Public Notice to the People of Sullivan County- 8/28/22 Public Meeting Results; Meeting Held / The Assembly is Born!

Good News! A meeting was held last Sunday, August 28, 2022 at 3pm at the Town Hall in Croydon, New Hampshire. In the Name of God and Country, the meeting was called, posted, noticed, and five people representing two towns attended. The theme was “Restoring Lawful Government; Of, By, and For the People of Sullivan County,” and lasted less than an hour. Two long tables were provided and covered with information proving the people’s state as in peril, without justice and legitimate, duly-authorized , Constitutional form of government, exercising just powers by consent of the governed, along with all the protections and guarantees we are owed. This information which the people were free to browse, and from which Paul Raymond Whipple made a brief presentation, is all long-prior disclosed and publicly available on the public record. In addition, a white board was used, and a large mirror. A summary of the shocking facts presented include; The United States is d...