The BONDS are Broken! We are Set Free! Notice to Francis the Fallen

OPEN NOTICE TO FRANCIS - You made many Titles to claim many 'things.' Who holds title to man? Did you forget about "purses with holes in them?" Now the only title you have in fact, is your own name, which you know you cannot escape, nor the incalculable liability attached to it. For this reason you are fearful as your master, who knows his time is short! Poor poor francis, my fallen brother. It was given you to ride upon the high places of the earth. But you took liberties. You were granted Life, but it was not sufficient for you. You chose to usurp the free gift and birthright of our family members, the children, sons, and daughters of our Father; the One, True Living, Most High and Only wise God. And you did so with your predecessor "bishop" overseers to every generation of redeemed since The Redemption! The blood and equity of all the saints and prophets slain and exploited since that day are upon you and those in league with you. Woe is you now Francis. Cursed to crawl on your belly eating dust and ashes, with the serpent you serve, and have become like. Did you forget also "though you beg God to kill you, you will never die?!" You will never know peace, nor home. Was it worth it? The trampling of the Heritage of my Father, and yours in the first place? To defy "the Lord's Portion is His people!?" For riches? silver and gold? To know the depths of satan? To commit the unpardonable? But if you have not, there is yet time. Very little but more than enough! Tell the world what you have done. Confess your sins and be reconciled to God and His Covenant and people. There may be a chance for you. Kiss the Son, Francis. Lest He turn and tear you to pieces! Who knows if He will relent, and leave a blessing behind Him? otherwise, it is outer darkness for you. Far removed from the Family of Light, eternally so. There will be weeping, wailing, and gnashing of teeth. The great separation is at hand. And the ingathering. The meek shall herit the earth. And the children of wickedness, who could not accept the least command, which is also greatest, not burdensome for it is light; treat others as you would be treated, shall never be seen or heard from, or ever bother us again. According to the perfect law, He has seen, and we are witnesses how you treat others. Which is given to be how you wish now and ever after to be treated. Listen, do you hear the sound? Like a roar, is it an ocean? Beating wings? Hooves? Riders approach! He is coming! And your full reward is with Him, Francis. After the pattern you expressed through all your words and works, so it is measured now back to you. In good measure, pressed down, shaken together, overflowing in limitless, exponentially ever-increasing eternal super-abundance; patterned perfectly after your own treatment of others. Spectacular fortune for you from God's own Hand! Enjoy Francis. I do not envy you. You def asked for it, worked very hard and well deserve the pending visitation. As you were told in January, the kingdom is stripped from you and is given to others bearing the fruit of it. Since there are none with standing to object; Deed Acknowledged, Acceptance of Receipt and re-conveyance by counter deed perfectly executed, keep the church, you built it. And it is what it is. Marked for wrath and sudden destruction. But as for any living men, women and children in that thing, thus says the Most High - "Come out of her, My people! Lest you suffer her punishments with her. Choose ye this day who you will serve. No man can serve two masters. As for me and my house, we will serve The Lord God of our fathers Abraham, Isaac, and Israel. The people, family, house, estate, nation, kingdom, assembly, sons, daughters, children, believers, followers of God through The Way, Truth and Life are Free in Deed through the Present Covenant ratified in the shed Blood of The Only Begotten Son of The Most High God our Father, The Prince of Peace and King of all the rulers of the Earth, Who also is not ashamed to call us His Brethren; Whose Name being translated in English is Joshua the Anointed High Priest. We know our Savior and Redeemer lives! Our Head and Chief Shepherd is He and He alone has claimed us and we happily, freely belong to Him, serving only Him according to His Way. We are His people, the sheep of His Pasture, we reserve all rights, claim all exemptions, and waive none ever. Religious grounds are sacred, upholding prohibition by law that we may not be compelled to violate conscience in thought, word or deed, by violating any of His Commandments, or prostituting ourselves in service of false, foreign gods or ways incompatible with The Way Whom we are solely and securely bound to in love. Let it be and so be it.

 By: I, paul raymond , and in the Name of Joshua The Anointed King and High Priest


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