Semantics Part Two - Idioms; "Anchors A-weigh!" vs "Away"
Why is any of this important? Because not only every word matters, in determining the political bodies created, and thus their lawful function, but also the rules of Grammar! The instance of united States of America, for example; we see united is an adjective, not part of the official Name, in this case "States of America."
How easily confusion arises, if nobody carefully took time to show us, explaining the significance, meanings, and differences. We give the following to illustrate the point;
united States of America = "States of America"
the United States = "United States"
the United States of America = "United States of America"
"The United States of America" (the Stile of this confederacy)
See how similar, yet are four different "things?"
Adding to that matter of fact, is the cunning craft and trickery of men who practice to deceive, and who conspired to destroy our lawful self-government, substituting Private, foreign, for-profit corporations with deceptively similar NAMES, as many have heretofore exhaustively pointed out.
Simply by forming and registering commercial corporations using ALL CAPITAL LETTERS, for each above original, real thing. Then, THEY have usurped the plenary power, or in fact "acted" as if they possessed any legitimate authority, never having sworn oaths to the people, the states, or the actual compacts, constitutions. But artificial constructs, "forms of" the same documents, altered to preclude being the actual "Constitution" for example, and using these as their own corporate 'charters' or mission statements.
By these means our government was vacated, and in every case an impostor is now 'acting' IN NAME ONLY, but for private gains, against the rights of and the lives of the people themselves, and against all natural law, including the Ten Commandments. Without exception these all must be dissolved, and cease and desist. All have been duly notified, Served, due Process, yet are in non-compliance, and continuing in unauthorized, self-admitted lawlessness, and corruption.
As concerning are the myriads of folks, claiming to be firing up the original 'ship(s) of State," conflatin 'ship-of-state' with our 'fellow-ship' called "league of friendship." and casting away restraints; "Anchors away" instead of "A-weigh," when there is no such relief from the chains - Tie that Binds - our fellow-ship, to the earth, as in the familiar testimony;
Sadly, preventing any momentum of many working in unity, at reconstituting, reconstructing, the True First eState(s). Thus, much work goes into vain efforts, doing nothing in fact to change the status quo, interrupt the war-mongering usurper Inc., or bring relief and Safety, Security to the people of the states, and of the world.
Provenance is our Divinely Provided Anchor of Trust, Truth, and Safety. As the Association Test completes the forming of our Social Compact, anchoring the Declaration, and the union to the land and soil, of the States of, Counties of, Towns of each member.
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