Mother Hubbard "annagram" Stirring the Pot Again? What's in the Witches Brew?

I hate to mention any names, for to give vain notoriety, but "Wolf! Beware!"

The which ol' witch is at it again. That jezebel tolerated by some assemblies. Knowing every word matters. With 'subtle?' statements like

"This is especially egregious because the Pope owns both sides of"

"The Pope may have authority to authorize war within" the District of Columbia and by God", 

"he'd better make sure that he keeps it in the District of Columbia." (do ewe really have him on that tight of lease? oops, leash?)

Acting as Fiduciary, acknowledging deeds, titles, interests, claims. Concluding "the Pope owns both sides of.."
Wow?! What a uuuge, bigly concession?! Really? Exactly what does francis the fallen “own?” A purse with holes in it? Full of liabilities? Attached to his “own” name? And, title to a religious order which prior claimed association with “christianity” as legitimacy of official anointed capacity to administer the Covenant (and it’s ever-increasing abundance of supply) on behalf of the minor dependent heirs until they come of
full age of majority, stature and maturity; which used said ‘legitimacy’ to overspread the earth, conquering the promised land for God and country, “saving” the barbarians and savages with the “Good News!” I do not approve of “the way” these swift messengers delivered the Glorious Message beginning; “Glad tidings! Rejoice! Peace on Earth, and Goodwill towards men!” to the peoples native to and dwelling on the lands, owed that Message as sent by the Most High God who wants every man everywhere to know He is also our Father, “all our” Father in the First Place. God and Creator, Originator, Donor, Father of the “First Family” of Man.
Now the ‘religious order’ which claimed legitimacy by “saving the sav-ages,” barbarians, pagans! After vacating the office/abdication/renunciation by been-dickt? “
Chair” vacated/Office closed/locked/sealed. At which time those authorities returned from whence they came- to the people. The people of God, the dejure largest living sovereign Body on earth in pre-recorded, recognized, protected Covenant Union with Their God, have since the moment of that abdication, held within themselves “all authority in heaven and earth I give to you.” enter the serpent charmer who declared the new ‘religious order’ pagan! The “church” would re-open with new identity as opposite its’ former position; advance Gospel/oppose paganism, is now itself Pagan, embracing paganism ie oppose Truth, Gospel and God.
Once the fictitious, corporate entities “died again” in the hole of bankruptcy, the temporal powers prior delegated also returned to the people. Thus, “All Authority,” spiritual and temporal, ecclesiastical and civil, municipal and territorial, church and state, god and country, flag and the cross, twin powers of the earth, twin pillars, “Twin Sticks” of King and Priest, has since Shiloh came, been joined as one in One hand, and deposited in His people! Now they
(stewards, guardians, tutors, hirelings, servants) are ALL illegitimate, un-duly-authorized, FALLEN. Period. End of story.
Francis the Fallen owns nothing but his own liability, and has NO Authority whatsoever. These statements/allowances/concessions appear as if this site is used to convey to the criminal trespassing offender, agreement with his claims of and rights to and authority over, granted by her also to make war on the land and soil of Wash DC? Is that agreement of claim and permission to act? Granted by the acting Fiduciary?

It was a cynical ploy, diabolical genius in craft, revealing darkness as source, to administer the new Covenant of Grace after the pattern of the former Covenant of Law, and CAPITALIZE on the difference.

All it's cost us so far, is the loss of the entire 2000 years "Age of grace!"

Would one think on that basis that we failed miserably in our stewardship of this Treasure?! Then I would say "thank God the Kingdom is not dependent on us, is not ours to lose! But only enter n join, if we choose / or not. But, i say we did not fail! For at the last, behold! The Kingdom stands! The Gospel stands! The Covenant stands, intact! The people, children, sons, daughters, heirs all ~ gloriously Stand! Present, “accounted for,” and alive! No, the Truth was handed down in secret by our fathers who held and kept the Truth in honor, keeping faith with the same, in the hidden counsel of the heart; the conscience; where the Law of God is inscribed upon "tablets of men's hearts." These fallen, acting hirelings and stewards NEVER held the Trust! They only claimed to administer its' terms and bountiful increase. The Trust itself, never left the Body! We Hold! These truths! To be made by observation as self-evident, by highest, overwhelming authority of all information on record, prior recognized and agreed upon by all men. Now they carried the light, the candle, the flame, the torch and mantle through every generation since the cross, and it has passed to us, who have and hold this treasure Here, Now, Today, in earthen vessels; the Treasure of God! For the Lord's Portion is His people! If you wish to so identify, our identity is expressed three-fold;

1. There came a man.

2. sent from God.

3. whose name is.

Notice Peter answered in this way. "Thou art the Christ (title; "Anointed"); the Son; of the Living God." ie the man, his relation to God, and his name. Same as a "people, in relation (pledged, promised, claimed, spoken for, espoused, obligated, joined, wed, bound, in union with) to God, named..." So confess Me before men. This our true, single, original- if we want it- individual and corporate identity;

Who we are (i am).

Whose we are (I AM).

Our "Name is.."

Who do men say that "i am?" Who do you say that "i am?" Ask yourself within yourself, for you are free to "identify," "who do I say that I am?" i am, His! and my name is… Light. Man is spirit, clothed in atomic garments.

Raze the BAR! Lower the Boom!” Ride the Lightning! To the Light! The Way, Truth, and Life!

To the law! And, to the testimony! If they do not answer according to this, it is because they have no dawn.” No light within them. The light that is in them is darkness. And how great is that darkness. Terrible, terrible day.

Meanwhile folks, it’s a Great Day, here, now Today! In the Kingdom of Light, Full of light and life, freedom and peace for the People of Light, the ones who are, and were, and are to come; living Here and There, the children of Light, of the Father of lights, Who is Light, and in Whom is no darkness at all! He Himself is their Light, and what a bright place this is and soon shall wholly be, and never again be otherwise. Welcome, Glory!

by; i, a man, bondservant of God, (in service on duty), named paul raymond

in response to/ provoked by / rebutting statements made in


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