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How Do You Identify? Hint; "Confess Me Before Men!"
Keep your thinking simple. who are you? what is your name? how do you identify? (THEY are pretty clearly telling us right now that we are "free to identify" as we see fit.) it is universal right of self-declaration, to "identify yourself." Rooted in our faith, if you identify as a believer, child of God = heir of God, joint-heirs with Joshua the Anointed High Priest, Who also is not ashamed to call us His brethren!!! The Light. The Way, Truth and Life! as He taught "our Father!" and "who do men say that I am? Who do you say that I am?" see? Or, As you (the one being addressed would say within himself) "who do I say that I am?" "I am, His! His son or daughter. see, in the first place. One who sees himself simply in these ways, following The Way, source our light which fuels our sight from within the heart; not outwardly as upon the earth, under the sun. His people are entitled to live and walk in truth. And light. And fact. Servin...
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