Watch Out Now. They're Here! The "False" ones He Warned Us About!?


Beware those men who stir up vain controversies for argument sake, or sensationalism for vain notoriety n viral 'hits.' They sow strife, division, discord, and confusion, drawing attention to themselves, undermining the faith and Scripture. Do not judge too harshly though. They may not know better (but def should and are without excuse), being from the "how-dumb-ah-wee" tribe.
How dumb is it for English speaking people to not use English words, but others, foreign, strange, alien, not native to them, especially to describe and define their God?!
But they do. Some are even busy crafting new, hybrid words, combining parts of original language and English to produce bastardized offspring like "jehovah, yahweh, yeshua, jehoshua, yehovah, and so on?! For what reason?! To argue which is correct?! Oh i see. You're from the how-dumb-ah-wee tribe! Give them a wide berth. And leave them to their craft which has already fully deceived themselves.
Forgetting the translations of the original words, through successive languages, and in all languages today, with differing pronunciations. Did you know the pope doesnt say jesus? Not everyone can pronounce the "jay" sound. Some say "yay" and some say "hay!" So, which is he sayin? Yay-soos? Hay-seuss? But, they write it the same "jesus." Jee-zuss!?!?! Reminds me of another people who couldn't pronounce "shiboleth?!"
thank you! Finally some common sense in this twisted lunacy. Who is yeshua, yehovah, yahweh, jesus...??!! To me? Nobody, no one, nothing. Who made these words up? What language are they? Not mine. I speak English. I was raised protestant. God, the Creator, Who is Light and in Whom is no darkness at all, Who made man in His own image after His Likeness, Who identified Himself as the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, saying "I Am THAT I Am?" Who knew when considering man (to be or not to be?) Would be cause of injustice, needing blood to remove, to restore justice, peace, balance, harmony, equity? Who foreseeing the necessary cost for this experiment; someone will have to die for this! Who will pay the price, for, they know not what they do?!" Who said "I will pay. My life for theirs. I will die and thereby take away the sins of the world."
And all before the foundations of the world this forethought and foresight made provision to fully redeem all, even whosoever will, let him come? And thus knowing the Agreement being cut would (already had-in the end-) cost God His only begotten Son, tested the heart of the man agreeing with God to see if they were truly eye-to-eye in agreement, is this man willing to pay what I Am, Will, and already Have?!
Who sent said Son at the perfect time, with heralding from God "Peace on earth! Goodwill toward man!" Who then taught us, every man coming into the world, that Awesome, All-powerful God, Creator of all... good news! He is "our Father!" Joshua (the Son's Name in English) the Anointed One who is, and was, and is to come, the Anointed High Priest and King of the rulers of the earth - good news! He also is NOT ashamed to call us His Brethren!" So in English, i can see that God is my Father through the sacrifice of the Son, and now i am a son (if i am of full age and maturity, and no longer see myself as a child) in union with Him as Head of (His ) House, Eldest and Firstborn, and the rest of us- we see a vital living family. That's what this all is. Can you find your Way home? From whence you came? In the real First Place? Or will you have changed yourself, become other than what you originated as? Even, if it were possible, to make yourself unrecognizable to your Maker? Who would then say "depart from Me. I never knew YOU!"
Sovereignty derives from One Source; God. Who does not love God, and fellow man, love Truth, and peace, have no part in light, or Glory, or the eternal Kingdom which has now come. Let there be light. Let the light be our guide, and let it judge our honor. Peace


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