Our fathers fought for freedom they’re descendants were never allowed to enjoy. They earned and are owed benefits; full faith and credit, that they were never given. They were cheated out of their heritage, and as their heirs – we ours, by cunning craft, deceitful scheming, trickery, wickedness and lies of Trusted men. Even, if it were possible, by the elect. Who have punished every generation since for letting it happen. Surrendering our birthright, first estate.

Every Covenant enfranchised/protected/secured/ recognized member of the descendants of who “pledged their lives, fortunes, and “Sacred” Honor!” are aka, in other words; the Heirs of All the Promises; Held in the Trust. A Community of Faith was present, prior and higher status, and participated in the ordination of the new and original administration. Which authorized, granted, chartered, ordained Community and our religion, identity, culture, customs, compacts, laws, are pre-scribed, “fathered” and “grand-fathered.”

We the people, heirs owed lawful, good-faith service and amity in perpetuity from all our Contractors and sub-contractors by all Treaties, have been rather treated, exploited, ensnared and trafficked by soul-less slave-masters and criminal, plundering pirates. Transported through strictly regulated commerce as slaves using chattel paper “Titled” persons having “similar names,” but being owned by who created, named, is thus responsible for; “in this world, you have “benefactors.” Remember the name, and number of the name, is his name, belonging to him who originated it. Reckon within yourselves the distinction between that thing, a fiction existing only on paper, in a world of fiction(s), and you; a living man, standing on the earth under the sun, with attached status, heredity birthright, first estate, having exclusive right of use to a given (as free gift) name. All Factual, verifiable as self-evident by virtue of fact that he came alive into the world through / out of woman.

The question needing to be answered is, whether you are functioning as a “U.S. Citizen” under the foreign international Law of the Sea, or an American whose nationality is the state you were born on. (national; owing allegiance to the land and its’ people aka the “people of New Hampshire,” whose duty is to keep the peace and uphold the public, common law) is the land and soil (state/county) born on, is native of/to standing under the Law of the Land,

Two separate political statuses, governed by two separate jurisdictions; common- “law of the land,” vs commercial; “law of the sea.” Everything “out here” seems, looks and feels the same. Your name looks the same, you look the same, but in one status you are a subject of a corporation bound to obey its’ foreign policy as law, and in the other, you are free and heir to your land and guarantees of the Constitutions.

Our unincorporated Federal, State, County Government organizations were unlawfully and without any granted authority converted into / replaced / succeeded / by foreign substitute; private, commercial corporation franchises; “entities” doing business as, in the business of - governmental services providers.

These functionaries lording over us with heavy hand are notgovernments providing services!”

They are “corporations” providing “governmental services!”

These functionaries lording over us with heavy hand are notgovernments providing services!”

They are “corporations” providing “governmental services!”

These functionaries lording over us with heavy hand are notgovernments providing services!”

They are “corporations” providing “governmental services!”

This allowed these organizations access to our credit, “considerations” in the form of "Federal Block Grants." But, it also converted Public Officers and Elected Officials (like our County Sheriffs) into private corporations, and employees thereof, having no Public Office or attendant authority whatsoever. Only actors playing characters with costumes, roles, scripts. And, rules for playing along if you’re presumed one of ‘theirs.”

Ya following? Keeping up? Need to catch up? To follow along? You’re at the Big Table now, see? How THEY talk? What they’re playing at? The responsible “adults in the room” of “high contracting powers” always talk over the children’s heads. Every word matters at this conversation. It’s YOU and YOUR children’s children’s children’s Business being discussed and decided!

This same process unlawfully converted our election processes from being Public Elections to being private corporation shareholder "elections" orchestrated by political lobbyist organizations.

An Elector casting their ballot in a Public Election is electing a Public Official who is responsible to the Public Interest and operating under the Public Law.

A voter casting their vote in a private commercial shareholder election to elect a "Representative" is handing their proxy to that person to do whatever to hell that person wants to do with it--- without any accountability to the individual "voter".

A Public Official in this country is accountable as a Fiduciary and must demonstrate Good Faith in what they do in the name of the Public Interest. They also function under Public Law and have to uphold and enforce the Constitutional Guarantees owed to the people of this country.

An elected Corporate Representative holding proxy votes of shareholders, by contrast, is not liable as a Fiduciary, doesn't have to demonstrate Good Faith, and doesn't function under Public Law and doesn't have any obligation to uphold and enforce the Constitutions.

This is how the foreign federal subcontractors operated and conspired to evade their obligations to the people of this country and the limitations imposed on them by the Constitutions. 

Covid19 is code name for operation kill the heir and steal the vineyard. “We stole it fair and square!” They’ve always liked to claim. 


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