to awakening awares, so too is all secrets, hidden things, being revealed. In this flood of information, keep our guards up, armor on, senses alert, vigilant, focused. We are not ignorant of his devices, our adversary.

"False Prophets"?! Messengers w/a message? is it good? or mal-intended?! an image, a post as an example of disclosure, contaminated by falsity in itself. A fatal flaw. Intentional? Innocent, in ignorance from prejudiced view singularly focused on the lie? and w/o being equally cognizant, rooted and grounded, knowledgeable, of the truth?

What's wrong with this picture?

What is the purpose of Discovery? Exposing the darkness? or in Search of the Truth?

It is Light which makes manifest! What is the light, we "examine all things" by, according to?

When is it sufficient to conclude what is self-evident?

A little leaven, leavens the whole. Information serving disclosure, much truth, and deception, if only by one detail. "They" call US "goyim!" and mock, and laugh, like its an insult?

we should know why "they" do?! Perhaps because it is a Hebrew word for "nations, people." Including "their" own; descendants of Israel, Abraham, the covenant people (which we are; ministers; servants; stewards; pillars; guardians; overseers; light-bearers; heirs of the New). We should also wonder why sites like these dwell, focus on the "el-ite's" (gods of this world) agenda. When there is the lie, but First came, and remains, the Truth?! In the latter days, God would gather His people from the north, south, east, west, the uttermost parts of the earth where He'd scattered them. And, He would bring them into their own land, promised to their fathers. And they would walk in His ways, and He would live and dwell with them, be their God, and they His people. To them are promised the two wings of a great eagle, and in acceptance, acknowledgement of receipt and good-faith possession of the great gift, the United States, in Congress assembled, Proclaimed Thanksgiving for Peace, salvation, freedom, sovereignty, our land, and all in light of the Gospel, our Light! See Proclamation of Thanksgiving 1783,

up and

Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things. Remember the light within you, you are spirit, spiritual beings, clothed in mortal flesh, composed of earth, earthly, earthen garments.

Therefore do not become partners with them; for at one time you were darkness, but now you are light in the Lord. Walk as children of light (for the fruit of light is found in all that is good and right and true), and try to discern what is pleasing to the Lord. Take no part in the unfruitful works of darkness, but instead expose them. For it is shameful even to speak of the things that they do in secret. But when anything is exposed by the light, it becomes visible, for anything that becomes visible is light. Therefore it says,

Awake, O sleeper,

and arise from the dead,

and Light will dawn, shine in and upon you.”


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