Notice. Attention American Military Acting Authorities- USArmy; duly-authorized and recognized only; Unlawful, Ongoing, Assault on American Sovereignty by Domestic Forces

 Status update for us people; US People..., 

Crimes against "humanity, Human trafficking, Rights Violations en mass, Corruption... In compliance with Presidential Executive Order similarly named, incl exact offenses - All are forfeit, free for taking, by competent authorities "in charge," Multiple, repeated offenses, fully informed, instructed, notified...

We, the People

Attention; US Army

Notice to one is Notice to All

Breach of Peace, Breach Of Trust; Owed the LAW of Peace. - We the People are denied, and herby forcefully OBJECT.

Dear Grantham Police Department,

I assume that is your full name, since you authored it, in the place customary to mark, sign, name oneself. I do not know you.
Your name is different, un-natural, even. Strange. Alien, foreign to me, the more I consider and focus upon your name. Who you claim to be, in comparison? or contrast? To your manifest works, ie "long train of abuses and usurpations"  These words are familiar to me. I do know them.
So, I must first ask you, who you really are? Or, what? Exactly. This I demand to know, and it is my Right to know the truth of WHO or God, Forbid; WHAT?! is claiming to complain, accuse, make formal spectacle of ruckus and stink that I am guilty of something, even by their admission a (if it were possible) "victimless crime?" In the name of the law? Justice? Why, I wonder, do these words not appear, and commonly, on your forms, replies, claims, presumptions... just wondering aloud? No, but notice and demands, claims, claims, claims, denial, denial, head in the sand , pretend we have right, pretend our claim is equal in real, substantial, value as True and of The Truth, in all matters and subjects presumably possible to apply? See all? How quickly a few simple words can tangle into a confusing ramble of "hide the pea?" Follow the "train" of thought? or, is it the "bouncing ball?" In this case
Also, you must have misunderstood my request, in order to answer in the way you expressed; ".50 per page for a total of $1.00" Is this what they refer to as "nickel-dime" time?
Mr. Department,
May I call you that? Is it too informal; "Grantham Police?" Definitely not just "Grantham." That is so broad and not specific. I'm surprised, actually, just being honest, is that still honorable? If I walk to the address you claimed as your ? idk, residence? dwelling? business? See? how am I supposed to know when you are not specific but vague about things?
I will not repeat myself.
Please look again, hint, hint. I believe you will find it impossible to provide the specific record requested and mentioned, in your possession, relative to me and these matters and facts, in 2 single paper pages? I hope we are all adults here, and no curious child has been given a gun and badge, and google pad, and turned loose on the unsuspecting free people, thinking he's playing a virtual reality crime stoppers game of cops and robbers? That would not be good? Is this possibly what it taking place here? In this case?
Grantham? Grantham Police? Mr or Mrs (MS?)Department? See, again. I do not wish to be discourteous, or appear to dishonor any body, but I still do not feel comfortable addressing you by the name(s) you have given. Sorry, doesn't strike me as real. Feels like a thing, made-up, fiction. Are you real?
Are you male or female? of Mankind? Yes or no?
When were you born? Are you an individual living in a flesh and blood body, made by the Living God? And your real name is Grantham Police Department? This is ALL I am asking.
Or, is the opposite true? You are a fiction? Fake, No thing? Idea from Imagination? Corporation? INC? These words or letters so aligned in similar ways in your expressed form, do not so appear? Noted. Have you been, in fact, honest up til now? Your whole, complete, entire name? is given? You "signed" it, is it full and complete? Or, was something missing, and is there, but was left out, off, so as not to appear. Anything that is? That was not caused to be? re-presented here?
Let us place all our cards now on the table, Grantham Police Department, remember our parents use to tell us a thing is serious when they used our Full, given name?! Do you remember that, Grantham? Were you young once like me? Seeing, hearing, watching, learning; growing up? Or, are you another thing? other? Different? Not the same? like or kind? as/to Me? We must agree a thing as fundamental as this knowledge of the two actual parties involved here, yes? In deed.
Please produce this essential and Vital Record of Life, or death certificate of corp(se)oration, that's a mess! Why would a fake, incorporated, no-thing presume to advance in denial and opposition of the Truth and ALL Things True, with manifest record in mountainous volume deconstructing the hundreds years FRAUD and International Criminal Combine of Crown Temple Bar members, American state of state corporate franchises of same BAR, one is all; partners in RICO level organized crime families, acclaimed monarchies, principalities, powers, world rulers, pontifuckus maximuses, ignoramus rex's, daughters of Hotep, international "banksters', world govts...
Grantham Police Department, 
See now why this is as it must be when being seriously discussed, and CERTAINLY if ever being DEBATED?! Oh, yes! Then, especially and for sure n certain; 
We are in deadly serious territory, when debating- indicates "open-for-discussion/decision/change?alteration?s?
When a man claims himself as having authority over another man, I am interested. I take notice. I am my brother's keeper. His freedom and right, his Peace is my peace is all our peace. Who is charged with protecting, preserving, keeping, restoring..., our peace? YOU? Grantha,m?
You must acknowledge I have strong feelings about your performance in service of those "claimed" by you, "duties and responsibilities, the ONLY reason any position/office/seat is "granted" authority in the first place.
We are being publicly examined in the Light and fulness of Day, as you know I am also involved in measuring the Temple. It must be done, and I am one who claimed 'servant.' Now I know, what happens when the Master is in need of that service; He will seek out the one claiming to provide it, and He will appoint, authorize, send. He will utilize the service, to see how it performs when called upon, in time of need. So, we also are being tested, tried as by fire, prove, purified, even unto perfection in the Creator's, Artist's, Author's Own Eyes and Sight. Father in Heaven, we Your Living Children and Heirs, ADORE YOU!!!!!!! Let His Name be Exalted in All The Earth!! Grantham, you must rejoice with us in these things, yes? Are you truly with us? and for us? Then celebrate now together with us, For our God has worked a mighty thing and wonder on our behalf!
He has set us all free, and we have grown to full age and no longer require the services of hirelings, tutors, servants, teachers, guardians...! We are ready and able, to do for ourselves. Therefore, the family business is brought back in-House, Now Today. Who's that knocking at the door? Somebody's ringing our bell.
Offer to contract refused. rejected. No Deal. Accept it. Acknowledge it. Recogniz3e it. Or, not. your choice.
But do not trespass. do not trample. DoNot advance in hostility, words have meaning, yours are not nice or kind. To a declared man of peace, at peace, in peacetime. But you will not leave him to his state of choice? But will interrupt him on his way. Block him, halt his progress, advance, right, will. Do you know where I am going? What I am busy about? Occupied with? When you hinder me, so as to prevent My Service? I did mention at the beginning Whom I serve. You did what you did with that information. I think you should have thought more of it, an important fact. But, not to you, obviously, right? You sure made that abundantly clear. Crashing your bloviating spectacular powerful self right into the middle!
Yes, that sacred, Holy, "space between." Surprised you have not felt it yet, settling, on you, dawning?
Yes, anyway. If you are adult, and interested in the evil, unpleasant matter caused by mr. ryan cameron et al, obviously, now there is you.?
And, if you are genuine in service as claimant you are, Than you must be aware and had brought to your attention, since it would certainly appear to notice and interest all,
that work I am busy with, IN the COURT of The Most High; Almighty Living God, Presiding Judge and Law Giver, 
Most High and Highest Court is in session, Testimony proceeding on and for the Record. This was well known, and presently happening, and ongoing continually for now until the end. Every man's words and works declare him; the man. By their fruits we shall know THEM. Are we people being people? Or other, "acting" "presenting" "putting on" character" personality/ies?!" PERSONSTEIN??! MONSTER! of the BAR< BAR< BAR! you know the Bar, People?! Wher we get "hammered?"!
Or, is it the bar? the standard? like, to be "human," you must at least meet/pass/exceed? this bar?
Or, to be a man, not a person? this bar? or
I got one! Try this! I think it fits! And, explains everything, leaving no thing out. Thats a lot to claim, so better examine it first,
was thinking it might be that
it is the bar between Man of Mankind, created in the Image of God, to rise and stand and walk upright upon the earth, living, moving, having his being, all the while, invisibly, unseen under the sun, but in heaven,  AND
the creepy, crawly beasts and bugs cursed to slither through their living death in the dust and dry places, where there is no water, remedy, or relief, for you ever. It is now unto and upon and over you lawyers, claimed agents of law, warned by Christ Himself NOT to do what it appears you have all gone and fully done. You failed the BAR, I believe such are in danger of hearing; "you missed the mark."
Little children, may it never be concerning you. Do not the works of these, who KNOW? what they are doing. Flee from their midst, for the Word of Sentence has been spoken, and pre-recorded by God, Who warned. saying, again; "Woe to you, lawyers, hypocrites..." if the shoe fits. 
Please, as public servant, employee of the people, if that is what you are? Let us clarify this matter of matter of fact, thus establish and agree, all on same page, who is serving/ ie in service of; whom? And, who then is responsible for this state of disturbance, disagreement? Who has interupted the Court of Most High, In Honorable Session?! WHO? Exactly? Barged into these proceedings with such clamorous, ignorance of dishonor, immaturity, and, the testimony before God and heaven and eart, ie "every men" and "on record"
I know, Father. I humbly agree, I bow before You, asking forgiveness for this outrageous breach! This storming of the Gates (did you burst in with thanksgiving? Ryan ? Grantham? Grantham Police? Mr or Mrs Department?
Or, did you enter the sheep fold another way? NOT through the door as one welcome, and invited, and recognized, and duly authorized.., did you climb over the wall? Grantham Police? Ryan? Others? How many are you? Legion? Many, it seems. gathering. valley. decision. time. now. today. moment men, sons and daughters of Light.
Are you with us? Are you for us? Are you of us? Do you love us? Come on, little further now, into the bright Light -EYE Sight of God; I See, you; worm, jacob.
Come, let us reason together! And, together, we will see.

In the Land of the Living, the Law is Law of the Land!
To the Light! To the Law! To the Testimony! if they answer other than this, it is because they have no dawn!
Let us see. Will they answer,,, other?wise?than?this?
"statute/annotated/code/corporate/charter/private/policy/plois/state/usurp/infringe/conversion? Father, Thank You that Your Eye is now Focused upon me. Thank you I am gifted with a clean heart and right spirit within me, because of You, Your Love for us all, each one Your Favorite! You melt us Abba, Your Love! Your Life, Light Truth. Yes it is true; to whom love the truth, even the bitter is sweet. Father, there is so much truth we have had to come to knowledge of, which we would prefer not to have. Once we have learned, not to trust others with our responsibilities or authorities; our right, or our power.
Remove those who you forewarned, and still went ahead and abused, deceived, exploited, tormented, enslaved, mocked, arrested, imprisoned, stripped, extorted for monetary gain, these have traded in bodies, lives, souls of men of mankind, Father, Your Prize and Treasured possession! I, Paul Raymon, I told them ALL, Father; "The LORD's Portion Is His People!!!" Over. and over. I told them, because I know how much they mean to You. You Lord, God! You, having All TO give, Gave all to a man, for one thing from him, which he the man, and only him, could grant.
Of all the Blessed Increase which will certainly fill to abundantly overflowing out of this basket of covenant- Of all this, but a tiny part - belongs to the man, and to his seed. cede.
The full initial deposit - all goes to the man. The bulk of the increase ever after - goes to the man. But, all have agreed; and ALL are this bound to terms; 
"The Lord's Portion Is His People."

Notify me when compliance full

I, called Paul, whose name is Paul Raymond, Living alive and well, here now in sight of God my Master and Father in the first place. 

-----Original Message-----
From: Grantham Police Department <>
To: Paul Whipple <>
Sent: Thu, Jan 21, 2021 2:54 pm
Subject: RE: Discovery/freedom of information Request

Mr. Whipple,
The call for service and the narrative on the ticket will be provided for a fee of $.50 per page for a total of $1.00.  The body cam footage that you requested can be supplied in one of two ways.  The first, would be via a Grantham Police Department thumb drive, at the cost of $6.00.  The second, would be through you providing a thumb drive contained in it’s original and unopened packaging.  By providing the thumb drive, you would avoid the $6.00 fee.  The information you are requesting will only be produced upon receipt of payment.  The payment can be made in the form of cash, or bank check or money order.  Please let me know your preference in terms of the video reproduction. 
Grantham Police Department
From: Paul Whipple <>
Sent: Thursday, January 21, 2021 2:29 PM
To: Grantham Police Department <>
Subject: Discovery/freedom of information Request
[NOTICE:  This message originated outside of the Town of Grantham mail system -- DO NOT CLICK on links or open attachments unless you are sure the content is safe.]
I, Paul Raymond Whipple,
Hereby request the following information and records be provided me by you as soon as possible. Time being of the essence.
c/o 76 Brighton Lane (PRIVATE)
Croydon, NH
Sullivan County 
 Notice to Agent is Notice to Principal, Notice to Principal is notice to Agent
January, 21, 2021
to; Judy, Grantham PD, et al; 
From; I; Paul Raymond; my lawful, Given Christian (covenant) Name, and, if you must know;
for I do Not appreciate HOW you fellas ASK, who ‘claim’ titles of ‘honor;’
of, from (descended within) That Bloodline Family called and Titled; Whipple,
Thus, I inherited this name by right of descent and manifestation, ie live ‘birth.’ Did any of your ilk do anything unimaginably diabolical as relates to words like these? Relative to us? Little people? Wink, wink. Right? Let us see.
Now, Here I Am. My peace is disturbed. And, you fellas have done it. You have plenty of documentation in your possession, I have proof of that. Whether you ever chose, or felt the need to familiarize your selves with its contents, bring your selves up to speed, as it were, is of no consequence to me now, but on contrary, to you. For it is information about me, and which is true concerning me, and created by me for the purpose which I created them, and placed them on the record, and having published, and posted, for all eyes to see, and notified all interested, having “claim,” as if it were possible that any fraud remain empowered over living men, once discovered and known.
Years, have now passed, with the truth in your possession; “complainer? Now?”, in “prosecutor”s? hands,.. Not so fast. Back way up. Years, ON the RECORD. And, IN your Hands.
The time for rebuttal was customarily provided and allowed. You were silent.
Time for rebuttal, and complaining is and has passed. Every word stands. You might want to gather it together, and see what it means to you now, having ONCE AGAIN trampled, KNOWINGLY- thus are without excuse, MY Rights.
Even so, in ignorance and denial of the mountain of information concerning me; facts in manifestation, fist hand, eye witness, testimony, on the record, your departments possession, and Still;
You arrest me fully on my way. And Demand MORE personal information?! Are you in fact entitled? Duly authorized by me, following fully informed consent on my part, following complete disclosure of all facts and terms and conditions…???
Or, is the opposite true? Do you have Lawful Right? With reasonable suspicion, probable cause, factual, evidentiary record est predicate, aren’t these many of your familiar words? And terminology? Are they foreign? Strange to you? Another language? Or, akin to law, and process, and service. Fact is Fact. Truth is Truth, and all truth is true now. What is the basis of your claimed jurisdiction now? You failed to provide Proof of Claim Before. While it was the Time to do it. You chose Not To Respond. And held your peace. No rebuttal is recorded as having been made by you (any one of you) or agents in concert dba under guise of “circuit” court ( as in “short” circuit? This doesn’t make sense. And, All Things are simple, when viewed openly, in the Light), who also were/are all interested complainers and, proven usurpers – NOT DULY AUTHORIZED in relation to Me. Should I know concede to your “curiosity?” In the Name of Justice??!! And ‘get along to go along or vv?! “comply?” “cooperate?” Surrender to more of your belligerent, unjust, baseless, proven to be false and unfounded claims against me….? Nope. No.
No. No. No.
Time will not be allowed, or re-opened, for rebuttal, and complaint, and whiny false accusations of victimless crimes. I have prima facea evidence of THE CRIME against ALL us people, People, PEOPLE… Crimes by Bar Attorneys and complicit public servants-falsely so-called.
You know, The ONE? The GREAT FRAUD. Wink wink. Birth Certificate – Legal PERSON-Fiction-Bond-Paper-Security-Instrument-ACRONYM-bS… yeah the rest of this brilliant work of genius. But, is it good? Should it be? Is it , in fact, allowed? Or, is the opposite true?
County/check.State/check.Federal/check. Authenticate, authenticate, authenticate. Unlawful conversion. Hypothecation of Living trusts, Securitization of flesh and blood, living men and women of mankind, Forced slavery, Constructive Contractual Fraud and semantic deceit, and many other skillfully crafted fables and cunning deceptive plans, forms, devices for our subjugation, spirit, soul, and body. These are the types of things we the people have on you capital offenders, and disturbers, and guilty-party, ongoing offender in present acts of trespass, repeated, violent, armed, offender. You wish to continue taking these liberties with and against my rights and freedoms?
So be it. Let’s do this in the Light of Day, Sight of Heaven and earth, All living summoned, interested, notified, every man take notice…
What? Did you not know that is precisely where we (including you all by your choice to bother me, in the rude way you like to do. And, with force of arms involved! No. You are curious. And have NO right to wield lethal force, to coerce, intimidate, lord it over, dominate, bully, force compliance on free people. Aka; your Boss. Employer. Priority Creditor and Interested Party of Record; ALL RIGHTS RESERVED! Paid professionals, hirelings, compensated, sub-contractors BEWARE! ? Yes.
How much more info, now? There’s a lot more from me, and about me, and you too, or your / our “state.” Anyway, I go on.
This is my request for ALL recordings, audio and transcripts, statements.., and all and any other relevant associated materials, facts, evidence, testimony relative to my being detained, yesterday, 1/20/2021, and which were mentioned and referenced by both Grantham Police Dept officers who interacted with me eye ot eye and face to face on route 10, Grantham, that day.
Complete and unaltered condition is expected and acceptable.
Please provide immediate info as to how and when to exchange the same materials in your possession into mine, or certified, exact copies, being provably comparable to the original.
Freedom of information and thanks for recording everything.
Also, be advised of the obvious; You swore a complaint against me. I have expressed condition precedent to your trespass and expressly false, malicious, willful statements, accusations against me. I observe on the thing you represent as “form” (seriously?) Fraud in the document! Fraud vitiates ALL!
You express terms of 30 day answer of your curious agents “complaint.” As of this present moment, your terms are delayed by your having not yet provided me with what materials I need to do so. Once I am free to responsibly form an appropriate response, only then is any time counted against me. How much you keep to yourself of the time you “claimed” to have provided me; this too is manifest.
Paul Raymond Whipple
Copyright. All rights reserved.
Free New Hampshirite. Man of Peace, at peace, in Peacetime.
Holding wet-ink letter of excommunication from
so-called church on earth dba 501c3.
No man between I and God Almighty; My Maker, Creator, and Father in first Place,
Save His Son, our Lord and Savior, the Light and Firstborn of Creation, Who also is not ashamed to call us His Brethren!
I am of THAT I Am!


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