The Big Deal ~ A Short Story


The Following

inspired by actual events

part one ~ the Lettuce agreement

“Once upon a time, it happened for the first time, like never before, or would ever again. Not like this!” “What’s the big deal?”

“Exactly! I’ll tell you what the big deal is. It happened once! When They were unified!

This time, they were ALL in! No body would sit this one out or be left behind. 

From the first assembly they held, whence came "Let us" agree to build the house, and call it a house, they began acting as one, for all. They came together, pooled their resources, and bound themselves to each other in perpetual union, committed to serve a common cause, devoted to a single, common purpose.

First, they agreed to build it. Then they would give it life.”

“Hahahaha! Omg rotf lol! How are they going to bring a Thing to life?”

“By pouring themselves into it. By occupying it. Its them, see, their living presence that gives “it” life.

Ya follow?”

“Yeah, thats deep.”

“Riiight. So they formed a trust. They formally incorporated to act as one; of, by, for all. Setting aside personal interests, they pledged their lives, fortunes, and sacred honor, divesting in order to serve something bigger than themselves. And, they got busy! All hands on deck. Every one contributing his part until at last the whole is finished.”

“Then what happened? To the house? The thing they built. So, they agreed to build it, all for one and one for all. I’m sure they got busy like busy bees? Doin busy-ness, haha.”

part two ~ the work

“Riiight. So, yes they’d all committed and all worked hard, to see it through to completion. No detail was overlooked, no expense spared in it’s design, construction, or outfitting and equipping. Thorough Consideration was given to all dimensions, ensuring the craft could for all practical intents and purposes, comfortably accommodate every one without crowding, containing every possible necessity, and convenience, (not to excess) to provide a healthy, sustainable environment suitable for all, for as long as necessary. Now all their hard work, faith and patience was about to pay off in a big way! The craft was complete, and they were all looking forward with great anticipation to boarding.

When the day finally came, a spectacle was made for the revealing.”

“Hold on! Hold on. You lost me. You were talking about the thing they built, their house?”


“The founders. Were about to pile into their house and bring it to life?”


“Well, now it sounds like you’re talking about a boat, or craft. is it Noah's ark? Or, what? a Space ship or something!”

“Riiight. Like a vessel!”

“Yeah, right.”

“Or, a cruise ship, or nasa. Builds space ships, stations, shuttles. Must first have “meeting of the minds,” of those in charge. Come up with a plan, then every one works together, doing his part to fulfill it, meet the objective.

Part 3 ~ the reveal

And they did! See? And When the day finally came, a glorious spectacle was made for the revealing.

Safe to say that every one came. Everyone who was any one, and everybody else.

To see the curtain pulled back, the covering veil finally lifted, they all saw it for the first time.

Now, you’ve seen them massive crowds, full stadiums or outdoor concerts? I’m talking about a sea of souls, man. And they were all going into this, and leaving! So you can imagine the size of it. The sight was breathtaking, and silence was deafeningly heard.

The image they beheld was indescribable. They all stood still in awe.

All that can be said is that what they had made, the end result, the final product and fruit of their labor, was a pure reflection of them, and their selfless, and boundless cooperative, collaborative energies combined throughout the entire project, responsible for such a monumental achievement being a totally unprecedented success.

The crowd began pressing towards it, and at first was thought they wanted a better view. But it filled every view! As they approached the ship they heard piercing the silence, “Who wants to go? Now Boarding” and “All aboard that’s goin ashore!” whatever that meant. "All present and accounted for!"

The reality set in that they were not only here to see or touch it. They were gathered for final departure!

And they are all leaving right now!

But it was unanimous among them, as soon as the invitation was called out, all volunteered. “I will go! I want to go! Dont go without me! Im going! I’m in. We’re all in! Send me too!”

Wonderful! Now, everybody form a line, and get in line. Everyone will get their turn. Find your place, get in order from last to first, and vice versa. Beautiful!

All Aboard? Was called 3 times, before order sent to close the door,”

“Alright time out! PLLLease stop.”


“Ok, so, this is messed up! I mean, again, we go from, I thought, the founders building a house”


“Which stands as a form of government, they embody, a smaller body from the big body, overseeing the big body(s) business? Which is why its a living body when they’re in it, but not when they aren’t?”

“Riiight. So you follow! Its why the body, house, is a living house, because it assembles when living members enter it, and disassembles when they leave. Hence “in assembly assembled”

“Got it, er, yeah, I , ok so how’d we get from there to buck rogers lost in space?!”

“Oh, their NOT lost! “He” is not lost! Nor the craft, all is well. In fact, we were just about to witness Fueling sequence, countdown to ignition and liftoff. All souls aboard!?”

“Yeah, so that’s kinda what I mean.”

“Friend, I am enormously grateful to have held your attention to this point. And, it seems preferable to you if I more directly get to the point? How about I bring the story swiftly full circle and wrap it up in a shiny bow?” (before someone takes a dirt nap!)

“Hey I’m definitely not trying to be rude. Please, no offense. Go ahead”

“Very well. So the Captain called the final announcement. They would all board at once.

Are you ready? He said?” (uncomfortable pause)

“What? What?! Why you lookin at me like that? “

“Are you ready? He said again? All means all, and everyone counts. Which includes you.

Are YOU ready?!”

“Ok, I’ll play. Yes, I am ready, for this story to be over!”

It is almost. We are almost up to where it began. And it ends as follows, but if you’re ready, close your eyes. We will now, having here assembled as one, muster a charge as one, and with maximum force shall crash the gate, and penetrate into the deepest recesses of the city, until fully occupying it!”

“Are you even serious right now?! Dude, you’re killing me! Now, we’re storming a castle all of a sudden?!

Part 4 ~ the rush

Just playing. Where were we? Space ship, shuttle, right. So all are gathered. Me and you too. Waiting. Ready. To, with all our combined force, exerted simultaneously, which is critical! We must rush like a flood, mightily into the ship and fill it! At the exact same moment. Give or take. And everyone from there rushing on to his post and to man his station. Get every system fired up and running instantaneously. We have one shot at this, before we’re exhausted. So, with that. With every eye closed, and every head bowed, on my mark. Get Set. Take a deep breath! And hold it as long as you can! Go!!!”

And God breathed the breath of life into the man, whom He had made.

First Assembly of Elohim; "Let us make man..."

Follow the Trust, initial deposit, to final withdrawal;( execute, exhaust, exhale, expire) 

man; the ship of fellows; the fellow ship; and the elder shall serve the younger

To be continued



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