"The Key of Light" and Atom's Family


True Man – Adam? Atom? Where are you?

Who do men say that “I am?” Who do you say that “I am?”

Who, what, where, when is the “man”?

As a man thinks in his heart, so is he.

“Hidden man of the heart.” Thinks. Where he is. “In his heart.”

Where he is, there I am also.

That where I am, there you may be also.”

Who invited Him, From the first say; we “received Him into our hearts.”

We had not yet come to realize our essential place being the same, even within ourselves.

We are spirit. And, spirits when referring to more than one of us. Indwelling earthly tents, tabernacles not made by hands of man, living members of a living body, vitally, organically connected each to the Whole; a de jure corporate body; In perpetual Union! Joined to His side. Part of the living body of the Light and Word, the Way, Truth, and Life. The anointed Son of the Most High; Immanuel; our deliverer; Through Whose blood; life, death, burial, resurrection; was ratified a New Covenant between the Father and His people.

Will you therefore ever be ‘more’ spiritual than you are now?

Shedding the body, does that change you? Or, are you still you, as you, thinking, seeing, being the same, only you you’ve ever known as you, or has ever been you? Albeit in different stages of growth and development of all faculties, seen and unseen.

As long as the heir is a child! (Galatians) He thinks, speaks, reasons as a child. Most importantly, he “sees himself” as a child. As long as he expresses evidence of dependence, he may by his expression be presumed dependent; en-”trust”-ed to trustees; under guardians; (declaration of in-dependence; “new guards”; no longer see themselves as “dependents”) tutors, (Tudors), and stewards (Stuarts), servants, and hirelings. Who holds the keys of knowledge? By acknowledgment of Whom? Sound it out slowly and correctly forming every sound before moving on..(phonetically indistinguishable from “liars.”) Any among us today? Here and now? What are they doing, any works similar to those He cursed? When were 3 cestui (6) que vie trusts formed? By what agency and authority? Language(s) of empire(s) – trade – marks; proof of claim? “By reason of use?”

Who benefits? By what means? “In other words?” Common words having “other” meanings?

Honor or dishonorable; sorceries, occult word magick, lies, cunning, craft, deceitful scheming, to steal, kill, and destroy? Was the 1611 KJV a commercial contract? Trade? What interested parties are revealed as gratuitously secured therein? Recognized as “right of rule” by existing in the Bible? The Monarchy is there for sure in Title; King James (derives from Jacob; trickster, supplanter, grabs the heel) of England. The latin (belonging to Latium; Italy; Rome; rom-ulus; roman) words allowed to remain in kings “english” language translation? “Church” is there over a hundred times! Certainly that thing on earth calling itself ‘one universal’ by that latin language, who claimed all peoples speaking that language – creating for example “Latin Americans” and “Latin America!” That thing is strongly established with a host of words remaining in latin in the ‘English’ Bible.

A third party is manifest. In ‘other’ words than those in ancient, original texts; the jew makes his appearance; recognizing the money powers. Who are the money-changers today? Do they use unjust weights and measures? A specific thing God hates?! Which He turned the tables over on?

Are these 3 ‘kings’ the primary world rulers of this present darkness? Have they filled up the cup of iniquity with every abomination written? Have they merchandised in lives, souls, even bodies of men? Are they destroying the whole earth? Do they cause the little ones and children to stumble? Do they record unjust decisions and defraud the innocent? Are there woes, judgments written in every case concerning these sins, and those children of darkness, ‘sons of the kingdom’ who commit such?

“Binding their kings with chains, their nobles with fetters of iron. Executing upon them the judgments written. This honor have all His saints; holy ones; faithful.” We must notify them that wrath is appointed according as it is written in every case; and they are all without excuse. He is not slack and will not restrain His mighty, outstretched arm forever. Nor, even much longer.

Therefore, “Come out of her My people! Lest you suffer with her in her total destruction!”

I shall not die. But live and declare the works of the Creator. In the land of the living.

He is God of the living, not the dead.

He that lives and believes in Me, shall never die. Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God. Only the atoms ‘die.’ de-compose; even the elements shall pass away. In great fire they are released to from whence they came.

Can you live without the body? Can the body live without you?

Are you one who was? And is? And is to come? Do the words not manifestly prove it?

The time is coming, and now is!

See?! When is it ever not now? Now is all there is.

Atomos is the truth. The present being the absolute; indivisible moment; that period of light in which all things take place; all experience occurs.

When one orients himself as he is, as the truth relative to man; common therefore to all men of like and kind; mankind, has been revealed to him, and he comprehends it;

he sees himself in a new way, new light, from a new perspective; for we see from where we are seated.

As a child grows, he grows into his body and mind; discovering, comprehending by experiment and observation, to practice with, and by reason of use come to master all these gifts granted, but from his heart he does all.

What does that man do except think, and will, and move to express?

From that impulse begins all energetic processes outward; external to him; natural; physical, guided by the myriad unseen, invisible helps of heart and mind; which work together to express outwardly, thus in some way, shape, or form, what was within him alone, is manifest on the earth; the land of atoms, and adam’s family, or in the air, but under the sun.

This is the place and point of exchange. The one thing happening in the absolute present moment; the time and space (which is neither) between the future and the past (which is neither) where all things are possible, and all things are fulfilled. On the record compiled, ever-ongoing-Live action events; affairs of men.

See from where you are. Accept the truth concerning you as written, and see what is also written! Let there be vision! And a dream and dreams. Even, the Great Picture!

Accepting, we are to become adult; sons and daughters; not remain as infants or children; but grow up into Him (the pattern son) in all aspects. As He is, so are we in this world. Out of One, many; like Him!

Let us walk in it. The Father has no greater joy than that His children walk in truth. And we are reminded what shall be otherwise momentarily (excepting in malevolence; and diabolical craft; which is darkness) for

God is Light. And in Him is no darkness at all.

He is that Light which enlightens every man coming into the world.

If our eye is single, the whole body will be full of light (like Him, our Father)

but if the ‘light’ in you is darkness, how great is that darkness

that the children of this world are wiser than the children of light.

Our wising up shall be in/of/to truth; not as they in craft

(wisdom of this world; devilish- tree of knowledge of good and evil)

Knowledge of; system of thought; dominant paradigm “good and evil”

as opposed to

Tree (source) of “Life”

He is our Light; we are of, from Him. It is light which fuels the sight. And light that makes manifest.

He is our living Source of light and life.

As a Father walking and talking with His child, explaining all things firsthand, showing them all they encounter from His perspective; as He sees it; according to Him; the truth of all things from the expressed heart of the Creator of all things. Who is also their loving Father.

Who foreknew us? When and where was that? Before forming us in our mother’s womb? Being thus fully formed in the womb, we have thus left our fathers, who carried us from the beginning and at the first. Who was yet fully formed and known within Him before He expressed “Let us make man in our image?”

Darkness is outer to Him. What is outer to man? Where does ‘outer’ begin in relation to his essence?

The kingdom is within you. Except you become as a child you shall not see it.

Remember each stage of life you grew to. There was a conscious “enlightenment,” a new sense of your status in life related to your environment and relationships; each new level of maturity brings associated awareness- first awakening to the new freedoms and corresponding responsibilities.

Paul declared it for us- But when I became a man! We have the record of that moment of transformation in his case. Light! Blinding. Causing the ‘scales’ to Fall away.

He was at once as an adult newborn. A man child. As w Adam at the first. Seeing all things new, afresh, in a new light, different way from another perspective, as if for the first time. Fundamental, original, essential and element-ary perspective.

Thus a man sees he is not his thoughts, nor his mind, nor is that where he is within himself. Only his focus and attention is there, using his invisible faculties; his servants and helpers who were formerly his playmates in mind as they grew together. Now he sees he is master of this house and land. A prince inherits and is left the playground of the mind, taking a step from there to the seat of power; the holy of holies; inner-most sanctuary; the throne room called the heart. How will he conduct himself given authority to rule? Is it not manifest in how he governs his own domain in the first place? Being that immediately external to him; his spirit/light essence of heart, where (all things “my”) begin and extending outwardly to the sur-face of the body- and through expression from there to his exchange in communion with his every equal other man; equally free and sovereign?

This is the tree of Life in cycle. Blessed are you Simon son of Jonas, because flesh and blood has not revealed this to you, but my Father in heaven revealed it.

Upon this rock, is ‘duly-authorized’ established.

All there is – is Light, and darkness. This is the key to everything. And the corresponding energies of positive, and negative.

Information is everywhere. And, all signs point to it.

One thing. Single-arity.

The Truth of All Things.

The final distinction ascertaining the essence and source (ie the truth of the thing; is it light or darkness?) is in “volence.” It is found to be ‘bene’ or ‘male?’ Try as it may, malevolence can not change what it is. Nor hide for long when exposed to light.

Benevolence is the nature of our Father, and Light.

Let there be Light! And let our sight be fueled by our first and inner light; “the Son.” Not by association outwardly with an external, atomic source of light ie the “sun.”

In Your Light, we see light!

While we look not at those things which are seen, but those things which are unseen. For the things which appear are temporal, earthly; composed of atoms. But the things which are unseen, do not appear, are eternal.

Look at or imagine the night sky. In your mind’s eye. See!? There is the “eye” single.

Ask yourself what you see, or think, or imagine. See what vast, invisible faculties, energies, “powers” you have and use commonly without much thought?

What do you see? Space? Is it bright or dark? See?!

If you give yourself only a second or two and as few words to immediately describe what you see, or comes to mind, would not dark be among those common descriptive words?

But, should it appear? Or, are we missing something?

What is the night sky filled with, which does not appear to our eyes? What do we discern as self-evident, by observation of its’ effects on those things which may be seen, and do appear?

What appears dark to our natural eyes we know the opposite is true, and is flooded with light. We see the many atomic (composed of atoms) bodies which are illuminated, making them appear and as bright, by the light hitting them which itself we do not see.

Seek first … kingdom, righteousness. But first things first.

First is greek; proton; positively charged particle;

seek “positive” in first place.

1/a-What’s in the first place?

2/b-The opposite is true.

3/c-Let us examine it.

(e=mc2; c=light, c, see, sea)

By this means may the truth of any and all things be examined and easily ascertained. Every mans words and works are manifest and may be examined. Do they agree? Actions speak louder than words, and “by their fruits, you shall know them.”

What if his words and works do not agree? What if one is favorable and to be desired, but the other is loathsome thing of dread to be prevented? What is was caused to be, and by who caused it. It stands, manifest, and must be discovered whether it is good, is light, and should be allowed to remain, or if the opposite is true and a thing posited and caused to be and stand is found to be “negative,” the thing must be turned upside down; the positive to stand in first place at last (the last shall be first and first last). In this way will all things be made right-side up, and the foundations be on-course at last; as His sons are commanded in Psalm 82.


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