Global Open Public Notice to Francis. The Royal Priesthood has Returned
Global Open Public Notice to Francis Notice to agent is notice to principal, principal to agent.. In order to Notify and inform you More good news; God gives gifts to men! We are the People, heirs of God our Father, joint- heirs with the Son, Who also is not ashamed to call us His Brethren, are all Present, accounted for, gloriously endowed, alive and well, standing on the land promised to our fathers. In possession both in the necessity, and by birthright at the Appointed time, which is now, called Today, mark it! We are His children, sons and daughters, elders too, the sheep of His hand and people of His pasture, members of His house, His living body, living stones being built up into a temple not made w hands but by the Wise Master Builder, founded on the solid Rock and sure foundation. Except He build the house they labor in vain who try at all. And no foundation can any man lay than that which is laid! He has been pleased to continue to us the light of the b...