
Presently, the Shepherd's Rod and Staff, the Great Comforter has Come. Of course, as usual, with Good News, glad tidings of great Joy!!! peace on earth, goodwill towards men, Our God is With us, who can be against us?! And more, always More..

  One thing God has spoken. Two things I have heard! Now I have told you, what i have done, i have done. This i know, and is for me alone to say. Nevertheless, my words returned to me. And, i see that the father works in me, and "what I have done, I have done!" So, while i, consenting to be called paul, which is little, and small, whose name is paul raymond, did intentionally express all that i did, towards you, and for only your benefit. at the same time, He who lives in me, works. and hopefully, for my sake, our words, and works agree. Now in this case, do they not? they do, as we can examine it! Let us, see For i did express all in my heart, believing to have the heart of God in these things, and for you all. And, when my words return to me, after i have done it, and thinking to rest, i hear again, the very words in voice within; and see the two are working, i and He working in me. what did He do? while i did what i did? what was He saying? if He did in fact, Say? one thin...

Kingdom Update; Good News Net-work, and Broad Cast~ Presents~ the Standard, Informer! Assembly Gets Glimpse behind The Curtain, Behold the Federation! " Bubba?! King James?! and Granny!!?? OH, MY!!! Cover your eyes, children!

Grannie? Are you in there? Who's in the federation, with you? Can we see?  Some things you can never unsee, people. Shock and awe, as the believers and followers finally see! The great source, fount of knowledge, and vital effort underway at all hours, on behalf of ~ us. wishful thinking, as the image unfolds. the All-Trusted federation, heretofore known as "anna and crew," are between the ages, 68 - to 90. buzy bees buzzin, 3 wise sapiens, are "Bubba,"peerless Granny,  and King James?!" Oh, my,  God. was that jaws dropping? or just the mike? its ok, just lowered the boom suddenly. no living, men or animal, real or imaginary, authors, union members, stage hands, actors or property was harmed in the production of this Gospel, of the kingdom. Good "News!"   Hahahaha, OMG!!! did you see? Have you heard?  We have not one thing, people, of this assembly; That we tolerate that woman, jezebel!!! Fallen! Fallen!! Wicked witch of the West is thrown down! O...

Global Open Public Notice to Francis. The Royal Priesthood has Returned

 Global Open Public Notice to Francis  Notice to agent is notice to principal, principal to agent..  In order to Notify and inform you More good news; God gives gifts to men! We are the People, heirs of God our Father, joint- heirs with the Son, Who also is not ashamed to call us His Brethren, are all Present, accounted for, gloriously endowed, alive and well, standing on the land promised to our fathers. In possession both in the necessity, and by birthright at the Appointed time, which is now, called Today, mark it! We are His children, sons and daughters, elders too, the sheep of His hand and people of His pasture, members of His house, His living body, living stones being built up into a temple not made w hands but by the Wise Master Builder, founded on the solid Rock and sure foundation.  Except He build the house they labor in vain who try at all. And no foundation can any man lay than that which is laid! He has been pleased to continue to us the light of the b...

Surprise! We all found the wrong way. Seemed right at the time? How Old are You Now?! how old are you now?

The wide path. its everywhere. easy to find. that seems right to men. and leads only to death. And many there be that find it. Found it! license and permits and fees, oh my! yes virginia. the town clerk is antichrist! all other clerks too! "all crimes are commercial." with that they codified the undoing of God's law. The pig in rome, ya know, calls himself the 'big guy?!' well, any commercial transaction anywhere, gotta kick sum up to the boss, wants his cut.  since a license or permit is required to do something, without which, doing so is illegal. Rome found a new cloak for the old whore, and continues selling indulgences! To who?! Who's buying?! is it me, Lord?! only every time we approach a cleric (clerk), to pray (ask permission, please may i exercise my rights? i'll pay fake money that cost me real life! master, i beg for leave, license to do this that i desire!') and pay. pay to play. but wait. you cant actually get permission to break the law? ...

Granny's at it again!? What's the motive??

The self-declared servant of francis is posting notice. Again. As usual. Nothing newsworthy there. In this recent one she appears to be shifting her stand from that sinking sand (her husband is "hereditary head of state" ??!! No joke! Her words, which are blindly accepted by her followers) Now, in apparent contradiction, she claims "our" (whoever that is??) Source of all rights is... wait for it ... and which governs "us" (whoever they are?) is the Kingdom of Nature. Hmmm. So, as a kingdom, who is Nature's King?? Close. But, total fail. More artful wordraft leading to the same dead end. She has at last decidedly clung to her own expressed definition of these things, source, right, law, government, authority without mention of a creator, but only of nature, and natural, which is temporal and passing away, as she concedes "mortal." Her source is the kingdom of this, these things, nature??  Is there a kingdom other than this one she is calling h...

The Gospel; Our Testamentary Trust, is NOT a religion, but a Ratified, in Full Effect, Will. Keeping faith is a Lifestyle of conscience, not subject to laws of men.

Latest installment of Discovering our Provenance(s); Assembly of the Heirs

In Service of Our Common Estate; Presenting the Gospel; Our Foundation is The Rock! "Upon This Rock, I will build My," Our Husbandry Rewarded!

" No foundation can any man lay, than that which is laid.." Our stand, justification, right-ness of our cause, assuming full responsibility for the oversight of Our Estate, government of our selves, sovereignty, independence, freedom, faith (compact; dependence on God), worship, conscience, expression, virtue, salvation, deliverance, Blessings, light of the Gospel, binding ourselves in unity, harmony, peace with affection to one another and God, as Our Creator, Father, Benefactor; Source ~ All Supply, Provider, and the Gospel; His Living Will! the United States in Congress assembled, Declared and Proclaimed ~ by Act and Deed ~ We are NOT ashamed! But Rooted and  grounded ~ in and upon the Truth. Light-bearers of the New Testament, for the nations, states, of the whole earth, the world. This is the Mantle, our forefathers assumed. PART TWO Our Anchor, Peaceful, quiet, safe harbor, shelter, refuge, from All of the Storm. Is Solid, Sur...