While Inside the Light Train, We Are Still


Stop Light  ?  Slow down ?

How many words does is take to say I?

The space between


the why escapes me

Now what have I done? Said? Told you?

Any thing yet?

Phonics holds the key of knowledge?

Is it in the sign of Jonah?

Brain scrambled yet?

How many sounds in the sound of; eye? i? I?

Sound it out. Slowwwwwly.

How many do we hear?

I hear two.

Aw and ee. Or, short o sound, and long e sound. With transition in between.

How do we make these sounds, in order to express THE sound I?

How is it all formed? Exactly? Each part? In sequence and coordination?

Let us examine it.

Now, children of Light, made perfectly to focus, on one thing, summon all your strength. All your faculties. In undivided focus. Bringing now our full attention to bear! Upon!

...wait for it…

our tongue.

I’ll be the tongue;

I find, in forming the aw sound, my tongue is, I mean, I am cupped, like a canoe. If I raise the bottom, it lets the air out? Idk.

Once the aw sound is complete, I begin transitioning from it, and prepare, making ready, for the next sound to begin. This is while still “making and sending the sound” continuously, til all parts are expressed, fully forming the whole. This is by separate and simultaneous function of my throat causing vibration while my chest compresses and gently pushes air out of my lungs. And, of course other parts; my brain, my teeth, idk. Lots of us are working together to say eye.

But, not all. For, all are not needed. But, the parts that are needed; being present and accounted for; are called upon and summoned to duty.

They know this, and are faithfully serving with smiles, see? Otherwise, we wouldn’t be making the sound that we’re now talking about. So let’s get on with it, and back to the show.

Okay. So I now have moved away from aw and fully resolved to and expressed ee. It is finished. My work is done.

Not so fast. There is a giant gaping hole in your story! The part you left out! Or, at least we can all agree you were a bit “vague” about. Leaving a bit of “gray area.” Yes. We all know you know. So, give!

Okay! Okay! Okay! I’ll tell the whole story! I’ll give up my secret!

It is this;

Most people only focus on the whole. They are children of Light after all, and in the first place. This is good. But as such, they are conditioned to move too fast. Leaving open the possibility that they might miss some thing. Any thing. Even; one, single thing. This is not very good.

Such is the burden of Light. An easy load to carry.

Come on, come on, Come ON!!! You are stalling! The why escapes us! And we want it NOW!

Yes. Right. Okay then;

So after I finish the the aw, aka “short o sound,”

Keeping in mind, I have already admitted, I am at this moment still in the form of what I describe as a canoe.

Okay. We see. We are listening. Continue.

So this is critical.

“Short o” comes from the back of the boat, and forward, but kinda along the bottom. Idk, how exactly to explain it. Okay? But, “Long E” is high, and forward. He is last in the boat, so first out? And, sent? BOOM! See. We “Send it!”

Yes. The picture is emerging, and becoming clearer. So, what exactly are we yet missing?

Well, you just said it. And, so did I. So I, being the tongue, but in form as a canoe, am low in the sea at my stern (is that the back? - pollin the audience.) caused by aw getting in and out all of a sudden.

But, as the canoe bow rose, ee came out of nowhere, like from the roof of my mouth, like falling from a vine out of the air, or something. This thing flies. And is lightning fast.

His toe barely touched the tip of the bow, which felt no weight or pressure from carrying him, and the he was gone! Out the door.

I can also be the wave. I mean, I am as a wave, which rolls, and heaves, and tosses, and dips; carrying souls upon the surface, to their intended destination. I also carry messages for them across the seas.

But, back to me. The wave. Yeah so I was peaceful, being pretty still. But, not completely. You know what I mean?

And here’s this aw sound, wanting to be out of here. So I dipped low so as not to drown him. He is a low, and heavy sound after all. And, deep.

I scooped him up, and he said “Aw.” And I tossed him to the wind.

Since I was up, I noticed a tiny bird needing aid in flight. It was an ee.

I was already so near it, we both moved so slightly towards each other, he lighted and lit, and was away. As he left, he said, “ee!”

Or, I may be a whole mouth. And my mouth might be like that of a whale. Whom have I within me? Have I swallowed him up out of the sea?

I crest and push forward. And set free.

And delivered him onto dry ground? Under the sun? It appears, I may have. Wish the fellers well, now on their way. Hope they don’t cause problems.

Now, after all, what have I said? And, what have I done? We are accountable for every word, so it is better to express few and keep track of them. We are responsible.

I think all I have done, and said, is eye. Or, was it I?

c."Children,  who do you say "i am"?


 have examined it. And find; it is good.

And, the answer to the question; remains to be seen. I do not know. So, this too, is good.

“Any man who things he know anything, should know this; that he knows nothing yet as he ought.”


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