Would Any deny the heir exists, or tell him to quit, cease and desist? Would a man deny his Maker, himself, or his own?
united "States of" America (below) "State of" New Hampshire (above)
of the United States, .. this constitution for the "United States of America"
for the "United States of America"
Semantics. If questions are simply asked, and unanswered, what is to be concluded? If more are asked, and after many words, remain unanswered, what is to be concluded? If men have capacity to speak plainly, so as to eliminate doubt, yet choose semantics which can be read, perceived in more ways than one, what is to be concluded? There are some who lie, but asking a question, or several is no accusation of any kind, most would agree. Accusation of lying, is strong and forceful. Asking legitimate, fundamental questions for clarity, is duty and humble appeal, posits nothing unless with the inquiry, are presents found which differ from things being posited as truth, prompting the inquiry, not inquisition, neither should same be imposition, but welcome for peace sake.
Following is additional examples of phrases which can easily be misunderstood, misinterpreted, "this is another lie.." following "we do not.." could be clearer, as to what is the lie? Is it that "we do not..?" Or, is someone promoting that "we do..?" Such should be avoided, when stakes are high?
"International Public Notice: We Do Not Live in a Constitutional Republic. This is another lie and narrative being promoted by the Vermin and misled patriots."
And, what about new things? There are also entities, similarly stiled, but incorporated in ways after man's own design, and not that natural incorporation as in living members being incorporated parts of the corporate, whole, living body. Such was secured via "of, by, for."
If men agreed to restore an old house, and made spectacle of telling the community, "we are going to set about restoring THAT old house," such that all taking notice bearing witness, agree it is good! What if the men thereafter built another, new house, someplace else? What if they then claimed to have finished the work, pointing to the new house? Would it not be that the community would disagree? And, say to the effect that, the old house sits as it was, when you lead us to believe THAT was the old house you were to restore! How now do you expect us to believe and agree, that this new thing is the old thing, when it is absurd, and evident to all, the Difference?! There may be suspicion of motives, warranted also?
These are a few examples of the kinds of 'semantics,' expressions, peaceable, harmless differences, distinguishable, things which may be easily ascertained, removing all doubt, by whosoever will, is interested, feels called, or intrigued. It is possible to work together as equals for the common good of all, meeting of minds is exponential increase of energy and potential! Why for example, the "ENTITIES" have striven to prevent people, from peaceably assembling.
What has been, undiscovered, is reassembling, according to the original pattern, order, design. It may be said, there can be no higher honor, than our invitation to this Glorious work, the Son called, "My Father's Business!"
Picking up where one left off, is no loss. 'shuv,' (shoove) is movement back to the point of departure! In returning, there is No need to repeat all the mistakes made along the way.
Questions, information... may be left here, or direct msg via
or directly via email;
paulwhipple@aol.com or by phone; 603-252-8252
Peace to all.
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