"The Key of Light" and Atom's Family

True Man – Adam? Atom? Where are you? Who do men say that “I am?” Who do you say that “I am?” Who, what, where, when is the “man”? As a man thinks in his heart, so is he. “Hidden man of the heart.” Thinks. Where he is. “In his heart.” Where he is, there I am also. That where I am, there you may be also.” Who invited Him, From the first say; we “received Him into our hearts.” We had not yet come to realize our essential place being the same, even within ourselves. We are spirit. And, spirits when referring to more than one of us. Indwelling earthly tents, tabernacles not made by hands of man, living members of a living body, vitally, organically connected each to the Whole; a de jure corporate body; In perpetual Union! Joined to His side. Part of the living body of the Light and Word, the Way, Truth, and Life. The anointed Son of the Most High; Immanuel; our deliverer; Through Whose blood; life, death, burial, resurrection; was ratified a New Covenant between the Father ...