"Upon This Rock, I Will Build My Assembly"


To All To Whom These Presents Come, Greetings

I wish this Writ to be on the Public Record of the Court. It is written including self-declaration, to serve notice of special appearance by I, a man of God, of age of majority, without disability or impairment of body or mind, sound in spirit, with firsthand knowledge of the facts of the matter(s) at hand,

Attention; Robin Jean Reichert, John Simonds, Marc Hathaway, Bruce Cardello, Matthew Hogan et al

Re; Scheduled Hearing May 24, 2022, “State v. PAUL R WHIPPLE,” Case Numbers 462-2021-CR-00752, 462-2021-CR-00727, 462-2021-CR-00148, 462-2018-CR-00463 and ALL/EVERY Case(s) concerning the man that I am, whose name is Paul Raymond Whipple,

I intend to be present and appear making myself again known, seen, and finally heard, having business protecting my interests which are also in service to God’s, before the court and all attending as a living, breathing, walking, talking, God-made man, in living color, animating flesh and blood as evidence. I do not conduct myself in any way, shape, or form as a person. But as I am. A man, bound in Covenant union to my Creator, Who also my religion teaches is our/my Father, and no respecter of persons, and my free gift (private property/all rights reserved) name is paul raymond ( of the whipple family, but these matters are strictly private, personal business). Of course I am a man and not a person, but I do have one. It is defined as ‘Lawful Person.’ I call it “my person,” and I am responsible for it. I, said man in form of/as a man, will hold in my hand my manufacturer’s certificate of origin and original title as man, as recorded in form of The Holy Bible; “the Word of God.” All are familiar that all our service in devotion to God, our other charters, customs, Ways, traditions, laws, statutes, ordinances, treaties, agreements, contracts, covenants, etc., religious and common, are also found recorded there known as the “old” and New Covenant. I will also hold in my hand as holder in due course, proof of paramount claim, authentic, original title to the “organization,” with full faith and credit, and expressed release/conveyance of responsibility by Michael Pompeo, acting Secretary of State for the USA, which “must be accepted by the court as original.” 28USC1733. These proofs place Robin and all others ‘responsible’ in Capital-Level Custodial Interference in Open Defiance of the Secretary and State and State of State, in these and all cases presumed against entities, names, numbers, accounts, sub-accounts, contents, utilities, instruments of registered or prior registered organizations, corporations, or trusts, birthed/originated/formed/ organized by the State for presumed benefit of the man-child, born of woman in covenant union, and given a name, which information about events resulted in the birth of the similarly-named ‘organization, corporation, (decedent estate) trust;’

I, the one imagined, foreknown, crafted and sent special delivery in my place, with attached birthright, covenant first estate, of/from/by God; the Father and Originator of I, the former man-child whose name is paul raymond, whipple. I am no longer a child. And just demand to be recognized as I am; a man, in the first place. While I do object to what you are doing, I also do not approve of the way you are doing it. It will be a light thing to bring the record fully up to date, on and for the record in the hearing. To ensure this end, while objecting greatly to the great offense of this hearing, I am not insisting you cancel on my account. I do not write to prohibit the hearing, but with intent and prepared to settle all verified claims. All present, interested, participating claimants, complaining victims, competent witnesses, agents/officers of towns, county, police and court, be prepared to do the same. I reserve the right to freely come and go, appear and stand, be recognized, make introductory opening statement. I must and do now hereby express strict Prohibition against obstruction of testimony and extrajudicial measures. Any motion posited of that nature notwithstanding.

There has admittedly been a colossal mistake. Compounding exponentially. But, it is no accident. I have been repeatedly, deliberately, intentionally misidentified and my political status has been ignored and misrepresented to and by the court. I HAVE REPEATEDLY DECLARED WITH PROOFS that I am not acting in the capacity of a Federal, Municipal, Territorial, PERSON, Person, United States Citizen nor as a Citizen of the United States, nor in any commercial transportation capacity, activity, agency, employ as “driver” etc., requiring State licensing and/or registration. I travel freely upon the public Way in my private capacity using my private, personal household property conveyance under recognized and protected license from the Most High granting His people safe conduct/safe passage on the earth, “whatsoever ground the soles of your feet shall trod is given you.” As a living enfranchised member of this recognized, protected community of faith, I freely exercise my faith by enjoying and “forgetting NONE of His Benefits!” I do not trespass upon the public Way, nor is it foreign land and soil to me. I am lawfully entitled to free, private use of it, for private, peaceful, lawful purpose(s). I have never claimed otherwise, only been press-ganged, maliciously and presumptuously “treated” as one such “offensive,” minor, dependent, subject, having no rights but those administered by permission for fee by the foreign, nanny- “State” actors. Only those involved in using our (the people’s) property; our shared, having and holding in common, commonwealth, aka “the public way,” free ways, roads and “drives,” for “other” self-interested purposes, foreign to the people, need license and permission to use Our Way for the benefit and profit of private, foreign commercial corporations for exploitative, commercial purposes effectually executing and overseeing enforcement of imposed administrative system trafficking the “owner(s); all the living people of the state” away from their covenanted birthright, first estate, identity, nationality, religion, political status, original jurisdiction thereof, into a foreign, commercial system of corporate Policy of the Parent Company, administering the internal Policies as statutory ‘laws’ and annotated codes (requiring “code enforcement” aka “policy enforcers” aka “police officer(s)” looking for violators to give citations, never meant to apply to the people but applying only to employees, officials, agents, representatives of said corp(s) acting as “State.” I am a new hampshire national. I am an American and I know who I am and why. I am fully “committed” to my State of the Union and owe no obligation or allegiance to any other foreign monarch, state, incorporated entity, principality or other ‘contracting’ power. “No man can serve two masters.” I am not for sale or trade or commercial exchange, not subject to any franchise, not bound to contract, being prior fully and freely bound in disclosed covenant, not subject to lien or levy, or the jurisdiction of this court and I claim remedy and relief also of Federal Law, Title 50, Appendix 7 (c) and (e).

While writing this, I received a phone call from Matthew Hogan at 11:11 am, May 18, 2022. We spoke for 8 ½ minutes. Matthew began by declaring a false statement; a lie; bearing false witness and testimony as if it were true and the truth. Matthew stated “you have a hearing scheduled Tuesday.” After Matthew’s confirming the call was being recorded (preserve recording as evidence), I informed him he’d made a false claim. Matthew said, “I have?” Yes Matthew, Specifically, that a nom de guerre is solely addressed, and that my name does not even appear on his or any of the court’s documents. No, I have not been addressed, accused, charged with anything. When asked if he really doesn’t understand what is happening here, which I’ve been telling them for years? Matthew Hogan stated that he is unable to comprehend it, saying words to the effect “you are a little hard to follow sometimes.” I told him I speak English, and not complicated words. After all this time, and harassment, I am staggered to discover that the man acting as prosecutor, literally admitted he does not even know what he is doing. And, he proves it with his sincerely expressed ignorance. By his words he reveals he is a child in his thinking who does not understand the question, nor can he answer it. He actually thinks and believes that I, the living man that I am, is “the DEFENDANT!” He confessed he cannot follow a simple train of thought in simple English words, that he does not know what he is doing, and he thinks PAUL WHIPPLE, and PAUL R WHIPPLE are the same “thing”?! And, Matthew also thinks those (two, different) THINGS are the name of a man?! Really?! Yes, really. Matthew was not joking or playing dumb. He was being honest and confidently revealing what he believes to be true. And, he reveals that he knows nothing yet as he ought to. He cannot follow along, so does not try to. He thinks a state-created organization on paper is me, a living man. He thinks an ALL CAPITAL LETTER NAME, printed on bank note bond paper, by the registrar dept of vital records, forming an organization, corporation, trust, legal fiction entity “PERSON,” is my name?!

I can see him on the stand under oath, looking around wondering with sincere clueless expression, “what?!” Does this not illustrate perfectly the problem here, folks?!

How many more of you bad actors (maybe we should begin the “hearing” by a show of hands) actually do not know what you are doing? How many do not know the difference between the organization created on paper by the State, titled PAUL RAYMOND WHIPPLE (or PAUL R WHIPPLE, or PAUL R. WHIPPLE, or PAUL WHIPPLE), and the living man that I am, spirit, soul, and body, made by our Creator and given the name Paul Raymond, House of Whipple?

It is concluded that the authorities acting as solicitors, BAR attorneys, sheriff, deputies, police, courts, clerks, judges, prosecutors are not adequately trained in the practice of law to even make a determination of probable cause much less presume that any entity subject to the statutory law was even present and inhabiting an Office of Person. In fact, all are in possession and willful, malicious suppression of evidence on record to the contrary, notwithstanding repeated attempted solicitations to gain joinder in order to advance your simulation of legal process under color of law. All are without excuse; fully aware, notified, informed and in acceptance, having waived all rights to object or respond. Whereupon I order for this Court to dismiss these unsubstantiated charges and set my “persons” free. I wish my cargo and my vessels which are permanently domiciled; closed, retired, private property, out of use, on the land and soil of New Hampshire to be released and all charges against them to be eliminated. I wish the Prosecutors Bid Bond and Performance Bond, any and all other bonds created/charged BY THE COURT against PAUL RAYMOND WHIPPLE, PAUL R. WHIPPLE, PAUL WHIPPLE to be brought forward and paid to me as damages for the malicious persecution, false arrest(s) and detainment of my life and VESSEL(s) in violation of my Article IV guarantees under The Constitution of the United States. Kindly add another $10,000 for the invasion of my privacy and additional disturbance of the peace and my peace caused by Matthew Hogan and his willful ignorance of his crimes, and the consequences on innocent, peaceful, law-abiding people owed good-faith service and constitutional protections and guarantees.

Assuming requirement to post a minimum of $25,000 per misdemeanor and $1,000,000.00 per felony, In light of your violation of the lawful, binding, registered Agreement(s) including but not limited to RF224278001US, crimes of personage and barratry (both unlawful for over 200 years), mail fraud, solicitation of mail fraud, and attempts to make profit via false, coordinated, criminal, corrupt, fraudulent processes, forms, services, practices, policies, activities, statements and charges; creating ‘true and accurate’ records/accounts, book-keeping, (foreign) “bills” (of attainder) and posting bonds to gain sub-account access to the corresponding, prepaid, exempt from levy or lien, “off-ledger” CUSIP and/or AUTOTRIS ACCOUNT(S), against the law, the peace, the “law of peace,” the truth, and all covenants, treaties, oaths, fiduciary responsibilities and other “unseen” matter of facts and trust like honest, humble, good-faith service and amity in perpetuity, but rather in open, blatant, flagrant, violent, hostile and belligerent contempt and disregard for the same, resulting in real, actual crimes, trespasses, violations, imprisonments, false arrests which are violent assaults, and more, which cost me dearly and substantial loss, injury, damage, and additional, repeated, needless harms and abuses. Acting as Court Clerk, Robin Jean Reichert has the necessary information as the actual Prosecutor and Beneficiary in the case, the Court Clerk’s Office is responsible for calculating and preparing the True Bills? Please apply these factors to your numerous actual admitted prior and ongoing crimes against I, as per my fee schedule you accepted, and forward to your bonding agent for immediate disbursement of funds in lawful money, and/or forfeitures of other unencumbered property, assets in consideration of all expenses, fines, penalties (x7) aggravating, and/or for closure. Damages assessed thus far and accruing exceed 17 million dollars. Which, should be doubled for Robin and all other named parties joined in The Agreement(s) by free will of acquiescence via default, are also in Breach of the Agreement and the peace by crafting the hearing scheme mailer solicitation to a fictitious entity, and no living man or woman. Kindly add another $10,000 for the invasion of my privacy and additional disturbance of the peace and my peace caused by Matthew Hogan and his willful ignorance of his crimes, and the consequences on innocent, peaceful, law-abiding people owed good-faith service and constitutional protections and guarantees. You have my fee schedule, and nearly 200 pages of unrebutted facts you chose to default in agreement to, which you may now go through and use to calculate your enumerated offenses and cost of same sum total due from all. As for the criminal penalties, you are all entitled to trial by jury of your peers. All evidence, service, notice, process, defaults have been carefully recorded and all to be used in a court of record and law, composed of,by,for the chosen people of this community. Notice has gone out to the people of the assembly to assemble. You are all in full knowledge of these facts and my intentions from the beginning to help restore lawful government of, by, for the people of Sullivan County. All refused help offered, refused also to lift a finger to help in any way, but to allow the inequitable, unjust status quo to continue. The Town of Grantham Inc., Town of Croydon Inc., Town of Newport Inc., The County of Sullivan, Inc., The State of New Hampshire Inc., the Judiciary for the State of New Hampshire Inc., State of New Hampshire, others, all principals and agents thereof and all others served and notified by the people in time of need, turned their backs as a wall against the people, refusing to serve.

( I also hereby report as missing, lost, or stolen property, a valuable, authentic, original numbered security instrument/bond. It is believed to have been sent by mistake, and now continues to be held by, in the possession of Robin Reichert, Matthew Hogan, Marc Hathaway, or John Simonds, in violation of fiduciary responsibilities to immediately return such valuable consideration not endorsed to him/her/them, and which return is demanded immediately with explanation. It appears as item 13 contained in RF224278001US received by Robin Reichert on July 7, 2021, and in item 10 contained in RF572807413US received by John Simonds. Please produce all records received from myself in order to find the Security (or prove that only copies were received), which would have been sent as a “copy” of authenticated Birth Certificate with signed cover page attached by Mike Pompeo Secretary of State, United States of America. )

Given Robin’s demonstrated ability through State/Court agency to access the off-ledger trust ACCOUNT(S), I would like a full, complete, exhaustive, authentic, actual, true and substantially accurate Accounting of all on and off-ledger accounts, records, ledgers, transactions, debits, credits, bonds, correspondence(s), return(s), receipts, deposits, interest, accrual(s), income, charges, claims, verified claims to date against/bearing, on which appear PAUL RAYMOND WHIPPLE and/or PAUL R WHIPPLE and/or PAUL WHIPPLE, provided in hard-copy form and digital format. This (chattel) property is all privately held in my name, with liability for trespass and/or any/all unauthorized access or use published and recorded, owed and due, payable to the living man that I am, whose name is paul raymond, which also all are in possession of full knowledge and multiple, manifest proofs of same. I reiterate and state again now that I reserve all rights, claim all exemptions, and am bound by conscience to NOT waive any fundamental Right(s) or exemptions EVER as by law:

I am forbidden, without ability, not allowed to contract with you.

I am unable, prevented, prohibited to consent to or comply with any of your requests.

I positively claim, do have and hold dear our cherished and secured, protected, guaranteed Freedom of Religion. “No man can serve two masters.” “It was for freedom that He set us free” “whom the Son sets free is free in-deed” “Congress shall pass no law respecting religion, or the free exercise thereof.”

Supreme Court Ruling in Penhallow v. Doane's Administrators (3 U.S. 54; 1 L Ed. 57; 3 Dall. 54) Government Is Foreclosed from Parity with Real People "Inasmuch as every government is an artificial person, an abstraction, and a creature of
the mind only, a government can interface only with other artificial persons. The imaginary, having neither actuality nor substance, is foreclosed from creating and attaining parity with the tangible. The legal manifestation of this is that no government, as well as any law agency, aspect, court, etc. can concern itself with anything other than corporate, artificial persons and the contracts between them."

Justice Bandeis eloquently affirmed his condemnation of abuses practiced by Government officials, who were defendants, acting as Government officials. In the case of Olmstead vs. U.S. 277 US 438, 48 S.Ct. 564, 575; 72 L ED 944 (1928) he declared: "The Supreme Court, in Arthur v. Morgan, 112 U.S. 495, 5 S.Ct. 241, 28 L.Ed. 825, held that carriages were properly classified as household effects, and we see no reason that automobiles should not be similarly disposed of."

Seth Waxman, Solicitor General, U.S. Department of Justice, Supreme Court of the United States, Brief for The Petitioners “Reno v. Condon, no. 98 – 1464”, decided January 12, 2000 has stated: “The activity licensed by State DMV’s and in connection with which individuals must submit personal information to the DMV – the operation of motor vehicles – is itself integrally related to interstate commerce.”

People v. Nothaus, 147 Colo. 210 “No State government entity has the power to allow or deny passage on the highways, byways, nor waterways transporting his vehicles and personal property for either recreation or business, but by being subject only to local regulation, traffic lights, stop signs, ect. Travel is not a privilege requiring licensing, vehicle registration, or forced insurances.”

Please also provide ALL prior requested complete FARA disclosures for every man, woman, person, entity involved in these actions, and all other prior requested material information. Also, answers to the following interrogatory questions are demanded from all State actors in these proceedings. Especially, Mr Hogan. It should be eye-opening exercise exposing how misinformed agents of state really are concerning the farcical charade being executed as “justice” and “legitimate, constitutional government” in Sullivan County. I invoke NH HB 638, which proves it!

is there a cause of action?

Is there a Complaining victim?

Is there Harm, injury, damage, loss(es)?

are there Competent, testifying witnesses?

Is there a warrant? Is one Warranted? Warranting action incl arrest? Incarceration?

Does this court have jurisdiction over the living, breathing, in flesh and blood, man or woman?

What probable cause does the solicitor clerk, court, prosecutor or police officer(s) have for presuming and what visual distinction do they use to ascertain whether a man is

(A) driving for hire and not simply traveling for private purposes? (B) driving without a license as is required when dealing in commerce? (C) driving without registration when a personal private property automobile does not require that he do so?

who in Law Enforcement is and how are they competent to interpret the statutory law or Federal code and make a determination by visual observation that any crime occurred?

do any have first-hand knowledge of the circumstance and happenings that are referred to in the complaints?

Did they accuse, complain against, charge, name the man who they saw and identified?

Did anybody ever in fact, identify the man?

is the DEFENDANT that man?"

is the DEFENDANT a person?"

is the DEFENDANT alive or dead?”

is the DEFENDANT a dependent?"

can you explain exactly what kind of person the DEFENDANT is?"

explain the unusual style convention used to name the DEFENDANT in all capital letters ---- is the DEFENDANT's NAME written in Latin or something made to appear like Latin?"

were you aware that writing the DEFENDANT's name in all capital letters has a meaning indicating that the DEFENDANT is either a dead man's estate, a corporation, or a trademark?”

is the DEFENDANT a trademark?"

is the DEFENDANT a corporation, organization, or trust?”

what kind of corporation, organization, or trust is the DEFENDANT?"

what evidence do you have that the DEFENDANT exists?"

can you please bring your evidence demonstrating probable cause that the DEFENDANT exists and submit this evidence on the Public Record of the Court?”

is the DEFENDANT allowed to do business in this state?"

is the DEFENDANT being represented by a Board of Directors?

if you had a problem with the DEFENDANT, why didn't you address your charges to the

Board of Directors or the CEO of the corporation?"

why is this DEFENDANT being sent mail to my mailing address?"

where is the probable cause that I have anything to do with the DEFENDANT - other than having a somewhat similar name?"

are you aware that the DEFENDANT's name has appeared as a Traded Security and brokerage account?

You have named this DEFENDANT and sent mail addressed to it at my address, is that not true?”

You are obviously aware that I am not an incorporated entity and not a Traded and Bonded Security, either, correct?"

Can you please provide the Court and submit to the Public Record any evidence that you have amounting to probable cause for you to think that the DEFENDANT is connected to me or voluntarily represented by me in any capacity?”

Can you demonstrate and explain to the court exactly why you addressed this DEFENDANT in this manner?"

Finally, and speaking as plainly and simply as possible so that even a child may follow along,

Matthew has made it apparent that all participating in these actions do not fully comprehend the nature of these actions. Specifically, that all are in a private administrative process, a law suit, on and for the record, with due notice, process, and service on and for the record. This has been the case since 2018 upon the first acceptance of service from Paul Raymond Whipple.

This record is now around 200 pages that all accepting service chose freely and willfully to not respond or rebut any point, but default and agree with all. Noted. Recorded. I strongly and urgently suggest Matthew and all others revisit, starting at the beginning, and read slowly, so as to follow along, seeing if he or any are able. Having thus demonstrated who is the adult in the room, and who is lacking knowledge and understanding even of his own words and deeds, being ignorant and needing instruction from the other. This responsibility, as shocking and awful as it may seem to me, (that “if it were possible,” in fact, even the “acting as” elect ARE deceived?!) I also accept, seeing there is definitely urgent necessity; need. I have dutifully and faithfully reported all to all acting as competent authorities of town, court, county, state, and all are in the same state of default. All delegated authorities acting in ways contrary to law, constitution, and oaths to serve, who are called to account for their conduct in light of the above, and refuse to give account nor amend their crooked, repugnant ways, are in breach of trust and unauthorized. No unjust powers were ever delegated to anyone by the people. Only just powers by consent of the governed. Upon abdication of any delegated authority it returns to the natural repository – the people.

Conveyance acknowledged and deed accepted. Remember, “the Department assumes NO responsibility.” I have accepted full responsibility for myself, my good name and administration of my affairs, business, and estate. As adult, age of majority, in covenant with my Father, the Most High, I am interested and able, called to serve in the Father’s Business which is the affairs of the people, offspring, sons, daughters, children of the Most High; the Father’s House. You people should be well aware if you solicit to do business with people of this faith, of this House, of this Family, what Table and Court your solicitations land and come to rest upon. Exactly Whose attention is it brought to? And, how is it to be received? According to the words expressed in every case, exactly who is inquiring to do what with a member of this Family? Did you not know this to be the case in every case? Because this people is protected, pre-existing all existing charters, covenants so are carefully protected safe and secure by all subsequent laws, charters, treaties, constitutions… And, there can be no litmus test, and strangers are welcome among us in peace and also sheltered, so the laws are carefully construed to be compatible with our free state; the peculiar people, holy nation, chosen generation, that we are.

If you do not understand your own words, you should not be arrogantly placing them in this Court, on This Table, aka the Big Table. Most High Contracting Power. The “Word of God” aka the Bible, contains the Law of this people and their land, which Law is above and over all. There can be no law against it, in opposition of which is the perilous, baseless claim you all are now occupying and forced to defend. and, NH HB 638?!


In the Year of Our Lord Two Thousand Thirteen

AN ACT recognizing the original Thirteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution.

Be it Enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives in General Court convened:

1 Preamble and Statement of Intent. The general court hereby finds that:

I. In 1810, a proposed amendment to the United States Constitution, which prohibited titles of nobility and which later became known as the original Thirteenth Amendment, was introduced, passed both houses of Congress, and was sent to the states for ratification. On December 9, 1812, shortly after ratification by Virginia, New Hampshire became the thirteenth state to ratify the amendment. The amendment was therefore ratified by the requisite number of states and became Article XIII of the United States Constitution.

II. During the War Between the States, otherwise known as the Civil War, the country was under martial law, and all executive orders made by President Lincoln were, in effect, law. After the war, laws made during that period were to be abated; yet, vestiges of martial law remained and presidents continued to write executive orders.

III. The District of Columbia Organic Act of 1871, otherwise known as the Act of 1871, created a corporation in the District of Columbia called the United States of America. The act revoked prior legislation relative to the district’s municipal charter and, most egregiously, led to adoption of a fraudulent constitution in which the original Thirteenth Amendment was omitted.

IV. Today, what appears to the public as the United States Constitution is not the complete document, as it was never lawfully amended to remove the Thirteenth Amendment. Instead, the document presented as the United States Constitution is merely a mission statement for the corporation unlawfully established in the Act of 1871.

V. The purpose of this act is to recognize that the original Thirteenth Amendment, which prohibits titles of nobility, is properly included in the United States Constitution and is the law of the land. The act is also intended to end the infiltration of the Bar Association and the judicial branch into the executive and legislative branches of government and the unlawful usurpation of the people’s right, guaranteed by the New Hampshire constitution, to elect county attorneys who are not members of the bar. This unlawful usurpation gives the judicial branch control over all government and the people in the grand juries. As long as the original Thirteenth Amendment is concealed from the people, there shall never be justice or a legitimate constitutional form of government.

2 New Chapter; Thirteenth Amendment. Amend RSA by inserting after chapter 1-A the following new chapter:



1-B:1 Original Thirteenth Amendment. The following shall be recognized as the original Thirteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution:

Article XIII

If any citizen of the United States shall accept, claim, receive, or retain any title of nobility or honor, or shall, without the consent of Congress, accept and retain any present, pension, office or emolument of any kind whatever, from any Emperor, King, Prince or foreign power, such person shall cease to be a citizen of the United States, and shall be incapable of holding any office of trust or profit under them or either of them.

3 Effective Date. This act shall take effect 60 days after its passage.


Ex Parte Milligan 71 US 2 of 1866

S. (4 Wall.) 2 (1866), was a U.S. Supreme Court case that ruled the application of military tribunals to citizens when civilian courts are still operating is unconstitutional.

i hereby declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the United States of America that all the foregoing statements are true and correct to the best of my information, knowledge and belief.

                                                                                                            Without Prejudice

By;______________signed 5/19/2022___________________

paul raymond whipple

all rights reserved, exemptions claimed

a man sent from God, and private

American National (New hampshirite)


Executed on (date)

Sullivan County, New Hampshire

On this _________day of ______________, 20____, personally appeared_________________________________,

known to me (or satisfactorily proven) to be the man whose name is subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged that he executed the same for the expressed purposes contained therein. In witness whereof, I hereunto set my hand and official seal.

_________executed 5/19/2022_________ Public Notary My Commission expires


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