You Look Funny, Like You Think We Can't See, "You're Naked!"
"Those were the days my friend, we thought they'd never end.."
he's on stage! the emperor! dancing naked, like a mad man! Idk, drunk?! thinks he's invisible? The children won't notice if he doesn't tell them? (Who told you, you were naked?!) He's lost his f#%@ng mind!!!
Wait. What's this? King David, casting off his clothes, dancing before the Lord, in front of the entire nation? Is that what you're playing at? In other words? Got yur stories mixed up, or straight? Good? Thats his-story, and he's stickin to it. We'll see 👀 😏
Who's Crying Now for he knows his time is short? Who is without proper attire, for a festive occasion? Or solemn assembly? Whoa! Woe!
The Smirk
Whats he smilin about? What kind of "House" is governed by "Party Animals?! An Animal House, on the "State Farm? In a "wild kingdom?" Who is responsible, for THEM in the first place? And, for THEM to ACT as THE RESPONSIBLE PARTY(s)?
Remember, the adults in the room always talk over the children's heads, hoping it goes over their heads and they are not able to catch on. (When they are able to catch on, they are "caught up" and "able" to keep up and follow along. It's a conversation, ya follow? not a rapture. Proving "I have much more to tell you, but you are not able")
It is recognized the people are the body (of the) Sovereign - "there is one body"
The Sovereign created a small body to look after His estate and affairs, His Business (I must be about My Father's Business). The servants then began looking to take liberties, assuming more responsibility! To the end that THEY turn the tables on the heir, looking to him for full support. The heir drags his ass out of bed, puts on his big boy pants, and trades hours for dollars, giving slices of life for his equity share, that he may provide for his own, and sufficient extra to provide the "RESPONSIBLE" party animals (one having identity crisis- rhino acting as elephant (in the room)) the so-called adults- in the room, everything they need to carry out their "duties."
The acting adults take the money provided, and immediately waste, blow, squander it on special intersts, and pork? At which point THEY come back to us, demanding more money 💰.
So, who exactly is being the adult? Being responsible? Acting responsibly? Responsible Party? Who is dependent on who for full support? 🤔
And "acting" as adult-"in name only", but behaving as spoiled! Rotten! Brats?!?! Needing a beating? immediate institutionalization?
Maybe us, for allowing this ridiculous charade to go on so long? The king is awakening, but it remains to be seen how he responds to this insurrection. There is even evidence THEY devised a scheme to kill the heir and steal the vineyard, and innocent blood spilled, loss of life!
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