Your Holy Honor, what Gloriously Fierce, penetrating, focused Eyes You Have!, see kids, awww


Now, then, if I may continue

it appears the intruder now has assignment and homework, and information to look into and search through in order to discover his/ now, their, state, as it relates to this Session Assembled of The Most High Court;

There is also this "other" calling itself "court" in the nature of "kangaroo?" Asked, unanswered. If the shoe fits. I do not ask frivolous questions, and there is no trivial information. "Short" circuit 'court?' Again, asked. Unanswered.

But "honorable?" No. No way. That is slain, fallen, felled, not standing, proven False, and A Lie. Claim made, examined, challenged, "crickets," Done. Finished. The Truth now Stands in First Place.

The Supreme Judge of Creation and the World, including the world of men; is The Highest, and Recognized; Presiding; Rules and reigns. His Word is true. truth. And Law.

The Lie is Fallen. Never to resume, for it is a dead thing which has no life in itself, and which life must be granted by whom alone has life to give and grant; the living people of God, Most High Judge is Also our Father in the First Place. If so be, we pray Abba! There remain upon and within us that familiar mark, of the Makers Own Hand, by which He knows and will claim and not deny His Own! We are Your children. We need Your Love!

This "other" court, falsely so-called, also has a Lying judge, Lord. As the transcripts, recordings, testimonies, notices, etc, show, reveal, prove, demonstrate; I did in fact, appear. And participate, for the purpose which I did, for me alone to say. Which I did. And, was not rebutted.

I was there to witness the unlawful, continued execution of The Great Fraud against my Lawful given christian name, my living soul, and under threat of physical harm and worse. This man was fully informed what he was doing, which he knows and practices professionally as his means of support and income, derives his means from, the unlawful extortion by deceptive, constructive, contrac fraud, semantic deceit, "other" dictionaries, with un common meanings given to common words. 

Nevertheless, the one, so-called 'honor' denied, ignored, treated as if they did not exist, they being facts, establishing truth, which, in law - I believe trumps all. And, Fraud vitiates all?! No more word games allowed. One dictionary allowed in Court. The common man's agreed upon one. No BAR agents allowed either. These should now be considered Pirates unlawfully on American Land and Soil, actively participating in crimes against mankind, and all the people of the United States of America, de jure? Unnecessary. For, now, there is only One! The REAL One. Under God, His, belonging to Him, bearing His Name. The Chosen Assembly of the Firstborn fruits of freedom, Overcomers of this world, Welcome. Home.

If you see yourselves this way, then you are. But, if one claims to be in service, he must be prepared at a moment's notice to be of use to the Master. None of us want to be that guy, the fig tree, cursed for not providing the fruit in season, out of season, but; when the Master desired.

It is the Father's Good Pleasure to give you the keys to the Kingdom. When the heirs have grown, and see themselves as adult, no longer 'children,' they will assume responsibility as they see the need, or lack, or part each can fulfill. That, which ONLY they can do. This is now well pleasing to God!

"I have no greater joy, than to see My children walk in Truth."

As long as the heir is a child, he differs not from a slave. But, when he is grown, at the appointed time and date set by the father - 1/6/2021 !!! The Great Day of Settlement. The People Received their House back, and announced to all comers and takers and goers all; NO DEAL!!!

We stand now on our own two Wings of A Great Eagle! And We speak for ourselves, as ONE! IN every case, at every level, Table... If it concerns one of us people, it concerns us all. We are our brother's keepers, and will each serve to protect each others rights and freedoms as dear and precious to us as our own.

Every man is free and equal on the land and soil, and air, of these united states, and properly so. for again, there is only one, unincorporated, organic, living, active; "of, by, for" having seed of itself in itself. Both now, and for ever more.

The thing formerly known by forms of our organic names, is fallen. Slain. Dead. Some of the worm corpse walking-tombs mourners of the slain beast, are sorrowing around the Capital. Crying, lamenting, looking like death made over cold, mush n muddy, put away wet. Molded, decayed, decomposed. Dragged out of the cellar swamp of secret places, Given a stained dress, and defiled visage; Lipstick on a pig, did she say? old whore with a new dress? something unimaginably horrific and diabolically inspired, that's the craft of Liars and Bankers, 'elite" and ruling class, the "Club," the 'new' improved, progressive, liberal, communist, technocratic, dictatorship, one world govt, religion, ruler, ai brain?

Reminds me of Two Eagles observation;

The women did all the work. The medicine man was free. The men hunted all day, and at night, had sex. Only the white man could think to improve a 'system' like that. Nevertheless, there remain two white men.


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