Letter To the people of Croydon, and Sullivan County


Open Letter To the People of the Land Promised to our fathers, called Croydon, And

To the people of all the towns of Sullivan County,

To All To Whom These Presents Come, Greetings

I/we have all watched the genesis of this disturbance, its’ unfolding and gaining momentum, for it was a public spectacle in the first place, and playing out in real-time since. There is no question that many are feeling dis-served, even betrayed by their elected officials. And, many of the same are moved to act as a result, awakened and energized to heightened sense of responsibility in local affairs. Fitting, since the people ARE the true government, the original authority is in them. This people even witnessed the same when an entire department of town govt was dissolved! Evaporated. One minute it was there, with office, authority, officer, truck, gear, records… The next moment, poof! Gone! Is not! No more! Does not exist!

Is it magic? A trick? Or the awesome, Divinely granted, Plenipotentiary Powers of the people at work?! Being executed, discharged by them, according to their will? Now, it appears they have a hurdle in their way, which must be overcome in order for them to succeed. What if they do not succeed? For Peace sake I hope and pray they do. (so should their agitators) Because it is clearly their will. And contrary to the will of the few schemers who caused this, who were in the know and among a group who discussed not from within the scope of their duties as holding offices of trust, matters decided by the boards/depts in Jan, making the agenda for March vote, but how to affect, circumvent and undermine that system by personal force from without office, as a private man may do? At least that’s how things appear.

Trust is Sacred, a Fragile Treasure we all hold and recognize the value. Recuse for conflict of interest, or even the appearance of, is a thing for a reason. And, revocation of trust for cause. Mixing public and private gets murky fast, especially when self-interest and secrecy show their faces in the facts, benefit of doubt fades quickly. To have so many involved actually being elected, in office, serving term, but planning in secret to affect the town in a loophole way, rather than the way known and prescribed to them by law, is shocking. They know better than to “go there,” in my opinion. (Or Definitely should, and are without excuse) Remember “avoid even appearance of?” Should mean to an elder; elect; trustee; “don’t go within a thousand miles of there, or anywhere that looks like there!” Higher standard..

I should think if such a conflagration were to occur, it should have to be shown to be of such absolute, imperative necessity to act, in such a way, which not acting, in such way, would equate to abdicating duty, and upon examination after the fact all action proved in strictest adherence to best interests of all under such “extraordinary circumstances” or “emergency conditions” which did not exist. Any of the above?

It saddens me to say they have shown me for over a year now, and especially by this, how much more I value my trust than they do. By this what do I mean? Sit down people, it is far worse than you know. I was asked to write words speaking to the Croydon School / free stater uproar, which I agreed to do, with caveat that from my perspective of things, there is a vastly larger problem than this single issue. The people feel like they slept through a single meeting and this happened. Needing half the town to overturn one man. Imagine what we slept through for the last 250 years!? This is what I have to tell you, and warn you about. What you do, or not, with it, is up to you. 

As for the free stater controversy, they are responsible for bringing them whatever inconvenience, which is fueled by unanswered questions from the people for years. I have asked publicly before, what is it? What are you about? Can you have a meeting and lay it all out for us? Maybe we would agree it is wonderful? They who are addressed rarely respond, but hide in silence while the wives or “friends of” come out and redirect, shouting down at- as if the problem and trouble-makers are the goodwilled, honorable, curious, peaceful people asking questions. Now they seem stuck in that m.o. been repeating once a year or so. Nobody saying “free stater” that I’ve found, can give any articulate answer specifically because the local members of the Free State Project have refused, or been afraid and not confident in their cause as to have boldness to come out and proclaim for all to see and hear, that all may clearly comprehend and carry on. Add to that natural suspicion resulting, any negative personal, official, or business interaction, and THAT becomes what a “free stater” is. Is that fair to the “Free State Project?” Doesn’t seem to concern “it.” Ian and Jody are lauded in highest regard in those circles, despite the rubble state of their local evangelism, and negative light they are now being seen in by association. Having looked into the “Free State Project” myself since I couldn’t get clarity around here, I found no fault with their goals. But I do not defend them. Why did they not feel comfortable publicly, openly, freely sharing their ideas which they are obviously committed to with others, from outside? From the beginning? This was a loss for all, in my view. We need more outsiders to come in and secretly try to take over and change things? That was the fear they could have quelled at the start, if it was in their heart. But, in the end, it appears they validated it.

I was at Joe Marko’s the night before the March vote. For fourteen months I’ve tried to get a meeting with the selectmen. I called, emailed, left messages, stopped by, dropped things at the clerk, left things with Joe.

Still no response. Last I heard was Jody said they’re really busy and still trying to find time. Then I asked to use the town hall for a county-wide public assembly. I was told to put something together and present to them. Friday before the School vote, I delivered a copy to Joe of a 190 page record the sheriff is in possession of and with 30 days to respond. I was there updating him as he had asked me to do, about my progress seeking both to discover our state and remedy it. Still no answer after 14 months about a meeting, I said I would need an answer on this, in a reasonable time, like days. Joe informed me that he was fully occupied with preparing for the next days meeting, but maybe Sunday after, and maybe Ian will read the whole thing!

We are on the verge of losing our country. And, if we do not act, we already have! This is what I told Joe and by intention via him, the selectmen. With the response or default of the sheriff, the people of Sullivan County would know either; we are protected by Constitutional Guarantees or we only think so, and are deceived, without lawful protections, and in peril; establishing the “Necessity” to act! And Remedy the situation. I was there seeking the selectmen's cooperation in notifying the people of a constitutional crisis, and they went and caused one the next day?! Obviously I still haven’t received word back, as they’re busy with other things since.

After 3 ½ years of serving lawful notice with response required, including signed, sworn testimony, affidavits, request for information, evidence, explanation etc. to every corporate elected appointed official, officer, agent, FARA NOTICE, of three towns, the district court, the county, county attorney, sheriff, municipal Association, Dept of Safety, Dept Motor Vehicles, Attorney General, General Court, Governor, and others, with proofs of service to all; acknowledgment, acceptance of receipt. Finally, it is unanimous. Sadly including Croydon officials, all served are 30-0 in default, failure to appear or respond. Including last of all Sheriff Simonds who is sitting on evidence, sworn testimony of complaining victim, witnesses, that the clerk of court fabricated at least 3 verifiably false statements on and for the record, certifying to true and accurate under official oath and seal. Proof she was given time to produce material evidence substantiating her claims, which she failed to do. Nevertheless, and this is a single example of innumerable offenses, Sheriff Simonds thought it not deserving a response, nor does it meet his disapproval, allowing it to continue, he condones it.

To further illustrate our situation,


equal protection under law; lawful due process

In Sullivan County it is a fact that a man, traveling on the public way in his private property, minding his own business, bothering no one, having committed no crime and broken no law, can be stopped, searched, questioned, seized of freedom and all rights and property, arrested, shackled and jailed. Bailed, judged, fined or otherwise penalized, and it remains he committed no crime and broke no law? Shocking? Gets worse! Would it surprise you to know that throughout the process the man endures, he himself is never addressed?! Nor does his name appear on ANY documents?! So, in fact he has not even been accused of anything?! But, he is nevertheless “treated” like a criminal, and fingerprinted and photographed, being made to “look like one too?!”

It is a fact in Sullivan County that a man jeopardizes his rights by exercising them! This is the state owing to the administration of the Chief Law Enforcement Officer of “The County of Sullivan, Inc,” which all “acting authorities” have chosen over and against us, the living heirs of Sullivan County.

No cause of action. No crime. No victim. No Trespass. No harm, injury, damage or loss. No competent witness or verified claim. No probable cause or reasonable suspicion. No warrants. No due process or service. Thus perfectly deficient in form, practice, and service.

What?! How?! Great questions. Just don’t hire “Duey, Bonem, & Howe” Liars At Law for the answer. It is called “deprivation of rights under color of law,” “simulation of legal process,” corruption, trafficking, and many other real crimes with real laws against them, and penalties to boot.

THEY are administering a private, foreign, system of commercial law, statutory, coded, corporate policy regulating commerce and traffic of formed and registered corporations, organizations, trusts, individuals, states, persons, etc. (all legal fictions w chattel paper) of the Parent corpse (Inc.), executed and enforced via formed and registered subcontractor branch corporations, subdivisions, departments, franchise entities, having corporate charters, grants and licensed to operate subject to contractual policies, of/by/for and from the Parent Corpse, linked globally through a discovered network of interlocking trust directorates in public-private partnerships with all other “essential service provider,” BIG banks, media, supply chains,.. corporations “too BIG to fail.” These are the “unclean THINGS,” and the “GIANTS in our land in these days.” Which THEY insiders call “BIG Brother” and “Our Thing (cosa nostra).” 

THEY gave monopoly power over our money to foreign private banking interests, who stole our assets and gave us fake, paper, monopoly “debt” money in return. In defiance of prohibition of “unjust weights and measures.” Covid is the name of the greatest armed robbery in History. When names like Francis, Rockefeller, Bush, Obiden want to steal your wealth, they don’t don masks and enter your bank with guns drawn. That is for those “under” the law. Those who see themselves ‘above” the law can just devalue your money! So you have a hundred bucks? Prices doubled! Hah! Now you lost half your buying power! Can only buy half as much with the same amount of money! Neat trick huh:?! 

THEY gave monopoly power over our justice system called “law and order” to private, foreign philanthropic club called the BAR. Now a “judge,” supposed to be objective, impartial, disinterested party, is “principal” of dunn and bradstreet corporation called “Judiciary of the state of..” Did you get that?! The guy supposed to have no skin in the game, just bought the team, and the stadium! He now stands to gain considerably from every case coming before him, and every decision he makes! So much for justice being blind. This is a farcical charade! Are you entertained?! People, we have been served, up! We have a serious WOLF problem! We the people are suffering REAL crimes, trespasses, injuries, harms, damages, loss at the hands of our “immune” criminal, lawless, unaccountable, acting “government.” And we and our rights are perishing for lack of knowledge.

Did you know that “federal” means “contract”? Did you know that corporations can only contract with other corporations? Corporations only recognize and “deal with” their own (made-up, fictions/artificial) like and kind.

Man is real and factual, made in fact as fact by God, their Creator, in His Likeness. They are mankind, and not any things. Their original title, certificate of origin, of authenticity issued by testimony of God Who “placed His Word above His Name,” found recorded in the volume of received Scripture text, including The Holy “Bible.” They cannot be owned, registered, or titled with chattel paper on them which is slavery and unlawful. Their lives, bodies, names, heritage, rights are given them, and not subject to lien without verified claim by complaining victim, witnesses, warrant and full, due process of law.

Then how did we living men and women get “caught up” in this corporate fictions net, snare, trap? By accident, some horrendous mistake?

You be the judge of it. Since corporations can only contract with corporations, and can NEVER as thing of fiction, have authority (jurisdiction) over living man in flesh and blood, without his consent upon full disclosure, THEY created legal PERSONS to act in “our names,” which THEY are responsible for and can intercourse with. (Commercially speaking, but this act of union and subservience of man with BEAST; a diabolical fiction which man made from his own imagination, and has no life in itself, but which man gives it of his own power, even Over him, is fornicating with false, foreign gods in rejection and defiance of God and all the commands including the First; “you shall have no other gods besides Me.”) This was accomplished through warehouse receipts called “certificate of live birth(s)” and “birth certificates,” creating dual titles to the “organization” see UCC 9. The information gathered from new mothers about the new baby is taken under false pretenses and willful nondisclosure. The State, vital statistics dept, office of registrar under guise of recording “information about events,” creates a “legal PERSON,” with a NAME similar to the child born, but “spelled” in ALL CAPITAL LETTERS, a ‘nom de guerre’ printed on bank note “bond” paper because it is a bond, securitized by the lifetime labor of the poor schmuck who is then lead to believe it is his name, and he is liable for it. The govt, courts, utilities and all other corpses, thereafter treat and address and converse only with the NAME; CORPSE KIND OF PERSON, never the man himself. What unfortunate misunderstanding which no person could’ve foreseen. Oh, the horror of “unintended consequences.” If only there was a way to prevent such a thing “from ever happening again to anyone else!” Did you ever consent to any of this? Were you given full disclosure that by asking for license, you surrender the right to do what is lawful in the first place, then having confiscated your rights, they administer them back to you for fee? Are you past age of majority? Can there be a law forcing a man to contract with a corporation? Do you consent to being administered as a minor dependent? Have you ever notified and informed THEM of that fact?

So if all agencies of “government,” including the courts, are in fact “self-interested, fictitious, incorporated entities, no different than Walmart, burger king, or jiffy lube, but doing business as governmental services providers, where did our “real” actual substantial, - in form of - a Republican Union of, by, for the people of the several, otherwise free, sovereign, independent Republics) Government go? Disappear to? Where is it? Right where it went and has been since the bait-n-switch; right where it always goes in case of breach, by operation and processes of laws of Nature and Nature’s God – aka “happens naturally and automatically,” it returns to from whence it came – to the people of the states.

So we’re safe then, right? Yes! Exactly! It was for freedom that the Son set us free! And, “whom the Son sets free, is free “in-Deed!” He will never allow us to be tempted beyond our capacity to bear it, but will ALWAYS provide a “Way of Escape!” Path back to Safety! And He has! Yes, We are free! There’s just one problem little lion king, you see THEM?! THEY who are running the Family (Father’s) Business? The “Republic;” res publica; the “people’s business as “their thing?” Acting as the “Responsible Party,” (for us dependents) and the “adults in the Room/ House”? The hired help, servants, THEM? Yeah, well it appears THEY think THEY’RE the King. And, since THEY and their posterity have thought to secure right of rule forever, who have no light in them, whose sight is fueled by darkness, THEY did not immediately hand over the reins, nor officially recognize the Transfer of Power with full disclosure, celebration or customary pomp and circumstance. This is what Jan 6, 2021 should’ve been. Rather, they confounded the facts and recognized another; anointed him having no right or claim; without standing; fallen; fake; false; impostor. Just Actors acting, lawyers (phonetically indistinguishable from “liars,” sound it out) lying their burning pants off. Woe is THEM! And, “The Show” goes on. But, so does the truth, which is “matter” of “fact.”

“As long as the heir remains a child,” you see? Though he be owner of all, he differs not from a slave. But is under guardians (“new guards for our future”), tutors (Tudors), stewards (Stuarts), see? What they’re playing at? The Covenant is the basis of THEIR claim to legitimacy, without which lawful basis they have NO Contract or claim of lawful authority; duly-authorized, only presumption. The true original basis which has been doctored into the abominable perversion manifest and ‘taking liberties’ today, known as our “nanny” state, may be found in the first verses of Galatians 4, which “dependent” state terminates at age of majority, the time appointed, he is recognized publicly as and sees himself as a man, and “No longer a child.” Are there none among us, mature enough to resolve disputes that may arise among us? Then what do we need THEIR “courts” for? Why should we who have the right to govern ourselves, and the capacity withal, not take responsibility and handle our affairs, get the job done? Why should we instead, surrender our responsibility by “voting” for THEM to do it? Have we forgotten “whom you yield your members in subjection to is your master, whom you are bound to obey?” and, being free, “do not subject yourselves again in slavery to a yoke of bondage?”

Do we have power to assemble ourselves? To elect twelve men? That’s a jury. The People’s Court is open for business; reconstruction complete; all “acting” as, de facto, must stand down. Supreme court ruled 1890’s. Clinton executive order in 1999 “the people of the states are free. And “free to identify”- get it?! “Who do “you” say that I am? Who do “men” say that I am?” See?

“There came a man sent from God, whose name is Paul Raymond.” That is who I am, and how I identify. It is for me alone to declare. No law against it! And none with standing to prove me wrong. We are free! If you want. But we must assume full responsibility for ourselves, “with firm reliance on Divine Providence!” aka Our Father.

On Friday March 29, a “constitutional expert” is coming from “somewhere” to the sullivan county seat, 314 Sunapee street, to have a public meeting, get people of sullivan county fired up, which is good! Another one coming from outside, without regard to any local authority, is a thief and robber climbing over the walls for access to the sheep. A good shepherd will go through the front gate. A man claiming to be forming a “state assembly” better be utmost expert in knowledge and honor, professional, responsible? Like “able to respond?” If offered help, boots on the ground, getting word out, aka “work together if common interest?” Once again, silence. Crickets. Big finger up. Means another big ego coming with an agenda to stir people up, and lead them a-followin after him. See what you think. Listen for much good information. For heaven’s sake, don’t sign or join anything. Forewarned. His work is flawed and he is not open to listen, so another distraction and loss.

It is for the people to choose which “reality” they walk in, comply with, serve, are bound by and owing to; “you shall know the Truth, and the Truth shall set you free.” and, “I have no greater joy than that My children walk in truth.” We cannot be compelled to serve or speak falsehoods or lies, or “divide our loyalties.” “No man can serve two masters.” and “Choose ye this day whom you will serve.” As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.

We should get together soon. This is the state of the union. And, the remedy is in our hands, and in our hearts. Who have ears to hear, let them hear!

Let there be Light! And let the Light judge our honor.

To the Law, and to the Testimony! If they answer otherwise, it is because they have no dawn.

The die is cast, the lot is fallen to us Brethren, for such time as this! The torch is passed to a new, and “chosen generation, a peculiar people, and holy nation.”

I commend you who made it to the end of these words of mine. The Father commends who take His Words to heart, showing their faith by their works and acting upon it.

Paul Raymond Whipple


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