Presently, the Shepherd's Rod and Staff, the Great Comforter has Come. Of course, as usual, with Good News, glad tidings of great Joy!!! peace on earth, goodwill towards men, Our God is With us, who can be against us?! And more, always More..

One thing God has spoken. Two things I have heard! Now I have told you, what i have done, i have done. This i know, and is for me alone to say. Nevertheless, my words returned to me. And, i see that the father works in me, and "what I have done, I have done!" So, while i, consenting to be called paul, which is little, and small, whose name is paul raymond, did intentionally express all that i did, towards you, and for only your benefit. at the same time, He who lives in me, works. and hopefully, for my sake, our words, and works agree. Now in this case, do they not? they do, as we can examine it! Let us, see For i did express all in my heart, believing to have the heart of God in these things, and for you all. And, when my words return to me, after i have done it, and thinking to rest, i hear again, the very words in voice within; and see the two are working, i and He working in me. what did He do? while i did what i did? what was He saying? if He did in fact, Say? one thin...