Are we in the Last Days? A Watchman’s Report ~ December 15, 2020.
A Watchman’s Report ~ December 15, 2020.
Re; What Time It Is?
I’ll begin answering your question by first thanking you again for asking. The reason I am making a point to do this is to draw attention to the fact that you did ask. In order for a person to ask a question, he must first be interested, and in order to be interested he must first be curious. Curiosity, see, is the “want to know.” And of all God has blessed me with, I am most grateful for curiosity.
What did he say? “If you’re thirsty, come to the waters. You that have no money, come buy and eat!”
So how then do we buy if we have no money? “Buy the truth, and sell it not!” How?! What is the currency, price, cost?! If not money? What is the medium of exchange?
The Scripture always has all the answers; “without money and without cost.” See, NONE of these will buy the truth. You must have this: the “want to know.” Desire is the ‘currency’ of heaven. “Be it unto you according to your desire.” Buying the truth is an equal exchange of value transaction. You receive as much as you want, but all are entitled to All Truth, and the promise “you shall know the truth, and the truth shall set you free.” Many are not curious at all, and are asleep, walking about in darkness at noonday. They see nothing, including the perilous light-less-ness ie darkness of their state, who love not the truth. But to him who loves the truth, even the bitter is sweet.
“Now, as to the time and season, day and hour, I would not have my children be ignorant”
We know the celestial bodies were created for specific purposes. First and foremost “for signs and for seasons.”
On August 21, 2017 the ‘Great American Eclipse’ occurred. First, an eclipse is a sign of the rebellion, and disorder when the Light reflector was not content in his state and desired to be the light himself. Yet, the light of darkness is darkness, and the result when, instead of being in proper position to reflect the light of the Son, he steps in between the Light and His People, blocking the Sun from giving its’ light. Imagine darkness reigning over the children of Light, and presenting himself AS the light?! Would they know the difference?!
So we may conclude it is not a good sign.
This one was specific to the geographic United States of America. It began over the northwest and passed over the Country diagonally downward, ending in southeast. On its way across the land it passed over seven Salem’s, meaning peace.
This is Christ overlooking “Jerusalem, Jerusalem,” who knew not the hour of her visitation.
Peace, peace. But the sign says ‘no peace.’
In seven years, 2024, the eclipse is supposed to occur again beginning in the northeast and moving downward to southwest, forming an “x” over the land. Thus, the total sign is a prophetic invitation and warning, aka ‘wake-up call’ to the People of America. “Come out of her! Return to Me, My people, to the Covenant!” Peace with God our Father, through His Son, or NO peace? It appears we have seven years to “choose ye THIS day Whom you will serve. As for me and my house, we will serve the LORD.”
“To the Law! And to the testimony!” For those who answer this time and season, these days, any other way, it is because they have no light in them.
By two or three witnesses shall every Word of The Lord be established.
Thirty-three days after the eclipse, on September 23, 2017, Feast of Trumpets, another sign occurred which may be the most unheralded event in history.
In the Book of Revelation, John’s vision of significant world events from his time to the end of the age, there is foretold a great wonder appearing in the heavens marking a specific point in unfolding events of the ‘end-times’ or ‘last days;’
“And their appeared a great wonder in heaven, a woman clothed with the sun,
and the moon under her feet, and upon her head a crown of 12 stars, and she
being with child cried, travailing in birth, and pained to be delivered.
And she brought forth a man child, who was to rule the nations with a rod of iron..”
Revelation 12:1-2,5
What we can can discover about the full picture John describes is that the particular alignment of celestial bodies required to fulfill the elements of the ‘Great Wonder’ is calculable to be a 1 in 7000 year event, and not yet happened in “human” history.
The Great and Terrible Day has dawned. And it is marvelous in our eyes! Arise, shine! For your Light has come. And the Glory of The Lord is risen upon you. And The Lord, Whom you seek has suddenly come to His temple. And who has perceived Him? He came to His own, but His own received Him not. But as many as did receive Him, to them gave He power to become sons of God.
What does this mean? How should I ‘look at’ it? What should I think about it? How does it affect me?
The first thing is the reckoning within at an individual level that these things happened. They did, in fact, occur. This is essential in order for our awareness of the time and season we think we are in to be corrected and our faculties (re)calibrated. God is synchronizing our watch with His, so we can follow.
Very simply, a thing that was foretold was from that moment a “time coming.” And many generations were born, lived and died, during this “time coming” period.
God has His remnant in every generation, and they each, during their day, wondered at, looked into and watched for their fulfillment. This number includes those of us alive today, but we are unique and stand apart from them in the designation that in our day, and in our time, while we like they watched for the “time coming,” it came. And came to pass.
Thus we see that time is marked, and God our Father marked it. It is (now PAST!) time for His children to wake from their slumber. The trumpet has sounded its awakening blast! The night is far spent and the day is at hand! The ‘time-line’ being in this way marked is the literal threshold between two ages; the passing away of the old, and the dawning of the new.
At the fulfillment of Pentecost, Peter put things in perspective for the people by associating the thing they were experiencing with the Scripture promising and foretelling it. “Men and Brethren, THIS is THAT!” It was necessary that the thing be put in context for them, especially since it had never happened before. This association Peter made is the same we need to make by simply recognizing, acknowledging and accepting, connecting the dots between the thing written and the thing in manifestation, or fulfilled. This facilitates a necessary paradigm shift, catching us up to present truth. Loosed from the shackles of cognitive dissonance, we are able to see clearly, the inner Light of Christ again fueling our sight, enabling us to receive the truth as truth which before we would have choked on in disbelief and rejected.
Peter announced Pentecost. It is our honor to proclaim Tabernacles! Has not the Trumpet sounded? Make ready your hearts. Make ready your homes. Make ready the people of God!
Fling wide ye heavenly gates! Be lifted up ye ancient doors! That the King of Glory may enter in!
The Day has dawned. Arise, shine. For your Light has come, and the glory of the Lord is risen upon. And the Lord whom you seek has suddenly come to his temple. He came to his own, and they perceived Him not. But as many as did receive Him, to them gave He power to become the children of God. Now every man’s words and works declare him, and by their fruits you shall know THEM. This we are seeing take place even now as the great separation has begun. Wheat from tares. Sheep from goats. Ultimately, the children of light from the children of darkness. As in the beginning, God separated the light from the darkness, and promised to finally separate the children and fruits of each at the time of the end.
Now we who are alive have made it to the end, but not all who began have made it. Many names have ceased, which are rays of light sent out from the beginning, extinguished by no blessing. In light of these truths should every man examine himself, hold fast to what is good. Let go of what is not good. Strengthen the things that remain. See, let him that is righteous be righteous still. And who is unjust…
All there is, is Light and darkness. This is the key to everything.
And the corresponding energies of each; positive and negative. Seek first ‘proton’~ positive.
All Truth is true now. Let us examine all things!
Information is everywhere, and all signs point to it!
Are we not seeing the secrets being revealed? And the hidden things brought to light?
Are we not witnessing the restrainer moved out of the way? Are we not witnessing the advance of lawlessness, even in our once peaceful streets?! And, absolute corruption trying to steal control of the governments and people of the earth? See how easy THEY are to discern? In the first place they lie, and lie, and lie. And we know that no liars have a place in the kingdom of Light, but purchased their lot in the lake of fire. These are the children of darkness, and are thus marked as self-condemned. Even now they could return to the truth and light, if it were in them to do so. But they have changed themselves, and exchanged their birthright first estate for an other as we were warned against. They have made themselves unrecognizable to their Maker, Who will say He never knew THEM.
The light in them is darkness, and behold! How great is that darkness.
Such is the dawn of the Terrible Day. But not so for the children of Light. To you, the treasure and portion of our Father, the Almighty, Eternal, One, True and Living God, it is Great! So, Fear not, pray in faith believing, and be strong and courageous. Your Father who loves you dearly, will now show Himself strong through you. Those who cannot get along with others, who disturb the peace, cause offense, infringing or trespassing against their fellows who are equal and free, and all liars, will now be removed from among us. The meek shall inherit the earth, who from the heart do to others as they would have done to them. His commandment was not burdensome, but especially easy and light to whom are receiving the promise of the Spirit being out-poured on all flesh, indwelling us with the gift of a new spirit, hearts of flesh for hearts of stone, upon which He has written His Law!
Love the Lord your God, and love your neighbor as yourself. And so reveal yourselves to be children of your Father.
Talk soon. Thanks again for giving place and expression to your curiosity. Hopefully it is rewarded.
Let there be light! God’s blessings to you and yours.
Love, Paul
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