Memorial Day Message to the Elders, Elect, Shepherds, Ministers, Messengers; All Servants Overseeing the Flock of God

Regarding the warning to circumspection, vigilance, in caring for and NOT exchanging our birthright, First Estate for another;

The elders which are among you I exhort, who am also an elder, and a witness of the sufferings of Christ, and also a partaker of the glory that shall be revealed:

Feed the flock of God which is among you, taking the oversight thereof, not by constraint, but willingly; not for filthy lucre, but of a ready mind;

Neither as being lords over God's heritage, but being examples to the flock.

And when the chief Shepherd shall appear, ye shall receive a crown of glory that fades not away.

What man is there among us being free, and king in his own right, who would demean himself as to become servant of all? For what reason? For the honor? There is double honor. For what honor does a man humble himself? For glory?

He that would be greatest among you, must be servant of all!

And whosoever shall exalt himself shall be abased; and he that shall humble himself shall be exalted.

And be clothed with humility: for God resists the proud, and gives grace to the humble.

Humble yourselves therefore under the mighty hand of God, that he may exalt you in due time.

There is the One, Great King: Maker of heaven and earth. He is Light, and in Him is no darkness at all. He is responsible for us; is our Light and Source; and our Father as it is written “our Father,” and “the Father of lights,” which lights we are, called “children of Light,” who keep the testimony, and first estate, not exchanging for any other.

There is one Body, composed of many living members, having One Head, Who is in Heaven, and Whose Feet stand on earth; “heaven is My Throne. And the earth is My footstool.”

 This is the largest Sovereign Body on earth! 

It is present, but poorly represented, and accounted for. It is scattered, fragmented, and disorganized. It is divided under many labels, and every splinter group of associated believers is doing what is right in their own eyes. Neither is there community as established in the record of Acts of the original assembly, all working for the common good, but rather like many multiple personalities and disjointed, not in union with or serving each other and thereby all, but “every man for himself.”

Is the Kingdom divided? Against itself? Is our Father responsible for this state of affairs? Is it the Kingdom in fact? The administrative authority He created by His Word in Matt 16 saying “upon this rock I will build My ekklesia- Assembly.”

“I” (Who? will do what? Why?) will Build. (who will the new thing belong to?) My (what, exactly?) Assembly. Is this what you are all working at? Unless He builds the House, they labor in vain who try. Unless they labor together with Him, and build according to His Patented, published, recorded design.

I am witness with firsthand knowledge of the facts that this is NOT what man has built and most men are building towards today.

What has been built by man to administer and oversee the affairs of the People of God? (This is the Name of this Sovereign Body of people, joined in contracted union, bound to His Side. “The LORD’S Portion is His People!”) Let us examine it?

Have this people forsaken the assembling of themselves together? As One Body? One People? Under One Banner? Nissi!? Has this People, a peculiar people, holy nation, chosen generation, whose identity, laws, customs, espoused in holy union to the Most High God, consummated in Blood, predating all existing institutions of men, departed from God as their Source and Original Benefactor, and bound themselves to another? Even, if it were possible, to His sworn arch-enemy?!

Is this horrific state by intent?! And, the result of full and common knowledge, acceptance and approval of all responsible? Or, is the opposite true? Which means the elect in our day, and in our time, are in fact deceived! And it is true of them that “they know not what they do?”

The facts are as follows.

Men concocted a scheme to seize upon the “right of rule” of God’s people; His Treasure and Portion; the Heritage of the Most High, as expressed in Scripture. These did not intend to administer this government which rests on His Shoulders, overseeing the Covenant, for the beneficiaries; minor, dependent heirs, future generations of ‘heirs of God, and joint-heirs with The Son,’ seed of Abraham and heirs of all the promises, with strict fidelity to God our Father’s revealed Will. But, the opposite is true. They did conceive to suppress the Gospel of Freedom by limited disclosure, alteration and obfuscation, obstruction and misdirection. They crafted ways and means, eventually a system and “broad way which seems right to men, and many there be (most, in fact) that find it. You? Are any of you ‘on, adhering to, following, doing business, conducting yourselves, in this way?” If it were at all possible, it should certainly be examined to see if these things are so.

What has been built by man to administer and oversee the affairs of the People of God? Let us examine it?

Having done so, it is found that the instrument used to ensnare and enslave God’s People is known as and calls itself “church,” and “The Church.” My research, publicly posted in video and written form, proves the latin-derived word “church,” as deriving admittedly from Greek; “kuriakos,” not “ekklesia.”

Which 'greek to me' word “kuriakos,” meaning ‘belonging to the Lord,’ only occurs 2x in New Testament text. This is exact same number of occurrences its’ translated word “church” is entitled to appear, in honor. Minds of men at the point of decision of these translations, conspired with darkness by usurping a more preferable place in Scripture, so they did what usurpers do. They usurped the prominent place of “ekklesia,” which founded the kingdom of heaven on earth, and through such device have reigned as kings upon the high places of the earth, gaining to themselves all the wealth and benefits arising out of the Promises, while depriving and extorting without mercy the intended beneficiaries of their Protected, Guaranteed, Published, Recorded, Covenanted Birthright and First Estate. These trustees, "guardians, tutors and stewards" administered the 2000 year age of Grace under the former system of compulsory compliance to the written law, and CAPITALIZED on the difference! And the children of light were none the wiser. Until,

Finally, the Scripture became available to the common man, and the Message finally reached our eyes, ears, minds and hearts! Within little time, man discovered the Way, the Truth, and the Life for himself and personally. These men being free, threw off the unjust former reins and protested! They actively, positively, manifestly Resisted! And declared independence in the faith. They followed by throwing off the tyranny of a king, expressing to have no man to rule over them any more, but with firm reliance on Divine Providence!” aka ‘put your TRUST in the Lord!” And, with such confidence, affirmed, ordained, and established the lawful, faithful, prescribed self-governing nation, state of the People of God, the Keepers of the Flame, Mantle, Message and Pillars and Guardians of the Light of Truth, the city set on a hill, the salt of the earth and light of the world. God is in the midst of her; Jerusalem our city of peace. Being a word with nine letters, the “midst of her,” in our native tongue, is “usa.”

So, how did the former administrator of the Global Estate Trust manage to bring the Protestants back under his wing? Against their will, by force? Freewill offering of themselves? Or seduction by sorceries and cunning deceits, were they lulled into letting their guard down? The answer is the latter of course, don’t forget who we are “dealing with.” And, the way he accomplished it?

Darkness schemed, “let us make enticement to benefits, such as tax-exempt status. Of course they are exempt already, and without our jurisdiction. But, we will offer a state-recognized status, by which they may freely join themselves to us by incorporating into us and “our thing! Thus, they will leave their original, first estate as under God through His Son, in vital, organic union and incorporation as a living member into the Living Body, and they will unwittingly sign a pledge to a latter state, in union with me, a part of my corporation, fiction, dead, artificial entity, having no life in itself, or seed of itself in itself. Perfect in diametric opposition to all of God’s Ways, the people will be without excuse as they follow and routinely defile themselves in every way in relation to their God and His Law, carrying on with their professed allegiance, confession of faith, while every act in deed is hypocrisy against the same! Serving God with their words, while their works deny Him. "

With that, the 501c3 was birthed on the earth. And, the churches ran into its’ protective shelter of safety. Then in 2005, the conservative hero GW Bush made a great donation, placing words on paper to effect “501c3 is an agency of state.” Still believe in “separation of church and state?” They have been merged into one since 2005. And, little do most protestants know, that the Parent Corporation of all man-made corporations on earth is the oldest one; called the Catholic, universal, Church (bankrupt/closed by Benedict; dissolved in liquidation by Francis, who declared the new thing is pagan). So, was Bush donating the church to the state? Or, the state to the church? Does it matter? They are two sides of the same coin. And, the coin is called “the unclean thing!” A fiction made by man to rule over God’s People, would be called a BEAST by one not familiar with the concept? For, that is what we are faced with.

“Come out of her My People! And be ye separate! Lest you share in her judgments and punishments and swift, sudden, destruction!” 

Please notice the imperative this time is not addressed to Pharaoh, "let My people go!" But to us, His people, to act and move. It is because the people are not being held against their will. The system is served voluntarily.

Can judgment be averted by prayers? Is God our Father unjust? Or a man that He should lie or change?

The Unclean Thing responsible for stealing, killing, destroying, trampling the Heritage of our Father, opposing His Will by depriving the people of the Gospel in deed, sincerity and truth, is judged and condemned already. Wrath is set and certain! Who claims a private and other interpretation? Who moved the ministry into 501c3 status? Did he/she/they know what they were doing? and, why?

Now this present darkness is administered via the term “city-state?!” As written, “the city was divided into three parts?!” Resulting in the Empire of the City. Being the tripartite Head of the BEAST; the Vatican City, the City of London, and Washington DC, which flag represents the Empire; with three stars?

I have made numerous, prior attempts in the past 4 years to contact acting servants, leaders of the church, and have been ignored in non-response by all to date. This time, I will say what seems most necessary for all to know, to be without excuse whether they choose to receive or reject it.

The "angel" of rev 11 has been riding since September 23, 2017. Checking on all who claim to be in service of the Father. Now, called upon to active duty at time and place “state” of necessity, will they serve according to their claims? Or, are they only children occupying, playing, learning, talking, training, acting like, the real seats and offices of authority? If the Kingdom is suddenly under all-out siege and attack for to finally extinguish the Light and throw off the limiting restraints of the Most High once and for all, what may become of those sons of the kingdom who were not prepared and ready and willing to serve in season, who also claim the same is their sole purpose and priority, devoted cause?

In closing, the die is cast, and lot is fallen to us brothers and sisters. For such a time as this. Choose ye this Day whom you serve. And, leave no doubt! Or, no evidence to the contrary! Confess Me before men! Dissolve any appearance of service to any other! Let every man’s words and works agree. And one claiming UNION with the Father, not being found to have consensually bound himself to the enemy of Light- who ‘knew not what they did or were doing’ – should immediately be loosed, and set themselves free from the snare of that fowler!

Time is of the essence. Much work to accomplish, with little remaining time (but, just enough) to accomplish what remains lacking. The fields are white, and laborers few, because those invited to the kingdom prepared from the foundations of the world, are busy in another, and incalculably lesser thing, called church.

I close by noting the focus chosen for Pentecost; For my part, I have written the message received through Passover, and it unfolds as particularly Passover, liberating, and monumentally historic! It is the light and the gospel, good news of freedom, even the promised and provided Way of escape.

My words are not hard to follow or complicated. I mean no harm but peace, and the effectual working together of God’s People as One Body, in Union with our Head. It is Memorial Day. Let God’s people remember who they are! And, forget none of His Benefits! And, shed all labels which serve only to divide. Embrace only those words describing our identity as His in His Word! So fulfilling “confess Me before men!” We have all been deceived! The old guard is dead and fallen! That "knowledge of good and evil." We are now in the dawning, awakening, "arise shine! your Light has come!" ie outpouring on all flesh, when the kingdom is as a tiny seed within a few, but which knowledge shall increase until the full day, and the “whole earth is filled with the knowledge of the glory of God!” Let it be, Abba. Let there be light. Let there be Glory!

I am available to contact at 6032528252. My blog, serving as Kingdom Record and Post~ and assembly v church proof at Youtube; Choose Ye This Day;

a man sent from God, whose name is

paul raymond

 no response to date. unanimous non response to this moment, over 40 offices, hand delivered, every other notice publicly, thousands of views, one agreement, makes two... we recognize no legitimate duly authorized agent of any foreign thing, corporation especially revolting. You corporate persons with you impersonation crafts, you own them all now, your words, deeds, acts. you created them, agreed to them. signed dated, sealed all of them. the peple claim the full record, as evidence of the servants administrative peformance in their service to Employer, Boss, Ruler, The Creator, and His heirs!

All acting authorities, so-called formerly "church and state" are fallen, indissolution, now being attempted again. Duly Noted. Heap on some more Boys! More prefect indeed. children, what is perfect, can it be improved? who receives "perfect" and comes back demanding "More?"
The Authority recognized Declared, ordained, established, unanimous as One, full agreed to, is the Word,living word became flesh, and dwells among us, who do you say that I am?

except the Lord build the House, they labor in vain
who try at all. all have been invited. They have no regard, or need that they see, by their ignorance they prove it, when it was in their power to do otherwise. return a call, letter, email, etc. We have done it all. Meanwhile, busy at "their work" the hour of their visitation is passing them by. That is horrible iving Tragedy. so fulfills the invitation to the Banquet of the Great King. Now it goes out to the rest of His People, mankind, all over the one, big world! Glory, Let there be Light!!!


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