Our fathers fought for freedom they’re descendants were never allowed to enjoy. They earned and are owed benefits; full faith and credit, that they were never given. They were cheated out of their heritage, and as their heirs – we ours, by cunning craft, deceitful scheming, trickery, wickedness and lies of Trusted men. Even, if it were possible, by the elect. Who have punished every generation since for letting it happen. Surrendering our birthright, first estate. Every Covenant enfranchised/protected/secured/ recognized member of the descendants of who “pledged their lives, fortunes, and “Sacred” Honor!” are aka, in other words; the Heirs of All the Promises; Held in the Trust. A Community of Faith was present, prior and higher status, and participated in the ordination of the new and original administration. Which authorized, granted, chartered, ordained Community and our religion, identity, culture, customs, compacts, laws, are pre-scribed, “fathered” and “grand-fathered.” ...