Oh Lord, it's hard to be tactful, when you keep havin it shoved in your face!
Hue; color of. As in hu-man; color of man, ie "person." Per-son.
Did you ever read about a frog who dreamed of bein a king, and then he became one? On the other hand is a diabolical craft of human person, feto-maternal shadow, following men throughout their lives, unto bondage, captivity.
Color of man is interesting, going to origin source; "ruddy" in scripture, means 'to show blood in the face.' Blood is red, but in the body is blue. White is the color of the whites of the eyes of man. Also, denotes purity, refined state, white robes, washed garments, unspotted, unstained by the rudimentary principles of the world. In the course of events, common to God and man; White is the color worn upon the Wedding Day, by the espoused couple, being joined in perpetual union! The Bonds of Marriage, with mutual pledge of vows. None having whatsoever to do with the lie of 'colors of the human race.'
When one is angry, he is said to "see red." Zipporah, Moses' wife, in her exasperation or contempt, saw red as relates to the blood, saying "you have been a bloody husband to me!"
Civil is a word, mistakenly identified as private, in contrast to military, ecclesiastical, criminal.
"applied to all manner of 'objects,' which are perfectly disparate."
As opposed to natural; of, according to nature, civil means all law not natural.
Clear distinction is obvious as pointed out here, "civil" liberties, civil rights, in contrast with natural law, rights, inherent; endowed. Civil serves to restrain nature, as demonstrated in colonial, colonization of the world native populations, claiming mandate to subject and administer the people, natural rights, and their lands and resources, for the greater good, and 'civilizing' the 'savages.' Civil "war" was pledged and declared 'Holy War' against these united States of America, as soon as Independence was won! And, raged in covert by men in league to Rome, and catholick predation, against all Sovereign Estates, until usurpation was "catholic," ie global, worldwide, though Universal is a stretch; as if it were possible to unseat God Most High Himself?!
Neither is it possible through such craft, to dissolve, cause to cease to exist, a Sovereign Perpetual Union, pledging "Lives, Fortunes, and Sacred Honor! Whose benefitted progeny, posterity survives! And especially by those pledged with; bound by and to; good faith service, and amity in perpetuity.
All men are bound only by laws of nature, and are free of laws made by man, cruden v. Neal
All legislation applies to members of government, serving the people of the states, including Bill of Restraints, familiarly called Bill of Rights, yet is obvious no rights are granted people by such, whose equity share in the sovereignty is protected, guaranteed by our lawful; ordained and established government, owing good-faith service and amity in perpetuity. As living men, heirs, on the land and soil of these united States of America, we hold the only survivorship interest in The United States of America, the United States, and the United States of America.

notice the association, social compact, society, the union? Living here now, and in Every generation since before all these 'objects.' Hard to believe there has only been 200 or so, "of us," carrying the truth, in fact I cannot, without further evidence, accept such as but sign of obfuscation, wishful thinking, and desperation. As one progeny we are over 60,000 strong and vital. 1638 to present, so it goes without saying, "all the while in between, as well."
As declared, posted, the above living testimony, and testamentary trust example stands as proof, as of 2/16 this year, obviously noticed, without objection or rebuttal of any kind, nor can there be any, without denying the living life and posterity, and the Social Compact, and all faith, would bankrupt any notion of good-faith fiduciary acts, claiming to hold for us.
As confirmed here
Our Independence secured the inalienable gifts to all people of the states, native born on the land, existing prior to the union, Declaration, war for Independence, indeed, the States themselves, so Named. But, also to all who afterwards would join our union, adopting the nationality of the state of their choosing.
"We, and the living people we represent," thus I am and must be in the "We," not being represented by any other man or woman, but competent with standing to present and speak or write these presents, of, by, for myself. Otherwise Debunking ;
"As Fiduciaries holding the only survivorship interest in The United States of America, our unincorporated Holding Company, "
"our unincorporated Federation of States claims all the gold..."
again, UNLESS I am in the "We" and "Fiduciaries," thus needing NO "representation", I for One am all Present and Accounted for, Giving Full Account.
Trust Must be Expressed, 'a trust originates out of intent to create one'
Keeping the Faith, I for one, trust in my Maker, the One True God, and Father of us all. And, in His Son, the trusted One.
Further revealing is the following;
Posting information of the "Civil Flag;"
as the peacetime banner for our nation, or lawful assembly, causes many red flags, mixed signals, semantically speaking. If one claims it reflects our free state, our independence from foreign usurpation, our restored government... yet is accompanied by; according to
"the law of the flag, the vertical stripes denoted "Roman civil jurisdiction."
speaks volumes to raise alarm!? Any Full renunciation evident? Witnessed by oath?
"we first came across the Civil flag and decided that this flag should be the symbol for all sovereign citizens"
when it is widely known the term "sovereign citizen" is a red herring, oxy-moron, likely manufactured by the GOVT INC. Signs of this being the case, is the nationwide Training ie STATE SPONSORED Propaganda Indoctrination of IT'S Leo's and Cleos, who then terrorize any American who fits the OFFICIAL criteria. This criteria, includes the slightest whiff of non-compliance, such as refusing, or asking politely if one is required by law, to answer questions.
Imagine an organization claiming to be the dejure government, saying 'if you claim to be, think you are a sovereign citizen, an oxy moron, then 'you are a moron!' Fine, but then a claimed, acting fiduciary posts an endorsement of the "Sovereign Civil flag?" Again, mixed signals.
"Although not a true sovereign flag, only a State flag with a Common Law seal can directly represent the Common Law. There is an "indirect relationship" to Individual and state sovereignty with the "U.S. Civil Flag.."
"A solvent federal government flying a Civil flag implies solvent States/Nations with "Sovereign citizens."
"again, the "sovereign Civil" flag is a symbol of our desire to return America to the dream(s) upon which she was founded!" Dreams, plural, a semantic loophole may be, just no telling. should blind faith, trust the best? Or, better in order to keep faith, is "Examine all things, to ascertain the truth of all things?"
What if the Romans had a dream, the British monarch too, and we the people? Preferrably, our dream, singular is of any concern warranting representation. A simple plural when more than one is war upon us, is not wise by those who are responsible.
"U.S. Sovereign Flag"; and, "get your own US Civilian Flag"
More examples of US, and U.S. combined with "Sovereign," and "Civilian"
Now, given the Fiduciary has posted evidence of 'private attorney in service' to the Roman F, and no sign of having renounced same allegiance, while happily renouncing allegiance to B, and the Lutherans, an oath in lieu of said renunciation would clear it all up. My questions regarding this have been unanswered for three years.
As have the recent questions for supporting evidence of other claims. Yet, no office is sought, not a politician, nor up for election. Yet an office is claimed? What does aversion, unwillingness to taking public oath by one acting in office of trust, who has prior association in service to the progenitor of the Great Fraud against us leave us to conclude? Loyalty remains? Would explain all the semantics, outlandish claims prior addressed, some may have been blanketed as 'comic relief, humor, making light,' since it is obvious and agreed such were laughable.
And, it must be concluded no oath will be taken to clear it up either, since time was given, and expired without any direct, clear answers, or agreement to ideas exchanged in order to keep legitimacy and trust, and the peace. Notwithstanding multiple emails, and some 45 or 46 posted Notices and Informational Articles, no Plain Speaking but monotonous Mountains of semantics, and mixed signals.
People, in the Necessity, is this acceptable or Necessary, healthy, or safe? Or Intolerable Acts?
Does it inspire confidence, candor, and trust-worthiness? or Breach, as first declared Jan 2021? and, never investigated, examined, left unresolved.
I for One, trust No Man, or woman. Period. One sworn to an oath, is thus declared undivided, unanimous in their loyalty, yet fidelity is still in their own heart, mind, spirit and soul. The oath is promise, deposit of good-faith service, which then the servant is accountable for, according to his/her oath, and bond. see 1072
We have and hold these truths, as self evident. Secure, Safe Guard. Still. Standing.
More Plain Speaking coming soon.
By Paul Raymond Whipple
New Hampshirite, American, whose commonwealth is "in heaven."
In service to our Creator, and my every fellow man.
"Blessed are the Peacemakers"
Editor's Note; Quotations regarding civil flag were attributed to 3rd party, "Kevin at US Civil Flags," but not found there verbatim upon initial examination by our research. However, possibility remains all text was rightfully thus attributed, without any undisclosed edit or additional insertions.
Additional Note; As of 9:11 pm the original post reappeared with correction regarding "Sovereign Citizen." All text remains attributed as before. See http://www.paulstramer.net/2024/03/us-civilian-flag-against-montana-big-sky.html
A reminder that "without" this flag, the above premise was, is True, by Divine grant, perpetually remains intact, inalienable, unchangeable. We the people are NOT without a Banner!
A few more witnesses concerning Trust.

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