Remember March 9? Americans Express Confidence in Elections? Or a NEW FORM OF Government? What Exactly Are You Voting For?


How does it work; Disclosure?

Is it what you think?

What comes to mind? Honorable? Truthful? For noble, and honest purposes?

Complete? Freely released? Controlled?

In context of Law, contracts, agreements of all kind, disclosure is par for the course. It is essential, so all to agree may be agreed, and “on the same page.” Can two walk together, except they be agreed?

When we played marbles at recess in first grade, it was for “funsies” by default. If the game was to risk loss of marbles to the victor; “keepsies” had to be declared and accepted before starting.

This protects the interested parties, and the peace of all. If a dispute were to arise, it would be easily settled by reviewing the expressed terms.

So it is from the simplest agreement between children, to the plenary level of high contracting powers.

Can a man be bound by? To? A thing he knows not of? Which has not been disclosed to him? Which he has not agreed to? Of course he may not. Would this not be abhorrent of Nature, and Nature’s God; holding a free man liable to terms, conditions, rules, he never agreed to?

In this way, we see disclosure is a powerful, right, honorable, and simple thing to hedge in, protect the people and the peace; even the equity state of peace, harmony, truth, and justice for all.

Also makes difference in establishing truth as to “what happened.”

Losing one’s marbles is not pleasant or painless.

If “keepsies” and lost, too bad. No harm, no foul.

If not, and kept, it is criminal, trespass, and stealing. Punishable offenses.

What if government; created by the people to serve their common needs, aka “public office/service/ servants,” provided said “services” in form of invisible, implied contracts; which we free people having covenanted birthright freedom in the first place; who created government with delegated powers forsworn to guaranty, protect and never infringe; are nevertheless thereafter presumed subject to, by mere reason of use? Such “service” would be an adhesion contract, which is the undisclosed, presumptive and surreptitious basis of the entire system of government in America today.

Another example is voting day. What freedom/right are you exercising? Who/What are you voting for? You may think you chose between a number of candidates, or referendums. But your voting in the first place for the existing thus continuing though FALLEN “form” of government. Wise people?!

A simple magis trick! A Spell. Magically a-spell-ing. And the enlightened children of darkness practically turned the world upside down. Wrong side up!

Which brings us to the point of Jesus teaching us of the servants of the house. The point He is making to us who hear His Voice and follow Him now, while it is called today, is present truth. And to us and for us, the only reason Jesus spoke these things in the first place, upon whom are come the ends of the age, and the glorious dawning of the New!

The parables of the vineyard, and the unjust stewards who would usurp the place and property of the Heir! Matt 21:33-41,Mk 12:1-9,Lk 20:9-16

“I am among you as one who serves.” said the Lord of All to all. He who would be greatest among us must become least, and servant of all! And, no greater love has any man than that he would lay his life down for the brethren.

Such is the true dignity of public service, worthy of double honor! Due to excellence in selflessness.

Welcome the great awakening of the people! And, once again the heir is present, and has attained maturity, and is able and thus charged – Now is the accepted time! - to tend to our Father’s business; “The Lord’s portion is His people!” Let us put away the slumber, and childish things, while becoming as little children ourselves, and examine all things anew in the Light. And, especially the performance of our public servants, who have thought to become our masters after all, even “lords of all.”

They thus prove they are not faithful servants, but hirelings who took full advantage of the peoples’ Trust, and are thus in double jeopardy if they do not immediately repent and rejoin the Lord’s side!

Being organically and vitally incorporated into Him; His Living Body Assembled. Matt23:11, Lk 22:26,Ez37

by Paul Raymond


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