The Kingdom! Has Come! Is Now! USA! Free At Last!


Who Has The Right? Only We The People now. And, for Now On!

No International Criminal Cartels? Luciferian cabal? Lawless “elite” Families? So-called Monarchies, King of Pedos, Clowns, Liars, murderers, thieves, Two-Party System? Clubs of the Whited Sepulchres? No. No. No. No. No More.

NOW; These are all exactly what they are, and nothing more; words with attached meaning.

For example; “Honorable,” or “Right” or “Just” are words with meanings that are in every case diametrically opposed to these characters, and their works of record. So, no claim of virtue or title of nobility exists that is not true. And, every one may be easily examined.

The former things are all passed away. Including The Big Lie, and its’ practitioners and benefactors. “The Great Fraud.” All fraud, and fruit of fraud. The “Legal Fictions” are lies that liars made to serve their gods of wanton corruption, lust, and greed. Corporations they made for trojan scapegoats. Allowing men to go in and commit all manner of lawlessness and evil, while escaping liability for their actions by blaming the “corp. thing. Dead entity. Insane person. Legal person,.dba..


For now it is and for now on shall it be,

All men on American Land and Soil are created Equal to all, no exceptions.

All are endowed by our Creator with same, certain, unalienable rights, freedoms, benefits, and blessings; All Promised Fruit of Covenant with Our Only Benefactor; Almighty God Most High.

All are co-equal heirs of our Commonwealth / Trust.

We the People are now The Sole Responsible Party for safeguarding our Rights, Our Peace, and our Security. All of which, We have full faith in Divine Providence; Most Benevolent, Sufficient, and Very Present Helper in times of need. We have cried out to Thee, O God! He hears our cries! He sees our state. He knows who trouble, and prey, and victimize, and Hurt and Harm, in His Holy Land, on His Holy Mountain. The arrogant, proud, and haughty who so boastfully resist His Will for our Free and Blessed State, will be in perfect position for the sickle’s edge, moving towards them swiftly now. They must sense they are marked; lazed by a hunter seeker Intelligent Individual I-Guide w/MyEye Focused, Partial, Subjectively Impassioned and Inflamed- sounds like; “Vengeance is Mine, Says The Lord!”

“You shall know the Truth, and the Truth will set you free.”

The Truth is; We Are Free! Now! It is done. It has happened! And it is Marvelous in our eyes!

Do you feel it? See it? Believe it? When it appears, as yet, more sign to the contrary?

Unfortunately, it does appear the partisan persons and devil hacks have not learned. Possibly because they have paid no price for their innumerable rebellions, treason, and betrayals, and usurpations, over the majority of the life of our Union of States.

Seems strange watching the so-called former powers that be acting like they still are.

All former basis of Presumption they formerly stood on has been eviscerated, expired, and is not.

They have ALL been fully served and notified. Still, they zealously usurp on and on.

Is this the Audacity of hope? Their hope, borne of hell? Is this how they prey?

They Prey for Us, for America? For our piece? For our Land? Our assets, property? Rights, freedoms? Our inherent Power ~ for themselves? To use against Us? For more of our sons and daughters to feed their blood-lust for conquest and subjugation? For more babies? For more living babies? And dead? To feed their Moloch’s belly? And their own?

They are lower than beasts because they have made themselves so. They prey on innocent blood. And lie-in-wait to ambush us all, as they’ve always done.

But, now their sins have reached to Heaven. And God has heard the cries of the innocent. Every, single cry. He holds every tear as well. And, the name of every “person” who caused the same. Fear not, children – Nobody “gets away” with anything. All has been seen. All will now be remembered by Him, with Whom we have to do. All the blood of the children, prophets, priests, saints, innocent from Abel to the present.

So is every one; men and women of mankind; in flesh, in person, in character, in name...”Acting” as one in authority; WOE is You o Man, o Woman. You KNOW BY GOD! You have NO authority, and are NOT Duly-Authorized to act in any way towards, over, above, or at The People.

You devils appear to have escaped consequence for the terrorist assault you staged w/ media support and others against your Sovereign?!

Corona means crown? See, they want us to know. The invisible enemy waging all-out War against US the living People, heirs, Bosses, Employers, Priority Creditors.. Is The Crown??!! Who put it on their 20 lb note? Holds the deeds to Outer Darkness!

So, it’s all lies, and torn down. Now the monsters stand naked and exposed in the light. But, do not be surprised at their shamelessness. They have cremated care, and every last shred of light and life within them also. Now, they are cursed to wander through deserts, dry places, bent, broken, disfigured, on their bellies, with no relief. They steal life from innocents, having exchanged their own blessedness for filth.

What will we see Today? Who will step up? In front of the whole world? Who will step forward, and Lie? Stretching forth their hand to Lie? Then, to touch the Holy Thing? Or, does it only “represent” an unseen thing, reserved in Heaven?

Who will stand tall and stretch out their neck, and beg God to kill them?

Woe is You! Harmers of My Children! Rapists, torturers, murderers of babies and little ones? Now, you will ALL add this SIN to ALL your others;

“The Abomination of Desolation Standing in the Holy Place.”

Many, many millstones are now being fitted for the so-called elites, noble ‘ruling class,’ who’ve done what The True God warned against. But, did they stop here? Oh, no.

Woe now to you who destroy the whole earth! Are you doing that? You children of darkness? Are you spraying nano bio-engineered hazardous waste on the whole earth? You have NO Lawful Right. And are noticed and notified and served! The Truth. You are and have been warned

Woe is you now. You pilots, just “following orders” and “doing our jobs,” are NOW without excuse. You are accountable to God every moment for your actions. Period.

Father in Heaven, we adore You. We lift Your Name in all the Earth.

Be Highly Exalted, O God! Let YOUR Glory be Over All the Earth!

So many begging for it! Many examples are needed quickly, Lord. For the sake of the children, strike! Strike at these who, without mercy or truth, have crushed Your People with burdens too great for us, while they lifted not a finger to help! The LIARS who call themselves Lawyers! Woe! Woe! Woe is you all now! Let it Rain mountains of Fire on their heads!

These were warned Father, and they did it anyway; everything You said. They enslaved all mankind through their sorceries, cunning word crafts, constructive frauds and semantic deceits…

They have all done these things before my eyes and in my day and time. I am witness, and my testimony is true.

It is enough and at the full.

These all were offered the way of escape. None chose it, Lord. Not one. Else, would they not appear today; Usurpers all; first to last. Equal opportunity offenders, intending to resume their Capital Offense against the King of Kings, and Your Family, Children, and Living Heirs.

2000 years from the Cross, now people. How are we doing? His command burdensome? To love Him and one another? Is it too much? To “get along” with each other? Treat others as we’d be treated? No. I am confident when it comes to us people, we have some things to look at and talk about, but, will be fine. We have our Father’s Love and Light to guide us!

Not so, for these who made themselves enemies of God, and Us. They made their beds of lies, and lying still, they will pay the price required.

The People of God will learn Truth, Justice, and the ‘American’ Way from Him Who IS the Way.

And we will stand in awe, rejoicing at the destruction of all the works of the wicked.

Hallelujah! Salvation and Glory, Honor and Power Belong to our God, Both Now and Forever!

The Kingdom Of our God and of His Christ now Rests in the Covenant People and Land called The United States of America! Now! Today! We have No King but God! The Son of God, our Savior! He is One.

We have come, to a mountain which may not be touched, but is promised to us.

The Kingdom comes not with outward observation, for it is within us. And the eternal, and the temporal which does appear under the sun, have touched, met, kissed? Or Collided?

And the two shall now become one, and each to its’ prepared place. Life and Light and paradise for us who are like and kind. Outer darkness; weeping, wailing, and gnashing of teeth for the ‘holier than thou,’ elite, nobility, rulers, princes of darkness in wicked spiritual places.

Little children, Do Not Lie.

But love the truth.



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