A Moment of Truth. What do "you see, sea?" Have to do with You n Me?

True Story. Short. Based on Actual Events. Happening Now Everywhere. At or near, With / In you? Look here at these two, and let's listen a moment. Or a few. Blah blah blah, UCC 9, blah, blah.., "Wait, what? WHAT?!" his indignation thundered. In a flash he was standing, his chair vacated so suddenly, it was now six feet behind him, on it's back. "A registered organization?! Do i look like a goddamned registered organization to you?!" In a moment of shock and awe he saw. And in that moment expressed. And accepted, forever after to have and hold the truth, which life transforming information he'd lived until that moment without. "Your offense is warranted, outrage is just. This thing has engendered great wrath, even of the Most High. Yours also is the common response of the dawning, of eyes first opening to comprehend the great fraud which has been perpetrated against them, and now, all mankind. While the information is everywhere and all signs poi...