Presently, the Shepherd's Rod and Staff, the Great Comforter has Come. Of course, as usual, with Good News, glad tidings of great Joy!!! peace on earth, goodwill towards men, Our God is With us, who can be against us?! And more, always More..
One thing God has spoken. Two things I have heard!
Now I have told you, what i have done, i have done.
This i know, and is for me alone to say. Nevertheless, my words returned to me.
And, i see that the father works in me, and "what I have done, I have done!"
So, while i, consenting to be called paul, which is little, and small, whose name is paul raymond, did intentionally express all that i did, towards you, and for only your benefit.
at the same time, He who lives in me, works. and hopefully, for my sake, our words, and works agree. Now in this case, do they not? they do, as we can examine it! Let us, see
For i did express all in my heart, believing to have the heart of God in these things, and for you all.
And, when my words return to me, after i have done it, and thinking to rest, i hear again, the very words in voice within; and see the two are working, i and He working in me.
what did He do? while i did what i did? what was He saying? if He did in fact, Say? one thing.
did you hear it? Him? His Voice? Who is speaking with you? if you see, and hear a messenger, do you hear him as speaking for himself? of his own interests? or, as a messenger, a servant, sent, carrying a message?
Do you hear words without honor? if any be offended by paul. would they prevent themselves from receiving the substance of the message, for which purpose alone he confesses to serve, and, all are interested, and all is Good News?
It is a light thing for me to be examined by you. But i will not be dismissed, removed from my place, shoved to the side, as worthy of dishonor by those who would clear the street, making way for the king!
Do you think so little of me, who has walked beside you, serving, having set aside our interests for the weightier of Our Responsibilities? In what way have i ever disserved you, any one? in deed, are we not together worthy of double honor, fulfilling the Great Command? love one another, as i haved loved you?! greater still, the setting aside of our interests, for the burden of light, and labor of love, is willing self-sacrifice, and accredits of this, one thing, chiefest of all honors; for "No greater love!!! Can any man show!!!
than that we have laid down our lives for our brethren?! This we have done, are doing, and will continue to do.
He said one thing, that is clear. and fully expresses His Sight, and Heart, towards us every one, and us, His gathered, assembled, Body. His Eyes are smiling, He radiates goodwill. Warmly welcoming, inviting, arms extended, open wide. How He longs, to "gather" us! to Himself! His bosom, the Cleft of the rock! But, we would not?! Nay! God forbid! may it NEVER be!
His light is shed abroad in our hearts, even the day Star arising, within us, enlightening the temple!
We flee! We run! it is w us a race! to the finish! who is fastest? who is quick? swift? who will get there first? To.... Him?! Our father! We are running into His Arms of Love!!!
the ingathering, of God, and His "New" blessed Family. I, and the children, He, has given Me..!
I have no doubt, but confidence in you, that we rally to the one, the same yesterday, Today, and forever.. Standard! it is the prodigal, returning, in footrace.. Home!
This He says to you, through all and while paul was speaking; which i also already told you, He loves you all, each one, and this Body. So, that is one thing I fully attributed to Him, and as being true, now, of His heart towards you, so if He spoke already one thing, how is it i now say He also, but only, said and did one thing?
One thing God has spoken. Two things i have heard! that He loves you, us, this precious, little assembly. And, the invitation; hear ye Him in this one thing;
"you, (remember, He is Smiling) God IS, right here, right now))
ARE NOT FAR! from the kingdom!!!"
We are in the throng, my brethren! In royal procession approaching! Ascending the mount of assembly, on the sides of the north, White Mountain, zion! the Throne! what is this?
in the Divine Council, assembly of the firstborn?! voices of children? at play? etiquette? decorum?!
In deed, who said "let the little children come?!" we are in the Right Place.
Therefore I would not that any of you be disturbed, troubled, if by anything paul said, or did. Only those were named, names called, who are by their own words, the guilty (ie responsible) party.
Therefore, any other imagined themselves addressed, is "if the shoe fits." that is between you and God, who is IN you. If so be He is formed in you. I, paul made no veiled charge, accusation. those acting as 'title' are they each addressed, if corresponding title is mentioned. but having accepted title, should not be offended if it is called, to give account. For one's own words.
Neither did i call any but those Named, to give account. i only gave account, of my firsthand knowledge having received information from those in position, place, title.
What is important is the simplicity of our mutual stand, at this time. There can be no difference between us, if we agree our Standard, is One. And He, is FOR US!!! Offering us, giving to us, blessing us, inviting us, ushering us, waving and cheering us on!!! Now as we are racing those last, few, final steps, closing the distance, between father and Son, and sons!!!!!!!
Come! Come! My sons!!! How I have longed! For THIS moment, Our ReUnion!
Let there be no question either of my own heart for these who are mentioned, in reference to title, not by name. They are loved, regarded, with honor, utmost respect, in my heart. How could it be otherwise? Am i unjust who would not take into account, the selflessness already mentioned? the faithful, dutiful service to our common, Glorious cause? Certainly not. The opposite is true. I forgive quickly any offense that may come. Desiring to know nothin but the Son in each one, and expecting Him, crucified.
Is our ideal, not as always yet the case. But we are a glorious work in progress, finished from the foundations of the world! We work, laboring together with him, who is working mightily within us, each one, and We, the Whole Body. And agree w Him, since He rests, and his works are finished from the beginning, our work, our agreement, with our words reflecting, repeating, mirroring, His.
How do we do this? all this that we must do, that nothing is left undone?! Like I do! Say it with Me!
"Let it be!" We Let it Be." like :let there be light! Wow! sure got bright in here when you said that.
cause, and effect. Great restoration of All things new?! aaaah, as easy as light breathing, and vibrating the throat.
No, i am against only those who are without, and would disturb and deceive, and demoralize, delaying us. Are they not returned to us, when relieved of title given by another? Are they not graciously received, as one thought outside, thought lost to us, disjointed, out of place, now restored to us, and well? There is welcome, embrace, eye to eye, mutual respect and honor.. that a man, my equal, has returned to his rightful Place?! This is well with my soul! And unanimous w God! We are one.
There is no condemnation in these, our ranks, brethren. Let us always bear in mind the spirit we are of, which God has made to dwell in man. Will the Spirit of the Son in me, reject Himself in you? or vice versa?
Would that not make me hypocrite, exposing me at once? Multitudes, multitudes, in the valley of decision? Let us take care to honor, at all times. And if deciding, our way, home, lift up your heads, our assembly is due north, city set on a hill..and choose ye this day.
Glory to God in the highest!!! We are the Royal Real Thing!!! No Thing!
Oh yeah!PS~ almost forgot, the one thing! I told you what He Says, which I did not, we are SO close!
Draw Near to God!!! Do you know why? Have you heard the promise?!
If, then, remember? "Draw near to God. And, God WILL draw NEAR ~ to you! Us! Again, our ingathering. Gathering to Him, whose arms are open wide, to gather us all, to Himself. Good Stuff!!!
so, you are not far, this assembly, is not far, so close even, one more baby step!!!
This! is one thing He Did, amidst what i was doing. He showed it to me after, when he said... what I have done! Was to carefully place, one thing left undone! Which is marvelous, unexpected, and present for all having eyes to see.
Lest there be any detractors, taking issue, claiming to see. he left a manifest thing for all to present their sight upon, undone, and at risk of giving hints, even giving it all away, is it coincidence, that this thing i did not know I had done, is the very thing we all are familiar with, that is unfinished, and undone, left to us to do.
God is So Good!!! Blessings be abundantly multiplied to this Body, Adult Newborn of our father.
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