A Moment of Truth. What do "you see, sea?" Have to do with You n Me?


True Story. Short. Based on Actual Events. Happening Now Everywhere. At or near, With / In you? Look here at these two, and let's listen a moment. Or a few.

Blah blah blah, UCC 9, blah, blah..,

"Wait, what? WHAT?!" his indignation thundered.

In a flash he was standing, his chair vacated so suddenly, it was now six feet behind him, on it's back.

"A registered organization?! Do i look like a goddamned registered organization to you?!"

In a moment of shock and awe he saw. And in that moment expressed. And accepted, forever after to have and hold the truth, which life transforming information he'd lived until that moment without.

"Your offense is warranted, outrage is just. This thing has engendered great wrath, even of the Most High.

Yours also is the common response of the dawning, of eyes first opening to comprehend the great fraud which has been perpetrated against them, and now, all mankind. 

While the information is everywhere and all signs point to it,  including an inner gnawing sense that "something is wrong," the common, good willed, peaceful people are not able to easily accept the truth that such evil could even exist, let alone its being conjured and practiced against them by their trusted, chosen, elected officials. 

They were forewarned, the people and their servants, by the Father and the Son.

Now the Light has come. And pierced this present darkness. And, it is light which makes manifest. And of all things, the truth becomes self-evident. 

Recall the parables of the vineyard, the unjust stewards and judges, the woes to the lawyers. Look at the woes to those merchants of the earth, who made merchandise of the bodies and souls of men. And, Isaiah recorded the first witness against these same in chapter ten, saying "woe" to who record unjust decisions so as to rob the innocent and poor, depriving them of justice, and their property, freedom, and even their lives.

Finally, see in Galatians 4, the authorized custodial state of guardians of the minor, dependent heirs, and their estate, until the appointed time when they all grow up and attain adult, majority, maturity, independent status. Is it not a binding contract? As it is written "You have exalted Your Word above Your Name." Who assumes responsibility accepts all terms and conditions. 

We see the breach occurs at birth, or just after. But, the mechanism is pre-positioned in place, lying in wait. Behold the dragon positioning himself between the child bearing woman's legs! To steal, kill, and destroy.

Until Now is the time that man is grown up, and no longer a child. And, he is beginning to see himself that way, as he is. And beginning to identify with and as such, with his words.

This is the move and work of the very Spirit and power of the Most High who dwells among His people in the hearts of men. and it is overspreading the whole earth. Not heralded as such directly, men call the phenomenon being witnessed, experienced,  observed, the "awakening," which it certainly is. 

Now having accepted the truth and seeing it clearly for yourself, for you are now able, let us leave this ugly treachery,  and bring our attention to bear in focus upon the lighter, brighter, and positive side, and examine the Way of Escape."

the common wealth of brothers
and the Elder serves us younger
He also is not ashamed to call us His brethren.
"In Him I will place My Trust, 
in Him, We Have, Placed Our Trust.
Sign-ed, Sealed, fully delivered
I am Yours!!!
there came a man, sent from God, and My name is, Paul raymond
our words, our rule(s), ie c ei
found bob today! no joke; justa walking the dogs, (me, tatum, blue, my sister named em) anyway, so bob n nancy, thats their names. came along in their golf cart, so we met. theyr the 'older' couple, prob not too much older than me, anyway, they live next door, the dogs were goin over there until i got the fence finished. had to plug the last hole with a piece of concrete artwork, finally keeping blue in. they love the dogs, i could tell they wer getting fed. but we hadn't met yet, except i just met their daughter dina, dee-na, pretty sure, anyway, we met a while ago once, and she knew the dogs already too. sweet family, they do love our Father and His Son too. anyway, isnt giggle a cool fun word? giggle, tickle, elelele, lalalala, so after we mwt, exchenged each other's "titles," bob, golf cart driver, wife nancy, gave me a tract, w a stone, innit, like i had just got that little gem of blue ,word escapes me, volcanic glass, i once had some black i got at fandango pass. but this is amazing, blue, and stone, solid rock. but lets light pass through it! even when im moving the camera different angles and sides, to view it from all facets, i imagine if a craftsman w proper tools, would factor equations, make his own rules, measures, or stick with yard, foot, and cubit. oops, i ment 2 sae cube - it. i can square anything, cube it 2. it's we ar the factor, is the true issue. e,m,c. hehehe. dont be a square, dualed ee doo, that is the best u can do. u2. as 1. i 4 1, One, of,by, for, all, means all. There is one body, people. and, We are all in! do you like our new name? or, is it familiar to you? May be we should play a game of hide in plain site seek. right after this. He created them man and woman, and blessed them and named them mankind at the time they were created.
Notice is , was, and given, continues tue be, w no appearant sign of intention to altar, koreact any of they heiress eras errors.
this is more of the same. Notice. them, Novella, Novel, Legal-eeeeezzzeee, sleeezee, saepean-te as surpence, suspense, good friday to you, don't loose ur head, hey kids! kiddos! hhahahah, right?! they dont know! any better, you Fools! they know not what they do, take a bow, its because of ewe, and your gang, thang, fang room broth,u dont deserve to use an e or L. paper,straw,add water, pulp, fiction, mortar, bricks. cmon man?! ewe can t find it in you to be more creative than that? oh, youre really that limited? wow. everyone always thought you were sooo powerful. now, its so simple, to read you like a book. and when he is old, he will not depart from it. remember? yes. i do. once the rule has trained the child, he no longer worries about them, having accepted they serve, so he can enunciate properly, anticipating the sound, without needing the littel symbol over it any more. k im movin on. haeres some pics, my life story, in a glimpse, Moses rewind, fast forward...
go west, young man.
i am old, back east. I am Alnobak, too, now. People of this land. on Ndawww-kin-nawww. it means our land. the land promised to our fathers. did we all not descend, from fathers? people? we were told they'd be here, though when granted they were not yet, we are sent to tell them, of their enfranchisement. you all, had your chance, your day in the Big time Sun, the Torch of the Lord, has ben Passed, to a new and chosen generation, living breathing, today. One Body, One Heir, One Head, of heirs. Hello! hey that reminds me; oh i cant go into it now. ask me sometime, about walmart padre! a meeting of the minds, two kingdoms collide, passover, paschal, 40 days in the wilderness, lent, 2nd week of 5 sundays? i believe he said, such a delightful brief engagement, all honor, respect, friendly way, neighbor too. ok. Dammit! as long as we all can get along!!!!!! prob left the best part out again. nitee night, fear not? how bout, peace, blessings, abundance, more than you can even think, dream, imagine, lalalllaaaaala, thats a party folks! a, see, single e. one. oui, iee ie i won. over n out, comm speaking ly . all kidding aside for now on (this post imean, obviously, what's a child to do. or should i say, a young ish old elder now, anointed many years ago, but was for timing and seasoning, training, instruction, learning to walk according to His Ways, called, the Way, follow Me, He would say! we follow Him. dont ever My people get it twisted again! any man, seeking a following, idrawing attention to himself, becoming the central focus, depend on guiding light, love praises of men, chief seats, the like. we know better. one who leads, is at best first to follow. and that place and every other place since is taken. to each his own,.. we run the race, play the game, by the rules. when the bugle blasts awaken, its just time for good byes. and Hello Welcome Home, the King of Glory, in unapproachable Light! breathed into man, mighty rushing wind of life, shall not live by bread alone, not good that man should be, or eat alone, or go fishing, or guitar playin...you never leave me

~  Your paul ~

there came a man, a people person, sent from God, my name is paul raymond. my yes is yes and my no means no, i speak english, am od full Age, having prior accepted receipt, acknowledged and deed of reconveyance, snip, healing salve, not "spit!" Repairer of the Breach is Presenting Gifts, endowments, in abundance, though plundered for 6 days! ish. joy to the world! the light has dawned, and there aint no nothing any nobody (remember that guy? he has a lot comin to him!) can do to Prevents Him! He is sooo good though? Cmon man!! 


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