"Where is the House that you will build for Me?" 

Do you know where the Father’s house is Today? Anyone?

Can you please point to it, and show it to me?

The House of God is not made by man’s hands, composed of wood and stone.

But is a living House, composed of Living Stones. Hint; that’s us people. At least the living ones.

This House is scattered, decomposed, in ruins. Has anybody even rebuilt the walls?! Any chance the money changers are active again, turning the Father's House into a commercial market place?

Except the Lord build the House, they labor in vain who try at all!

He is the Wise Master Builder, and Chief Architect. And “upon this Rock, I will Build My Assembly.”

There is One Body! And He builds His Body, His House, by assembling the many, living members which compose it, called “His People”, “My People”, “the People of God.”

The Covenant People. Those who believe, keep the faith, are Joined in Union with Him through the New Testament/Trust/Covenant/Contract/Will/Agreement between God and man. Between God, our Father, through His Son of Whom it was spoken “in Him I will place My Trust.” Who ratified a New Covenant in His Own Blood. Who became our Savior and Redeemer, Who took away the sins of the world, and canceled the certificates of debt over us, and set us free. Free to join His Kingdom, become His Family, People, House, children, sons, daughters. Free from ever again having any man to rule over US. Free to love and serve Him as our only God, King, Who is the only Benevolent Eternal One. And, Who created us, and endowed us! Did you learn of the “endowment” or “Testamentary Trust?” Probably not. And that God made you and me together makes “We,” the heirs with an Estate?

Did we think He left us orphans, lost, abandoned, and unprovided for? The opposite is True. Remember His Name “I Am your Provider?!” And they declared their Trust in Him saying “with firm Reliance on Divine Providence!” They threw All into the Trust, “pledging their “lives, fortunes, and Sacred Honor.”

Yes People, that is what the Bible is about, which the Congress (means “assembly”) declared the Bible to be in this Country the “Word of God.” See? Even the “rulers” believe. This has been so from the beginning, when few of the people were believing in Him, taking His Words seriously, “seeing” what He was saying, “following.” But, some of the rulers were believing! See John 12.

And remember “the government shall rest upon His Shoulders?” The shoulders; that part of the Body which bears the burden, where responsibility rests. And, where responsibility lies, the corresponding Authority to carry it/them out accompanies. Behold, the all-coveted Power!

Thus, He gave; “All Authority in heaven and earth I give to you.” And, “the Kingdom is within you!”

This is the basis for the “power in this Country is inherent in the People.” Why is it inherent in us, meaning we’re born with it as birthright? Because we in this Land, under the Living God of this Land and its’ People are born under the Protection and terms of the chosen and declared Faith of the People of this Land. We are descendants of the men who founded this Nation according to the “self-evident Truths they declared to have and hold. The Truths revealed in the Old and New (Current, Present, Now, Today’s) Testaments of the Bible. Again, we are “heirs of God, and joint-heirs with His Son”, Who also is not ashamed to call US His Brethren!” Because “the Bible tells us so,” and the “full Faith and Credit” clause. And the “Contract” clause. And the Freedom of Religion...

And what did Paul tell us in Galatians 4? That as long as “the heir” is a child he differs not from a slave, though he is owner of all. He remains a minor, dependent heir, under “guardians and tutors, hirelings, stewards, and servants until age of majority or “Independence.”

Since the Gospel revealed God is our Father, it remains we are all equal in His House, all brothers and sisters. He is the only Parent in this House!

Are the People in whom the Power dwells, and to whom “all things are possible,” of full age of majority and maturity yet (Aka “adults, Big People”)? Able to Respond?

For Such a Time as This?! We are on the verge of losing our Country and “Way” of Life, our culture, our customs, our laws, our freedoms and rights ~ Granted us by our Creator! And in fact, if the People do not Act, we already have.

Public Assembly, Sunday, August 28, 2022, Town Hall, Croydon New Hampshire 

there came a man, sent from God, and my name is Paul Raymond.
via Whipple,
my Yes


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