Sunday Morning Post ; One. the 4th part; New World, Dawn Land; West-ern Union; This Gospel of the Kingdom

Not to be confused w the united States, or We the People of the United States; for the United States of America, The United States of America, States of America. America is a (one thing) continent. North and South. Aka the "fourth part, (new!) "Of the" World. Noah inherited the earth. Divided into lots. 3 for his sons. It was told a candid world, what the ptb had done w their stewardship of the 3 parts, until now (1776). The fourth part is under new mgt. The union built on sure foundation. Other foundation can no man lay, than that which is laid! Upon this Rock, I will build "My" Assembly!

This is our association, compact cut. Ratified in blood, on the death of the Testator. Who claims the earth and all it contains. And, His portion is His people. This is our Sacred Perpetual Union. The Father expressed His Will. At fulness of time, the Son inherited the Estate. He expressed His Will; that the Father’s Will be continued. Then he died an innocent man, murdered in cold blooded premeditated betrayal. State = nation, vv. The real; land and people, nature, God Creator, Provider, language, customs,laws,ways... then there are the instrumentalities man makes to serve him. The 4th part, land of promise, America, one, is conflicted between two lovers, rome latin claims the south. And the brit has his stake in the (canada) north, and we're our own, caught in middle, hence the tearing apart, halving of US.?! Time for healing the cut, tear, breach is now on. While it is called today. Now u know the rest of the story 😀


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