Kingdom Update; Good News Net-work, and Broad Cast~ Presents~ the Standard, Informer! Assembly Gets Glimpse behind The Curtain, Behold the Federation! " Bubba?! King James?! and Granny!!?? OH, MY!!! Cover your eyes, children!
Grannie? Are you in there? Who's in the federation, with you? Can we see?
Some things you can never unsee, people. Shock and awe, as the believers and followers finally see!
The great source, fount of knowledge, and vital effort underway at all hours, on behalf of ~ us.
wishful thinking, as the image unfolds. the All-Trusted federation, heretofore known as "anna and crew," are between the ages, 68 - to 90. buzy bees buzzin, 3 wise sapiens, are "Bubba,"peerless Granny, and King James?!" Oh, my, God. was that jaws dropping? or just the mike? its ok, just lowered the boom suddenly. no living, men or animal, real or imaginary, authors, union members, stage hands, actors or property was harmed in the production of this Gospel, of the kingdom. Good "News!"
Hahahaha, OMG!!! did you see? Have you heard?
We have not one thing, people, of this assembly;
That we tolerate that woman, jezebel!!!
Fallen! Fallen!! Wicked witch of the West is thrown down!
Our government Rests! in Peace, and Safety!
Important Message to the Assembly, copy of text sent as follows;
And all are addressed, of our number, it is only minor inconvenience i hav only your names in my email address file
As we serve one another, having all things in common, as regards our Royal house, our Glorious Inheritance, and our ministry of oversight thereof, both for our own, and for the whole world!
"And above all this, that He has been pleased! To continue to us! The Light of the blessed Gospel!!!"
We hold these truths, brethren! Even, the keys of the kingdom! Entrusted uniquely to We, the People, of New Hampshire! the Elder, of the elect lady
If it were possible, for a mere man, to raise our Standard, this I would now have done.
Our Standard is Raised! Our Ensign Stands!
Our Banner Waves!!!
Let us assemble, flee, run, gather to ours, One Living and Within Us, His People.
That is, His heirs who are not children, but of full age. Able to accept responsibility for ourselves, and our family Business; aka "My Father's Business."
The Son is focused on One Thing, so it is of Him in Us, His sons.
Now, we are sons of God Most High. Kings, and priests, and ministers of the New Covenant, peacemakers, ambassadors, Presents, Presentors; Of the Living god, our all the world. Both, them that are within, and them yet without. This is our High, and Highest Honor. And for this purpose We assemble, in His Name, to DO, Execute, His Will.
In Him I Place My Trust. see?
When we ALL agree with god, saying the SAME thing?
He says, say it with Me! "In Him, I, place my trust."
that's all folks, simple.
For this cause we assemble, 2 or more n He! is present, among, with Us, His adult offspring; the Responsible Party!
and then, we agree. and it is done. Well done! and Rare! lil levity amidst the overwhelming unceasing Good News!!!
Winning? Who, exactly, IS winning?? hahahaha He who sits in heaven laughs and bellows with rolling belly laughter, HAHAHAHAHA!!!!
And we laugh hysterically with him because it is so outrageously comical!!!
"If I be lifted up, I will draw ALL MEN "unto Me!"
until Shiloh come, and "UNTO HIM! shall be 'the gathering' (assembling) of His People!!!
A man may not raise our Standard, Ensign, Flag, Banner, God IS our Banner, And God Raised Him Up! and, us up in and with Him!!!
To Him we look. Look AWAY, to Him! We trust in Him alone. Forget none of His Benefits, our Benefactor.
Our Solid Rock, Sure Foundation, which also is Higher than I!!!
Let Us, equal heirs together with Him, focus on Him, be about His Business, the 'doing of His Word,' is the 'executing His Will!' this is NO religion!!
It is a Constructed, Expressed, Ratified Will, Generational Endowment, Testamentary Trust!!! Which NOW must be done, according to the Testators' specific Will.
We exalt, what God Has Raised, we may join thus in "Lifting Him Up!." Pointing to Him! Gathering to him. Talking with voices heard in the Council, assembly, of God, Elyon, Most High!
This does not appear. But it is who we are, and what we are entrusted with. And what we are doing. and remember, manners are 'the way!'
It matters 'what' we say and do, (i only say what i hear my father saying. i only do what i see my father doing!
Will the Father, Son, sons ever do otherwise than this? our standard, see?
The Way
See more...
Now, what I have done, I have done.
And am hereby informing, notifying, bringing you all up to speed. Catching up, as it were. Once we are caught up, able to keep up, and follow along...
The attached link contains more, as well all my other sites.
Our Royal, and common ~ unspeakable wealth, true treasure, in Deed!
We overcome every obstacle, remove swiftly every hindrance, let us cast of all cumbersome restraints!
Welcome our Freedom, Sovereignty, Independence, all Rights, of conscience! in faith and worship! See there? Our reign, is a kingdom of conscience, a kingdom of the heart!
And, ALL Secured, already to, for, us!
What a Mighty God we serve! And His Son, the King of kings, which we are. For he has made us like He is, that AS HE IS, so ARE WE, IN THIS WORLD!
And also, that He is NOT ashamed to "call us," His Brethren??!! Can you believe how gloriously we are equally endowed??!!
This is Us!
God bless you all with His Grace, Peace, and knowledge of the Great, Free Gift, here now being offered this Body.
As for me and my house, We will serve the Lord, our God.
So as i was saying, since we serve one another, it is a light thing if you three, could forward to all the rest. We are all vitally interested, after all, and in the First Place! so that is good! "Seek First..."
. It is our mutual estate. in Equity. without end.
The Company of fellows, followers of One. In Him we place our Trust; The Word, the Light, the Way, Truth, and Life.
Who taught us to pray, and said pray this way; "our (see, we are together, w Him, His Father is ours too!) Father!!!"
Upon THIS Rock, Stands, Our Assembly!!!
Let us fill up that which is lacking in the doing of His Will, and fulfilling our great commission, 'to bring Peace to all nations, and the Glory of God to all the earth!
Godspeed, to the Light!
your fellow bondslave
paul raymond
of My Father's House
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