"So You? Thought you? Might like to? Go to "THE SHOW"

Which one? Which story? Which "version" of His? Do you prefer? For your viewing entertainment?

Now playing:

Lying King - "live version" Promoted by "All the World's a Stage" PRODUCTION, INC. Following '19 Re-Release! "The Return of the King!" That You, SIMBA?" Inspired by actual events yet to come, now coming to pass simultaneously to the narrative. 

Spoiler Alert!

This present, live version contains a curve; alternate ending. In lieu of the customary "full treatment; citywide ceremonial pomp and cicumstance usually accompanying peaceful transitions of power, the WRITERS GUILD opted to insert another corresponding episode of The Story called "the Passion."

Apparently, the writers decided against the warm fuzzies engendered by official recognition, anointing, presentation; and coronation (inauguration- another "translation") at the Appointed Time, Day, Hour the Heir had attained maturity and majority, thus was Entitled to Rule. His People.

That True Story, "played out" for real, but translated in other words-scripted narrative- on The Day of Choosing, 1/6/2021 and since. Everything happened, every word; "Breach, insurrection, storming, violence, murder"; innocent blood of the people shed by "servants" of the people?!" So, it appears. And, having warned the people for 4 years that the "news" is now "fake," the capstone of the elite slugs may now be viewed through the Goggles of darkness

In case anybody missed it! Those claiming to hold the stolen power of the Full Body of American people, and are "acting" accordingly, have declared themselves in every possible public *Public is Us People! Take Notice!!!* venue and way. They are Not believers in our Father Who is in heaven; Hallowed be Thy Name! Nor, in His Son; our Lord and Savior.
Those in control of "THE SHOW" courtesy of "All the World's a Stage " Production, for programming sake, will now impose their will upon us all. Which Will, in full and naked, wanton disclosure, is pledged to the evil of wickedness of darkness. Believing the One, True, Living God; Who is Father of lights; which are the children of Light which we are (who believe), to be either vanquished or entirely disinterested, our "leaders" will now usher in the light of darkness to help us "see" their perfect paradise for our benefit; presenting; hell on earth, and unrestrained! I Ask You people!! Are you not entertained?!?!
"This kind goeth not out, but by prayer and fasting."
And, by those who know to do right, getting together and doing it. Anybody sensing the seriousness of the moment, who would like to begin righting this great ship of fellows we all are and love and have and hold in common, is welcome to contact me any way and let us see what 2 or 3 agreeing on earth may be capable of accomplishing. All things being possible. Now.
Thanks be to God




  1. Also been seeing this for years. Olympic ceremony 2012 was a big one (Reveal). Many super bowls,
    Lady Gaga now with her commercial for "wellness seal." Many of her videos one in particular of a New race of beings etc. The new birth egg fiasco.
    Many signs are here. Persevere and do not give up, take heart many see these things also and we are not alone!
    Over the years as i have been led to see things unfold i am reminded of " So I took the little scroll from the angel's hand and ate it, and it did taste as sweet as honey in my mouth, but when I had eaten it, my stomach became bitter.
    Glad to have been led to your page.


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