King of Israel? Is It Real?! Or only "Make Believe?!" Do Not Believe the Rising

"Everything is a Rich Man's trick." And, "All the World's a Stage." Ohhhh! I get it!! Now I can see! And "follow!" So he represents Christ, Who is to return. Who as He was taken away and leaving them, said "I shall return, in some form." As; The King of Israel, "I am king of Israel." Whom "israel, inc" called "cyrus," and who saw to it as priority to build the southern wall. (we r the "west?" Wild? They have been granting much to "indians" recently. Past 10 yrs+/-?Gas n lodging infrastructure.. must be another "program?") And returning power back to where it belongs, "I am here to take power from Washington DC, and return it back where it belongs; to the people. " Restoring again the unified Kingdom (UK*) to the people, with Him as their Head. Now as to this Land, it is called; formally; "Covenant Lands" of America, see, in hebrew, by that israel. "U...