How Do You Identify? Hint; "Confess Me Before Men!"


Keep your thinking simple. who are you? what is your name? how do you identify? (THEY are pretty clearly telling us right now that we are "free to identify" as we see fit.) it is universal right of self-declaration, to "identify yourself." Rooted in our faith, if you identify as a believer, child of God = heir of God, joint-heirs with Joshua the Anointed High Priest, Who also is not ashamed to call us His brethren!!! The Light. The Way, Truth and Life! as He taught "our Father!" and "who do men say that I am? Who do you say that I am?" see? Or, As you (the one being addressed would say within himself) "who do I say that I am?" "I am, His! His son or daughter. see, in the first place. One who sees himself simply in these ways, following The Way, source our light which fuels our sight from within the heart; not outwardly as upon the earth, under the sun. His people are entitled to live and walk in truth. And light. And fact. Serving only Him and according to His Ways. His Word is the necessary light, illuminating the steps of our paths, but we are led by the Spirit, from within. "study to show yourself approved" gathering knowledge and understanding, needed in order to take action. Like a "need to know" basis, with each step taken, itself an act of faith, light for the next step comes. Ex; Are we bound to participate in commerce, or may we freely trade? Are we capable of equal exchange of value transactions? 12 usc 411, an expression of "non-endorsement" of THAT system. In what other ways may i express my wish to be separate from, or recognized as other, foreign to THEM? In every case a man may not be forced to violate his conscience, which is sacred, unseen, unwritten, for him alone to know or say. "what I have done, I have done." The Promised Way of Escape is Provided, Present and accounted for! call it 'freedom of religion,' congress shall make no law respecting religion or free exercise thereof." Our faith, religion, culture, customs, social compacts, nation, people all predate this system, and are protected in all the original documents. the New Covenant, The Gospel of Freedom! of the Kingdom! is our charter and bill of rights. A few hundred years ago, this peculiar people, covenant people, the First and Royal Family, descendants and heirs of the Most High, settled a new land, and ..., is this your family? nation? chosen generation? are you on the land promised to our fathers? from which we will move no more? Cuz that's a grandfathered, protected, recognized status already, which i know of none who adhere strictly to it? Why? This People is claimed and belongs already to Him! We are His people, and He is our God. and, the Lord's Portion is His People! Reinvent the wheel? Why? no, but "forget none of His benefits! and, treasure your birthright, first estate!" Ask, seek, knock. It is the Father's good pleasure to give you your heritage; the Kingdom! and "He has no greater joy, than that His children walk in truth!" Peace


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