Surprise! We all found the wrong way. Seemed right at the time? How Old are You Now?! how old are you now?

The wide path. its everywhere. easy to find. that seems right to men. and leads only to death. And many there be that find it. Found it!

license and permits and fees, oh my! yes virginia. the town clerk is antichrist! all other clerks too!

"all crimes are commercial." with that they codified the undoing of God's law.

The pig in rome, ya know, calls himself the 'big guy?!' well, any commercial transaction anywhere, gotta kick sum up to the boss, wants his cut. 

since a license or permit is required to do something, without which, doing so is illegal.

Rome found a new cloak for the old whore, and continues selling indulgences! To who?! Who's buying?! is it me, Lord?! only every time we approach a cleric (clerk), to pray (ask permission, please may i exercise my rights? i'll pay fake money that cost me real life! master, i beg for leave, license to do this that i desire!') and pay. pay to play.

but wait. you cant actually get permission to break the law? to do something wrong? like kill. or steal. they dont sell that, right?

its only for things that are in fact allowed. and, lawful. Things of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Like, hunting, fishing, having a pet, getting married, travelling on any public way, in other words, any expression, exercise of our inalienable rights. 

You there, people, the heirs of full age, kings and priests, how do you see it?!


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