April 4, 2018 Came across ur email address in some old correspondences so I thought I’d see if it still works?! Want to share a couple thoughts with you as they are pertinent to the actual, literal days we are in. As you know, this past Feast of Trumpets was accompanied (if not heralded) by a mighty sign, that which was fully foretold by John in Revelation 12 called the Sign of the Woman. There is some debate as to what this means, but the Scriptures leave no doubt. We do know that the specific alignments of all celestial bodies in their position to fulfill the Sign is a once in 7,000 years event, which had not happened in human history. So for the past 2000 +/- years, this event was known to us as prophecy, but as a “time coming.” On Sept 23-4, 2017 it “came to pass,” and was fulfilled so ; a time was coming, came, and is now past. We who watch and wait are now on the other side of that event, as if stepping across a threshold between 2 ages. The passing away of the church...