"Forsake not the Assembling of yourselves together!" Oops! Seeking a Place, For A Living Body to Assemble


Go Tell It On The Mountain! Open Public Notice To People of Sullivan County communities

https://legiscan.com/NH/text/HB638/id/719435 proves and defines our 'state' as without original constitutional protections and the 'in form of' republic; legitimate, duly-authorized government(s), of, by, for the people, that we the people of the states are owed. Thus the service of peace and justice owed is being denied in fact, by those foreign, incorporated organizations of men and women acting as persons, impersonating Public Servants
http://www.expose1933.com/1-us-1933-bankruptcy.html provides on-the-official-public record background history of "our benefactor(s)"; foreign interests, through incorporated "entities," plundering the Public Trust for 100 years now, under guise of providing "responsible government(s)."
The Remedy is within us, and solely our, the people's Responsibility. The untrustworthy hirelings; corrupt actors acting corruptly, have chosen their side; opposed to ours; opposed to and against us. Serving another than we the people of the states; THEIR former sovereign and Master. By doing so, and incorporating into another thing than their former estate, they have left us, and are without us; foreign and stranger(s) to us. We the people formerly served by our trusted servants have been betrayed by THEM (false, lying shepherds, wolves in sheep's clothing), who "served us up and over" to our enemies.
God our Father (if you see yourself that Way) is looking for a few good men. What can one man not do? Make an agreement. Takes at least two. "If two or more of you agree.., it shall be done!" see?! If two or three "assemble" See That Word?! Assemble?! The right of the people peaceably to "assemble?!" Why were THEY preventing us from assembling? What are THEY so afraid of? What happens when we the people assemble? Wait for it... We form/compose a/an/the "Assembly!" Of, By, For... wait for it... us! We assemble. We discuss. We decide. According to our charters, the dictates of our corporate conscience; our customs and laws which derive from our faith in our Creator; and in keeping with His Ways according to His Word which is the Highest Law.
We all are aware everything seems upside down and only getting worse and fast. Now we are fully aware of the cause, and we have the right, and duty to correct the situation lawfully and peacefully. Any man or woman of age of majority and without disability is interested, notified, and qualified to serve the people, or protect and defend their own from what is presently being stolen from under our noses in broad daylight with full disclosure (Operation 'Kill the heir and Steal the Vineyard,' live exercise, false covid propaganda narrative masking global bankruptcies/reorg of the new "State of the World" definitely NotwithStanding!) We need a building to have a public meeting of the people of sullivan county. Additionally, and for follow-up meetings in each town. Anyone knowing of such facilities being available, and / or getting involved or wanting to be kept informed, please let me know. Asap. Please people, this is to be taken with utmost seriousness and no joke. Time is of the essence. And Now we are free to choose ("Choose ye this day, Come out of her, My People") "new guards" for our peace, safety, and security. Remember, people of the Covenant in the first place, we ARE saved, safe, having salvation, and safety - all the same word!- so for example a "committee of safety" may be formed to oversee our Rights and freedoms, defending the Source of Freedom; our Covenant with God; the Gospel on earth; preserved secure intact for every generation to come, in the first place and last!
Strengthen what remains.
Fulfill what is lacking.
Stand. And having done all to stand, Stand therefore

by i, named paul raymond, house of whipple; House of God


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