"In Those Days I will pour out My Spirit on all flesh..." Let there be Light! These are Those Days


April 4, 2018

Came across ur email address in some old correspondences so I thought I’d see if it still works?!

Want to share a couple thoughts with you as they are pertinent to the actual, literal days we are in. As you know, this past Feast of Trumpets was accompanied (if not heralded) by a mighty sign, that which was fully foretold by John in Revelation 12 called the Sign of the Woman.

There is some debate as to what this means, but the Scriptures leave no doubt. We do know that the specific alignments of all celestial bodies in their position to fulfill the Sign is a once in 7,000 years event, which had not happened in human history. So for the past 2000 +/- years, this event was known to us as prophecy, but as a “time coming.”

On Sept 23-4, 2017 it “came to pass,” and was fulfilled so ; a time was coming, came, and is now past. We who watch and wait are now on the other side of that event, as if stepping across a threshold between 2 ages. The passing away of the church age, and the dawning of the Kingdom age on earth necessitates a paradigm shift from the old, to the New, the King’dom’, or dominant paradigm.

Anyway, You are probably aware that the Feasts of God have been kept for millenia since their institution as perpetual ordinances by God. They were kept or observed in form, types and shadows until the times of fulfillment. The Feast of Passover was fulfilled when Christ became the sacrificial lamb once for all, and there would never be another animal slain. He gave us the new ordinance of communion to observe thereafter in remembrance of Him and what He did for us.

The Feast of Passover was fulfilled in man’s experience when each accepts that sacrifice and becomes born again.

So with the Feast of Pentecost which was fulfilled 50 days later by the promised outpouring of the Holy Spirit upon those who tarried in Jerusalem as commanded. This Feast is fulfilled in man’s experience when we accept and receive the Gift of the Indwelling of the Holy Spirit.

The only remaining Feast to be fulfilled was Tabernacles, the coming of our Father to indwell His people, but I contend that changed this past Sept / Oct with the Sign at trumpets.

The significance of this which is the reason for my writing at this time is to bring your attention to the fact that Passover ended a few weeks ago, and we are now in the 50 days between Passover and Pentecost. Remember that at its’ fulfillment, Jesus rose from the dead and appeared to over 500 and for a period of 40 days ministered to them the things of the Kingdom.

He then told them to tarry until the promise of the Father, and they be endued with power from on high. About 25% of them did wait and were rewarded with that outpouring.

We are presently in that 40 day period and I’m finding in many conversations I have with interested fellows, that inevitably the Presence and Voice of The Lord is communing with us, with anointing upon our conversations which are literally unfolding new understandings, insights and revelation on His Word and Teachings. I bet you may observe some similar dynamics in your fellowshipping even if not having a definite frame of reference for it.

I view the sign as a burning bush, a trumpet blast. A thing God caused to be in hopes of capturing our attention and causing us to turn aside from our way or familiar course, and bring our attention to bear on this spectacle, and wondrous sight. As w/ Moses, it was at the moment God noticed he’d turned aside, He observed ‘I have his attention!’ And God started speaking!

There is so much we need to know concerning the day, hour, even moment we are in, and God IS Faithful, and IS speaking. My heart is to bring attention to these things, especially the significance of these days between now and Pentecost when He promised to share the things of the Kingdom with us upon whom the ends of the age has come.

That we might not miss a single Word, since it is by EVERY one that proceeds out of the mouth of God

That we Live!

Blessings and Encouragement to you and yours



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